News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
Ok....if Disney DOES try to build a Toy Story ride at Animal Kingdom?...(today, they are dumb enough to) as an AK fan and Joe Rode fan?...then YES...I do hope the district denies THAT permit.

But seriously...they will get the same oversight that they get in every other city they have parks in.

This is not "doomsday" for WDW. Life will go on and they will continue doing what they always have done..which is make tons of money. You and I will keep going to WDW as normal.
Nobody is saying it’s doomsday. Disney has a really solid case and if they win on first amendment it’s back to business as usual with RCID classic. If they don’t win on 1st amendment they have an even stronger case on contract law and the development agreement so the new board stays but their ability to interfere in limited but the development agreement. Even if they lose both, DeSantis will have a few years left before he fades into obscurity (anyone seen Jeb Bush lately?). Disney is playing the long game. They will be fine. WDW will be around long after everyone forgets who Ron DeSantis even was.

You are wrong on the oversight claim. This board is not looking to perform proper oversight. They are looking to punish. They publicly stated in their meeting they would be working to attempt to make Disney pay more local taxes in Orange and Osceola counties by using district resources to fight them in court. That’s not oversight. That’s not the purpose of the special district. The governor has stated publicly he will be looking to develop district land for other purposes. That’s not oversight. Anaheim has never threatened to seize Disney property through eminent domain and build a prison or a competing amusement park. It’s not remotely the same situation.


Well-Known Member
How many people would get this?



Well-Known Member
Ok....if Disney DOES try to build a Toy Story ride at Animal Kingdom?...(today, they are dumb enough to) as an AK fan and Joe Rode fan?...then YES...I do hope the district denies THAT permit.

But seriously...they will get the same oversight that they get in every other city they have parks in.

This is not "doomsday" for WDW. Life will go on and they will continue doing what they always have done..which is make tons of money. You and I will keep going to WDW as normal.
I don’t think you are very well informed on this.

They will very specifically not get the same oversight as anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying it’s doomsday. Disney has a really solid case and if they win on first amendment it’s back to business as usual with RCID classic. If they don’t win on 1st amendment they have an even stronger case on contract law and the development agreement so the new board stays but their ability to interfere in limited but the development agreement. Even if they lose both, DeSantis will have a few years left before he fades into obscurity (anyone seen Jeb Bush lately?). Disney is playing the long game. They will be fine. WDW will be around long after everyone forgets who Ron DeSantis even was.

You are wrong on the oversight claim. This board is not looking to perform proper oversight. They are looking to punish. They publicly stated in their meeting they would be working to attempt to make Disney pay more local taxes in Orange and Osceola counties by using district resources to fight them in court. That’s not oversight. That’s not the purpose of the special district. The governor has stated publicly he will be looking to develop district land for other purposes. That’s not oversight. Anaheim has never threatened to seize Disney property through eminent domain and build a prison or a competing amusement park. It’s not remotely the same situation.
The tax thing is an interesting one.

RCID has an interest in siding with the counties on that one, do they not? In the sense that they can also tax Disney more and do more with that money.

I see far less of an issue with that compared to some other things. But I could be mistaken.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
The tax thing is an interesting one.

RCID has an interest in siding with the counties on that one, do they not? In the sense that they can also tax Disney more and do more with that money.

I see far less of an issue with that compared to some other things. But I could be mistaken.

Disney definitely gets double taxed right now. I've posted screenshots through the threads showing a FEW of Disney's several hundred annual tax bills.


Well-Known Member
Ok....if Disney DOES try to build a Toy Story ride at Animal Kingdom?...(today, they are dumb enough to) as an AK fan and Joe Rode fan?...then YES...I do hope the district denies THAT permit.

But seriously...they will get the same oversight that they get in every other city they have parks in.

This is not "doomsday" for WDW. Life will go on and they will continue doing what they always have done..which is make tons of money. You and I will keep going to WDW as normal.
I have almost no problem with the way DeSantis has run Florida. I think he has generally done a solid job.

