News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
I keep hearing how “big donors” are moving away from Desantis because of the Disney thing. Can someone please show me how multiple donors have moved on from him because of this?


Premium Member
I know that.

And I know how sales tax is collected and paid, along with corporate income tax.

Disney pays Florida corporate income tax based on revenues earned in Florida.

We all pay the income tax of corporations when we purchase a commodity or service.

But I'd rather not get too deep into tax accounting in this thread. I'm retired...too much like work.
Even their revenue in FL is not all from WDW. Some comes from cruises, some from Disney+ subscribers, some from ESPN, etc, etc


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I’m not so sure the Court even wants to open that can of worms anyway. Just because there is a conservative majority doesn’t mean they will do whatever DeSantis wants because he’s a Republican. It doesn’t work that way. I also think they’d be smart enough to realize almost half the states and the Federal government are currently run by the other side so allowing this activity to go unchecked would open up conservatives to persecution by liberal governments as well.

I'm not sure SCOTUS would accept the case.


Premium Member
I keep hearing how “big donors” are moving away from Desantis because of the Disney thing. Can someone please show me how multiple donors have moved on from him because of this?
It’s not the only reason - I don’t think it’s the main one - but it is mentioned.


Premium Member
There is plenty of free speech. As Scalia wrote in his dissent:

The First Amendment guarantees that you and I can say and believe whatever we like (subject to a few tradition based exceptions, such as obscenity and "fighting words") without going to jail or being fined. What it ought to guarantee beyond that is not at all the simple question the Court assumes.​

Scalia is looking at the original intent of the First Amendment, when British subjects were fined and imprisoned for their political views.

This is not the same as the government "subsidizing" (Scalia's word) views it does not agree with.

By changing the makeup of the RCID board, the State of Florida neither fined nor jailed Disney or its employees. Scalia, as an Originalist, reads restrictions on jailing and fining as the original intent of the First Amendment.

Let's consider the current interpretation of ex post facto laws, an interpretation understood by all justices in the United States.

The text of the Constitution states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.​

The plain text reads "no ex post facto laws". Period. No conditions. No exceptions. As worded, it's absolute.

No U.S. Court interprets it this way.

The universal interpretation by all U.S. Courts is that, per Calder, ex post facto law restrictions only apply to criminal punishments, specifically increased fines and imprisonment. (Conversely, ex post facto laws can be applied to civil matters, or can reduce punishments.)

The opinion Scalia expressed in his dissent of O'Hare Truck Service is consistent with the universal interpretation of ex post facto laws.
What exact “dissent” of Scalia are you quoting

Cause he wrote the majority opinion on the case that granted corporations a “mind and soul” and the ability to speak freely with their wallets
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Premium Member
It’s not the only reason - I don’t think it’s the main one - but it is mentioned.
I posted one a few pages back as well with another donor saying it factored into his decision to pull back. Poor decisions in general of which this is just one of many.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Even their revenue in FL is not all from WDW. Some comes from cruises, some from Disney+ subscribers, some from ESPN, etc, etc

Disney's quarterly and annual reports will break down revenue earned from various divisions and geographic locations. Their SEC 10K will provide even more detail than an annual report.


Premium Member
In Citizens United, the Federal Government had a law (the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act) that fined companies for spending on campaigns within a certain number of days of a general election. In O'Hare Truck Service, Scalia specified that the First Amendment protected against "going to jail or being fined." The Federal Government was fining Citizens United (the corporation).

In O'Hare Truck Service, the City of Northlake declined to include the O'Hare Truck Service on its rotating list of companies available to perform towing services. As suggested by Scalia, this is neither prison nor a fine, and is not protected by the First Amendment.

Scalia's opinions on the two cases are consistent with each other.
Ok…but “dissent” is misleading

…because Scalia spent 30 years trying to rig everything to give rich men and their businesses autonomy to buy what they wanted…
…and the easiest way to do that is make everything they do “free speech” and therefore “hallowed ground”.

He served Disney here.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
I posted one a few pages back as well with another donor saying it factored into his decision to pull back. Poor decisions in general of which this is just one of many.
I’ve only seen Peterffy - a longtime Trump donor and friend - mention Disney (among social issues) as a reason. That’s one. Still haven’t seen any other donors pull away.


Premium Member
I don't use ignore because it reminds me about why the real world is trending the way it is. Despite the idiocy of some of the arguments, the fact that they're participating in the discussion means that even "our idiots" are more informed than a lot of people in the real word.
Why the manifesto, Karl? 🤔

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