News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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Paying taxes to yourself isn't paying taxes. The old Reedy Creek District meant Disney kept the tax money they paid.

The assessment paid for roads, fire, ambulance, waste, water, garbage. Services the county would have to provide. ALL of us property owners would pay through our property taxes. I consider that a win for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Paying taxes to yourself isn't paying taxes. The old Reedy Creek District meant Disney kept the tax money they paid.
Anyone who has ever driven on Disney property knows the taxes pay for great roads and infrastructure. If it were not for the RCID and extremely high quality of services they provide and Disney wants there would be no Disney bubble. The current board appointed by DeSantis is trying to change that and end the bubble. They want the FDOT to take over the internal roads, the FDOA to take over ride inspections and in case you missed it, they want the right to approve all aspects of new rides. They will destroy the bubble and intact all of WDW. Their job if they did it right is to continue the work RCID did and improve WDW not bring it down to.Fun Spot quality. Their job is just infrastructure and that is why the RCID was created. There was no other organization in Florida that could have done what Disney did in the 1960's.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Anyone who has ever driven on Disney property knows the taxes pay for great roads and infrastructure. If it were not for the RCID and extremely high quality of services they provide and Disney wants there would be no Disney bubble. The current board appointed by DeSantis is trying to change that and end the bubble. They want the FDOT to take over the internal roads, the FDOA to take over ride inspections and in case you missed it, they want the right to approve all aspects of new rides. They will destroy the bubble and intact all of WDW. Their job if they did it right is to continue the work RCID did and improve WDW not bring it down to.Fun Spot quality. Their job is just infrastructure and that is why the RCID was created. There was no other organization in Florida that could have done what Disney did in the 1960's.

Agree. Trying driving around Colonial Drive.


Premium Member
The benefit of this court case is Disney is gonna walk in with a stack of taxes generated/paid that piles up to the ceiling…debunking the main new faux news blip for the stupids: that they are “cheating the people”…

It’s just silly not to be completely aware of how much money has flowed into Florida simply because walt and Roy picked a swamp.

Now Disney doesn’t want to Divulge how much money they’ve made/generated…at all…

But they will. It will blow that nonsense out of the water faster than a cgi ship in pirates
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Paying taxes to yourself isn't paying taxes. The old Reedy Creek District meant Disney kept the tax money they paid.
Yet that money was used to pay for public services within the district, while still paying tax to Orange and Osceola Counties.

Hey Disney, thanks for saving Orange and Osceola taxpayers form having to subsidize your property.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Paying taxes to yourself isn't paying taxes. The old Reedy Creek District meant Disney kept the tax money they paid.

Yet that money was used to pay for public services within the district, while still paying tax to Orange and Osceola Counties.

Hey Disney, thanks for saving Orange and Osceola taxpayers form having to subsidize your property.

Indeed, this.

The local counties didn't provide the usual infrastructure services to WDW. THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!

But, that's the deal. WDW pays taxes to the counties and doesn't get county services. And so, WDW is subsidizing the counties and all the county residents and business (including competing theme parks).

In 2022, Disney paid $1.1 Billion in local and state taxes.

And I haven't even mentioned RCID yet.

WDW then pays EXTRA TAX to the RCID so that the RCID can provide the county infrastructure and services that the local counties aren't providing.

Yes it's a benefit to have the roads built where and when you want them, but WDW is PAYING EXTRA for that. Right now, Universal is PAYING EXTRA to the county to have new roads to Epic Universe with their specifications (e.g., dedicated bus lanes for their internal transportation).

I'm sure @truthfulchat, that if you threw a few extra hundred million dollars to your county above your regular tax fees, they'd be happy to provide custom services for you, too.

Anyway, the claim that Disney gets a "tax break" buy paying taxes to themselves as if that is the only taxes they pay is a lie. A pernicious lie that those who know better still make because they don't care about having a truthful chat.


Premium Member
I’ve only seen Peterffy - a longtime Trump donor and friend - mention Disney (among social issues) as a reason. That’s one. Still haven’t seen any other donors pull away.
Did you read the article @Chi84 posted that I replied to? This was in the article:

“I think he’s in trouble,” said Ron Gidwitz, a major GOP fundraiserwho served as the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s finance chair and was a Trump-era ambassador but is undecided for 2024. “There’s a lot of people that are concerned about DeSantis — and Trump for that matter. They’d like to have an alternative to Trump that can win. But is DeSantis the person?”

