News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it won’t be appealed? I would say it’s almost certain to be appealed no matter what the result is. If Disney loses they will appeal. If the state loses why would they not appeal? I do think it’s unlikely the Supreme Court takes up this case unless something very unusual comes out in the ruling so I think this case is definitively settled by the appeals court. I agree that in appeal it’s less about establishing facts and more about apply the law to those facts.
How about this? What if, this issue is settle amicably and with an NDA? What will anyone have to talk about?


Well-Known Member
Heck I'd settle for someone less embarrassing.

That has been the most surprising "wow, he really botched the optics" of this thing to me. He could have picked some reasonable pro-business Republicans, one or two moderate Democrats, one or two pro-Disney people. People who would still be on "his side," broadly defined, but didn't embarrass themselves. He could have gone the Merrick Garland route. Instead he went with culture war flamethrowers.
Exactly, even if the qualifications would have been left to original RCID requirements minus land ownership, he could have chose people with experience in the previous fields. From overview it looks like he chose friendly lawyers, one whom helped him with another A1 viololation and a Karen looking to make a name for herself.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
WDW's "special tax" district...

$1.146 billion in State and Local Taxes​

As the largest single taxpayer in Central Florida, Walt Disney World paid and collected $1.146 billion in state and local taxes during 2022.​



Premium Member
Heck I'd settle for someone less embarrassing.

That has been the most surprising "wow, he really botched the optics" of this thing to me. He could have picked some reasonable pro-business Republicans, one or two moderate Democrats, one or two pro-Disney people. People who would still be on "his side," broadly defined, but didn't embarrass themselves. He could have gone the Merrick Garland route. Instead he went with culture war flamethrowers.
But his motive in going after Disney was political, so choosing culture war flamethrowers suited his purpose at the time. That's what he focused on in speeches, his book, etc.

From what I'm seeing lately, the coverage is turning away from outrage over the first amendment violation to concern about a governor who's willing to hurt a business that provides huge economic benefits to his own state to suit his own political agenda. He has to play to the base even more than the other guy in order to get the nomination, but what happens then? The former president never had the reputation of being anti-business, which doesn't play well with people whose support DeSantis will need.

I never cared one way or the other about DeSantis until recently, and I doubt he'll get the nomination for reasons that have nothing to do with Disney, but it seems he's getting reckless with this particular tactic.


Premium Member
But his motive in going after Disney was political, so choosing culture war flamethrowers suited his purpose at the time. That's what he focused on in speeches, his book, etc.

From what I'm seeing lately, the coverage is turning away from outrage over the first amendment violation to concern about a governor who's willing to hurt a business that provides huge economic benefits to his own state to suit his own political agenda. He has to play to the base even more than the other guy in order to get the nomination, but what happens then? The former president never had the reputation of being anti-business, which doesn't play well with people whose support DeSantis will need.
Those attacks are coming from GOP establishment types who are polling at like 2% support. I don't think Nikki Haley is a reasonable barometer of where the Republican base is in 2023.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Because I don't think anyone actually cares. It's all performative. Once the primary is over, the performance is no longer necessary.

I disagree. If DeSantis loses the GOP primary in 2024, he has 2 more years as governor. Depending on who wins the general election, he can run in 2028 in a wide open field. He doesn't want to run as "the man who lost to Mickey".


Premium Member
Those attacks are coming from GOP establishment types who are polling at like 2% support. I don't think Nikki Haley is a reasonable barometer of where the Republican base is in 2023.

In April/May of 2015, either Jeb Bush or Scott Walker led Republican primary polling, depending on the poll. Donald Trump was polling at less than 1% at the time, which is below what Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie, and Vivek Ramanswarmy. In April of 2011, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin were the frontrunners, with Mitt Romney coming in third. I think it is way too early to say what the barometer of where the republican base is in 2023.

Besides that, It's not just her - it's Trump, Pence, numerous senators, the speaker of the house, the WSJ editorial page, conservative lawyers, and most impactful to DeSantis' prospects, the donor class.

Angel Ariel

Well-Known Member
I still think it’s shocking the business community, the tourism community, and the theme park community have not spoken out at all about what has been happening. If the entire community rallied around Disney, it would send a very powerful message to Tallahassee. And frankly they should, the precedent being set can impact them one day.
I’m not surprised. Fear of retaliation esp when you see retaliation happening in real time can be hard for people to get past

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