News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
I mean that part is easy. The District was disbanded by an act of the Florida legislature.

There are First Amendment questions about whether the action was taken as State retribution for protected political speech, but in a vacuum, I don't think anyone is disputing that Florda disbanding RCID would "hold up in court."
There are a number of issues with the dissolution that have been discussed. Everything from impairing contracts to not following required processes. There’s a reason the 2004 legislative report didn’t list “just dissolve it” as an option.


Well-Known Member
Because it's the truth. Don't buy into his narrative about the legislature. None of this is objectively or naturally being moved through the legislature - This is the GOP bloc acting as a singular unit being lead by DeSantis.

If it's not DeSantis, then why is he the one giving the speech about what is going to be done? Why is he talking about his actions and choices? The 'we the people....' narrative is just spin to try to deflect the arguments that this is a individual's fight. It's a ruse.

The bill is created in backrooms with people working in unison, put into a session CALLED BY THE GOVERNOR, done in a way to speed it through without contest (twice!), and then the GOP agree to advance it as a bloc.

Unless you are the Governor who happens to the the same party that controls both the state house and senate, a party willing to vote uniformly as a bloc no matter what, and you control the agenda, the schedule, and the votes to pass a bill, and sign it into law. Then yes, you can do this on your own. Which is what has been done here, multiple times.
DeSantis doesnt need to twist any legislator's arm to move these bills through for their votes. Why?...because the majority of these legislators are already LIKE-MINDED. They are already on the same page and dont need to be forced.

We have the Governor and majority of the legislators wanting the same thing! How did THAT happen? Because the same Florida voters that put DeSantis into office are the same basic Florida citizens that voted these legislators into their seats.

It's the majority will of the people in Florida that you must blame. DeSantis is simply the RESULT of the wants and ecpectations of the voting public! (The legislators too!)

We can despise these representatives all we want but it's "Floridians" that spoke with their vote and gave all these people their power.


Well-Known Member
I mean that part is easy. The District was disbanded by an act of the Florida legislature.

There are First Amendment questions about whether the action was taken as State retribution for protected political speech, but in a vacuum, I don't think anyone is disputing that Florda disbanding RCID would "hold up in court."

Actually many are.

Disney alleges the RCID was taken over due to DeSantis' temper tantrum and was an infringement of their 1A rights. To counter that, the state could provide the factors that led to the attempted take over of the RCID. If their answer in court is, "well we can because we are the government............" that's a losing proposition.


Premium Member
I'll also note that Section 66 of original RCID act, which was in force when the RCID BoS signed the developer agreement, specifically waived the BoS' conflict of interest possibility:

View attachment 711066

Edit: Fixed typo

Now that I've said it, I wonder if the board members actually "submitted"* to the board, a "statement of their interest"* "prior"* to the vote.

*For some values of "submitted", "statement", and "prior".

No Name

Well-Known Member
I don’t like that this agreement is tied to the lifespan of a member of the royal family, because I am not a fan of the royal family.
I dare the mods to delete this.


Premium Member
DeSantis doesnt need to twist any legislator's arm to move these bills through for their votes. Why?...because the majority of these legislators are already LIKE-MINDED. They are already on the same page and dont need to be forced.
Buhaha. No, they are acting as needed to stay in the favor of their party in the legislature. You think they all magically independently all come up with the same talking points? By pure coincidence?

We have the Governor and majority of the legislators wanting the same thing! How did THAT happen? Because the same Florida voters that put DeSantis into office are the same basic Florida citizens that voted these legislators into their seats.

Buhaha... so naive. You know why they vote together? Because they don't bite the hand that feeds them! You want that endorsement and stumping for your campaign? You sell yourself to the party line. You want that nomination spot? You sell yourself to the party line. You want that committee seat? You align to the party leadership. You want the votes for your agenda? You sell yourself on the votes the party wants no matter what.

These are not individuals acting on behalf of their local electorate - These are people acting to represent their PARTY. Feeling their party was empowered by someone voting for them. It's party above all else these days. It's keep the power with your party at all else.

It's the majority will of the people in Florida that you must blame. DeSantis is simply the RESULT of the wants and ecpectations of the voting public! (The legislators too!)
Sorry, this narrative doesn't work no matter how much you lap it up.

Ron's repeated "We the people..." nonsense is just trying to drone that into people and if that worked for you... seek help. People voted for individuals, and the vast majority vote on party lines... not topical. Just because someone voted GOP doesn't mean they voted for these actions or necessarily support them.