Now...that being said? He has been VERY stupid with the way he handled this RCID and Disney problem. Yes....he used VERY stupid tactics. He never...ever...should have spoken the word "Woke" in discussing this RCID issue. That word is a COMPLETELY SEPERATE issue that Disney has. Bringing that word into this suddenly clouded this thing and gunked it up unnecessarily. DeSantis...with one word...threw a monkey wrench into the whole process.

I would have been fine if this was done with ZERO "Woke" statements from the State. It should have been:

"We are instituting proper public oversight over WDW the way it should have been done decades ago...and nothing more"

But nope...DeSantis HAD to bring up the Parental Rights bill and the Disney grooming thing. Anyhoo...I like DeSantis but hate the fact that he turned this movement into a "Woke", political fight.

It would have been better for ALL parties if that "Woke" word stayed out of all this.


Premium Member
I have almost no problem with the way DeSantis has run Florida. I think he has generally done a solid job.

Now...that being said? He has been VERY stupid with the way he handled this RCID and Disney problem. Yes....he used VERY stupid tactics. He never...ever...should have spoken the word "Woke" in discussing this RCID issue. That word is a COMPLETELY SEPERATE issue that Disney has. Bringing that word into this suddenly clouded this thing and gunked it up unnecessarily. DeSantis...with one word...threw a monkey wrench into the whole process.

I would have been fine if this was done with ZERO "Woke" statements from the State. It should have been:

"We are instituting proper public oversight over WDW the way it should have been done decades ago...and nothing more"

But nope...DeSantis HAD to bring up the Parental Rights bill and the Disney grooming thing. Anyhoo...I like DeSantis but hate the fact that he turned this movement into a "Woke", political fight.

It would have been better for ALL parties if that "Woke" word stayed out of all this.
And to finish that thought….the only reason any of this happened is because Chapek spoke out. DeSantis was in office for 3 years and never once mentioned RCID or an issue with it. He even said initially he had never heard of it before this conflict. If this was being done to install proper oversight then why a board of political appointees? Why not allow county control? The counties and their citizens have the most impact from Disney developing their property.


Well-Known Member
No, what would’ve been better would’ve been to
A) NEVER SPOKEN publicly about dissolving RCID because of Disney’s stance and
B) People on his staff telling him that he was in violation of 1A…
As to B, maybe staff did and he overrode them…I tend to think he’s got a group of “yes” men and women who were looking to follow his coattails to DC…


Well-Known Member
No, what would’ve been better would’ve been to
A) NEVER SPOKEN publicly about dissolving RCID because of Disney’s stance and
B) People on his staff telling him that he was in violation of 1A…
As to B, maybe staff did and he overrode them…I tend to think he’s got a group of “yes” men and women who were looking to follow his coattails to DC…

All DeSantis had to do was put out some generic political statement with lots of buzz words. Something along the lines of he was disappointed that Disney wanted to fight a bill "protecting" the children but they were welcome to try. In the end they would just waste their time and money because he has the will of the people on his side. Maybe throw in the word woke somewhere.

Done. Nothing more needed.

That would have played well to his base and not left him open to the current abuse he is taking from both the right and the left.

Florida Man

Active Member

All DeSantis had to do was put out some generic political statement with lots of buzz words. Something along the lines of he was disappointed that Disney wanted to fight a bill "protecting" the children but they were welcome to try. In the end they would just waste their time and money because he has the will of the people on his side. Maybe throw in the word woke somewhere.

Done. Nothing more needed.

That would have played well to his base and not left him open to the current abuse he is taking from both the right and the left.
Exactly. Or literally have done nothing. He got his law passed. He got his win. It was over.

So what if Disney spoke out about it? That’s how it works in America. The govt literally can’t go retaliate against them because, again, this is the USA. In other countries it may be permissible for govt to do such things, but not here, and I’m confident the courts will clear this up.


Well-Known Member
I have almost no problem with the way DeSantis has run Florida. I think he has generally done a solid job.

Now...that being said? He has been VERY stupid with the way he handled this RCID and Disney problem. Yes....he used VERY stupid tactics. He never...ever...should have spoken the word "Woke" in discussing this RCID issue. That word is a COMPLETELY SEPERATE issue that Disney has. Bringing that word into this suddenly clouded this thing and gunked it up unnecessarily. DeSantis...with one word...threw a monkey wrench into the whole process.