“Some of the stuff that he’s been doing recently doesn’t sit all that terribly well with donors,” he said, adding, “This craziness with Walt Disney — I mean, how do you get into a fight with Mickey Mouse?”

If you Google it you will probably see some more articles discussing it. It’s not just the conflict with Disney alone, but it’s a contributing factor.

In the last few months DeSantis‘s polling for the primary has dropped. That drop directly corresponds with his drop in polling for the general election. Several months ago DeSantis was polling ahead of Biden in a one on one matchup, that has flipped now. I’m not suggesting that’s only related to the Disney conflict. It’s a combination of that and other moves to impress the MAGA base. As he moves further right he’s less and less likely to win in the general. People are seeing that and bailing on him. As the guy quoted above says, there are a lot of people that just want a guy who can win. They had great hopes that could be DeSantis. Not anymore. This Disney conflict certainly contributes to that.


Well-Known Member
Did you read the article @Chi84 posted that I replied to? This was in the article:

“I think he’s in trouble,” said Ron Gidwitz, a major GOP fundraiserwho served as the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s finance chair and was a Trump-era ambassador but is undecided for 2024. “There’s a lot of people that are concerned about DeSantis — and Trump for that matter. They’d like to have an alternative to Trump that can win. But is DeSantis the person?”

“Some of the stuff that he’s been doing recently doesn’t sit all that terribly well with donors,” he said, adding, “This craziness with Walt Disney — I mean, how do you get into a fight with Mickey Mouse?”

If you Google it you will probably see some more articles discussing it. It’s not just the conflict with Disney alone, but it’s a contributing factor.

In the last few months DeSantis‘s polling for the primary has dropped. That drop directly corresponds with his drop in polling for the general election. Several months ago DeSantis was polling ahead of Biden in a one on one matchup, that has flipped now. I’m not suggesting that’s only related to the Disney conflict. It’s a combination of that and other moves to impress the MAGA base. As he moves further right he’s less and less likely to win in the general. People are seeing that and bailing on him. As the guy quoted above says, there are a lot of people that just want a guy who can win. They had great hopes that could be DeSantis. Not anymore. This Disney conflict certainly contributes to that.
Not just the policies he's pursued, but in the winner-takes-all, never-admit-defeat/error manner in which he was done so has not exactly shone a flattering light on his underlying personality. His judgement must really be in question now.


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Premium Member
According to reporting they will be discussing the lawsuit among other things. I can’t see how discussing the lawsuit is a good idea for them at this point but it should be entertaining.

There is only one item on the agenda, "Board discussion and direction to litigation counsel and authorization to defend District officials sued in official capacities."



Premium Member
The assessment paid for roads, fire, ambulance, waste, water, garbage. Services the county would have to provide. ALL of us property owners would pay through our property taxes. I consider that a win for everyone.
There are three different models they could have adopted.

They could have said that everything inside Disney's gates is private infrastructure and Disney would have been responsible for the roads, waste, etc. The same way that Disney maintains the walking paths inside the theme park gates, they would have maintained the roads inside the WDW gates as part of their operating costs.

They could have said that the infrastructure is public and should be funded by the counties. I think this would have been appropriate if they had implemented it from the beginning, since the pizza places, t-shirt shops, hotels, and residents of Central Florida benefit from all of the economic development that Disney brought to the region and therefore should have shared in the cost. There's no way they should have sprung this on the counties now, since that would have been deeply inequitable to current property owners. If this was going to be the structure, it would have had to be the structure since the beginning.

Or they could have done the special district.


Premium Member
One of the things that I really like about this website is that while people will debate a controversial opinions in good faith (like mine, Horizons wasn't that great!), they immediately call out BS.
Ok…this is not a “new to Disney forums” person…obviously…

But that doesn’t mean it’s somebody booted trying to back door. It could be someone from the OTHER site that doesn’t want to deal with their shenanigans.

I won’t label a “troll” until I see them crawling under a bridge 😎


Premium Member
And what did those taxes do? Paid for municipal services (roads, electricty, waste management, EMS, etc).
The argument is that the roads within Walt Disney World ought not be considered municipal services in the first place, they ought to be considered private infrastructure of TWDC.

So instead of Disney paying taxes to RCID and RCID maintaining the roads, Disney just maintains the roads.

It's obviously not the model that was chosen but I don't think it's entirely far-fetched, either.

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