Premium Member
Even if the new board had the same powers as the old board, they couldn't operate with political impunity. If they did try to exert their will over Disney, they would have to answer to the will of the people at the next election for governor. Their meddling in Disney's business would have been a major campaign issue that Disney would use to get a pro-Disney governor elected.

I think the bigger concern with that was always that the people of Florida didn't have a problem with government intervention into Disney's actions.
Yeah, it doesn’t work that way. When elected you don’t get to just do whatever you want (and claim it’s the will of the people) and the only repercussion is the people can vote you out next election. If left unchecked by laws and the courts the new board would absolutely operate with political impunity at the will of the Governor. That’s unacceptable for a day let alone almost 4 years.


Well-Known Member
Buhaha. No, they are acting as needed to stay in the favor of their party in the legislature. You think they all magically independently all come up with the same talking points? By pure coincidence?

Buhaha... so naive. You know why they vote together? Because they don't bite the hand that feeds them! You want that endorsement and stumping for your campaign? You sell yourself to the party line. You want that nomination spot? You sell yourself to the party line. You want that committee seat? You align to the party leadership. You want the votes for your agenda? You sell yourself on the votes the party wants no matter what.

These are not individuals acting on behalf of their local electorate - These are people acting to represent their PARTY. Feeling their party was empowered by someone voting for them. It's party above all else these days. It's keep the power with your party at all else.

Sorry, this narrative doesn't work no matter how much you lap it up.

Ron's repeated "We the people..." nonsense is just trying to drone that into people and if that worked for you... seek help. People voted for individuals, and the vast majority vote on party lines... not topical. Just because someone voted GOP doesn't mean they voted for these actions or necessarily support them.
You could make the argument that DeSantis first election win was a fluke or accident. can then say the his second election win with a STRONG vote majority margin was just a "coincidence" or "dumb luck". But you cant say that the majority of Florida's legislators being of the same party was just another odd coincidence!

Agree or disagree with Florida's voters....I get that it might be hard to accept...but the votes for these people show a CLEAR thought-pattern of the majoroty of Florida voters.

There isn't "one" DeSantis in Florida State government....there are HUNDREDS of them. Each one put there by the people.

Math does not lie....


Premium Member
You could make the argument that DeSantis first election win was a fluke or accident. can then say the his second election win with a STRONG vote majority margin was just a "coincidence" or "dumb luck". But you cant say that the majority of Florida's legislators being of the same party was just another odd coincidence!

Correct - because the topic was not DeSantis getting elected... but how legislators were voting on bills. Stick to the topic.

And check your ballot - RCID was not a ballot initiative back then or ever...

Agree or disagree with Florida's voters....I get that it might be hard to accept...but the votes for these people show a CLEAR thought-pattern of the majoroty of Florida voters.

Based on what? Back up your claim. Show any claim that the majority of florida voters are for what was in HB9 or what the district board is doing now.

Just voting GOP doesn't equate to this
Just voting DeSantis doesn't equate to this

So put down the kool aid and come back with some actual credible arguments.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it doesn’t work that way. When elected you don’t get to just do whatever you want

That was *exactly* my point.

If left unchecked by laws and the courts the new board would absolutely operate with political impunity at the will of the Governor. That’s unacceptable for a day let alone almost 4 years.

This statement completely contradicts your first.

Do you feel that there are no political consequences for actions taken by political appointees or do you feel in this specific insance, the electorate would reward those actions with re-election?


Premium Member
Can someone with access to a legal database tell me if either:
  • US Trust Co vs New Jersey (1977) -or-
  • Allied Structural Steel vs Spannaus (1978)
have been superseded?

ETA: Both were SCOTUS cases in which the state tried to invalidate a contract. In US Trust the state was a party to the contract.

SCOTUS said (I'm summarizing):
  • Courts should use strict scrutiny when evaluating the state's claims
  • The state has to list the specific thing to which it's objecting
  • The state must use the least-disruptive means necessary to resolve the objection
That ... does not seem to be happening in the Florida legislation out today.
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Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
You could make the argument that DeSantis first election win was a fluke or accident. can then say the his second election win with a STRONG vote majority margin was just a "coincidence" or "dumb luck". But you cant say that the majority of Florida's legislators being of the same party was just another odd coincidence!

Agree or disagree with Florida's voters....I get that it might be hard to accept...but the votes for these people show a CLEAR thought-pattern of the majoroty of Florida voters.

There isn't "one" DeSantis in Florida State government....there are HUNDREDS of them. Each one put there by the people.

Math does not lie....
And math doesn't override the Constitution.

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