I would have been fine if this was done with ZERO "Woke" statements from the State. It should have been:

"We are instituting proper public oversight over WDW the way it should have been done decades ago...and nothing more"

But nope...DeSantis HAD to bring up the Parental Rights bill and the Disney grooming thing. Anyhoo...I like DeSantis but hate the fact that he turned this movement into a "Woke", political fight.

It would have been better for ALL parties if that "Woke" word stayed out of all this.
That’s because he didn’t actually have a problem with how RCID/Disney operated. He didn’t even know about RCID before all this started.
Last edited:


Premium Member
You have heard the State publically say their intent is to use the Central Fl Tourism Oversight District to dictate what political content Disney makes?

DeSantis has said it a number of times. Bridget Ziegler, one of the board members, has said she wants to use her power on the board to force Disney to make non-woke content. She is president of "Moms for liberty"..She has absolutely zero qualifications to be on the board, her whole mission in life is to fight the "woke mob". If DeSantis was interested in true oversight, why appoint her and not appoint anyone qualified like the state legislature recommended in its legislation?

RCID for a long time has been viewed by many as a "puppet government" of Disney. For DECADES, RCID has been viewed as a "joke" by many. Yes...c'mon...we have all joked about it since the origin of this web site....long before the Parental Rights Bill ever existed.

Many past legislators..since the 80's have proposed that RCID should not exist the way it did. Yes!...driven by many Democrats too!

There have been a handful of legislators who have said things over the years, but they have been a very small minority. In fact, the legislature did look into it about 20 years ago, and their report determined that it would harm the state substantially if they did dissolve the district.

Again...this RCID "problem" has been a known issue and a complaint by BOTH Democrats abd Republicans for DECADES. This is just the first time anybody actually decided to pull the trigger on it.

Wrong, that is just not true. There have been a few to speak up, sure, but it's never gotten any traction or anywhere near consensus support.

RCID has an interest in siding with the counties on that one, do they not? In the sense that they can also tax Disney more and do more with that money.

No, because their charter is to serve the landowners and maintain a balanced budget.

Yes....he used VERY stupid tactics. He never...ever...should have spoken the word "Woke" in discussing this RCID issue. That word is a COMPLETELY SEPERATE issue that Disney has. Bringing that word into this suddenly clouded this thing and gunked it up unnecessarily. DeSantis...with one word...threw a monkey wrench into the whole process.

But that was the whole point. There was no other point to this than to punish Disney for their speech. And frankly, that should disturb any American who cares about our country and the constitution, regardless of political affiliation. One can argue that Disney shouldn't have control of the special district. I disagree, but it's a reasonable argument. But one should also wholeheartedly reject it happening as a means of suppressing speech. The ends don't justify the means.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
No, what would’ve been better would’ve been to
A) NEVER SPOKEN publicly about dissolving RCID because of Disney’s stance and
B) People on his staff telling him that he was in violation of 1A…
As to B, maybe staff did and he overrode them…I tend to think he’s got a group of “yes” men and women who were looking to follow his coattails to DC…

Well, given that their jobs depend upon his largesse, do you blame them?


Premium Member
I do not see anywhere that RCID was designed to regulate them.
Just like any other municipal government, it was designed to serve the residents and landholders of the District.
But you can also argue there maybe a reason to reassess since the whole situation is very different almost 60yrs later.

Disney playing the ‘from my cold dead hands’ position is not a good look for someone trying to push “good neighbor and we’ve worked with all interests in mind”.

There are some black marks from their past… it’s not all roses.

Welcoming a modern refresh that still meets their current objectives can strengthen their position with the public and the state in general.


Premium Member
But you can also argue there maybe a reason to reassess since the whole situation is very different almost 60yrs later.

Disney playing the ‘from my cold dead hands’ position is not a good look for someone trying to push “good neighbor and we’ve worked with all interests in mind”.

There are some black marks from their past… it’s not all roses.

Welcoming a modern refresh that still meets their current objectives can strengthen their position with the public and the state in general.
Sure. But not under these circumstances.

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