News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

I wonder who will show up to tomorrow's meeting. I will stay through the public comments but want to enjoy AK so I won't waste my time listening to the board and their anti Disney statements. In addition, I believe they are not doing their fiduciary responsibility in doing what is best for the District and as a Taxpayer I hope a lawyer will start a class action case against the Board because they are taking actions that directly harm our investment.
A DVC class action should be started expecially if it going to up the taxes we pay on DVC


Premium Member
Originally EPCOT was supposed to be an actual community with actual "residents" living within Walt Disney World soooo I can see where the Disney powers that be would rather have an amusement park and not have to deal with pesky "residents".
If the original EPCOT project ever got off the ground I would assume that city would have had a general government and Disney would have lost control. At that point they would have likely annexed the land outside of RCID as well but who knows since it never happened. For comparison when Celebration was developed I believe the land was annexed out of RCID.


Well-Known Member
As the saying goes….the only winner here is the lawyers 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
That statement is always made in response to government action. Unfortunately, DeSantis and the Republican Legislature started this. Now we have no choice but to fight this unfair tax increase. To think the 5 member board cares so little of us taxpayers that they want to use my money to defend their illegal behavior. They want to lower ride standards road standards and building standards. Disney has always built to higher standards than the law requires and that is why WDW is known as the safest place to stay during hurricanes or other storms.


Well-Known Member
Annexing is when you add land to a jurisdiction. Deannexing is when land is removed from a jurisdiction.

There were many ways for Disney to retain control with EPCOT. The Villages provides a model. For one, EPCOT was not going to have any homeowners. Everyone living in EPCOT would have somehow been affiliated with Disney World, either working for Disney or one of the operating participants working at EPCOT or the industrial park. Apartment complexes don’t tend to go to residents for approval of things like a Phase 2, retail spaces in mixed use buildings or when appliances are upgrades.

Even if the landownership model of voting in the District was required to change, a land development agreement would have locked in the zoning.

The biggest risk you have been someone getting bored with it all and selling off assets like they did in Downtown Celebration.


Premium Member
It was designed that way from day 1. It was designed by the state to be that way intentionally. If you want to know why read the write-up in the below which has been posted here multiple times. Take the time to read if you are really interested. I suspect it is only troubling to you because people are telling you it’s troubling to justify their actions. If we are being honest it was not “troubling” to anyone until Disney spoke out against a bill. That’s what should be troubling to everyone.

At this point I have to believe people either didn't read the article or don't care what it says. They just want to repeat that Disney shouldn't run its own government.


Premium Member
That statement is always made in response to government action. Unfortunately, DeSantis and the Republican Legislature started this. Now we have no choice but to fight this unfair tax increase. To think the 5 member board cares so little of us taxpayers that they want to use my money to defend their illegal behavior. They want to lower ride standards road standards and building standards. Disney has always built to higher standards than the law requires and that is why WDW is known as the safest place to stay during hurricanes or other storms.
There really are no winners here outside of the lawyers (at least none that eat pudding with a spoon).

If Disney wins the lawsuit they get to return to the status quo from before this started and the state is out potentially millions in legal fees. Disney isn’t any better off after this, just not worse off. The residents of FL lose because their tax payments pay for the legal fees.

If Disney loses the lawsuit the state continues to control the district, Disney’s business is hurt and they potentially pull back on future investment and job growth in the state. The residents of FL lose because the largest taxpayer and largest employer in the state pulls back and that ripples through the economy. Having state control of the district provides no actual benefit to the residents of FL.

Does DeSantis win? Maybe so. He has certainly benefited with his base and campaigned off of this and fund raised off of it. He also has the ancillary benefit of giving hand outs to what I call “friends of the program”. The Governor appointed board are all donors to his campaign and/or political allies, the law firms hired are donors to the Governor. I’m sure as they begin selecting other vendors or selling off utilities or and of their other plans that will all benefit friends of the program.


Well-Known Member
Not that anyone here is defending DeSantis (understandably so, given what a clown he is proving himself to be), but I‘m waiting for someone to publicly state what seems so obvious to me, which is, “Hey, Ron, if getting rid of the horrible arrangement between the state and Disney and making sure that Disney is treated the same as every other business is and has been your one and only goal, what stopped you from taking action during those first four years you were in office?“ The guy is such a fool and is so obviously retaliating only AFTER Disney took a stance on the legislation, that it’s hard to believe anyone could argue otherwise with a straight face. This will be one of the easiest cases Disney lawyers have ever had.


Well-Known Member
Not that anyone here is defending DeSantis (understandably so, given what a clown he is proving himself to be), but I‘m waiting for someone to publicly state what seems so obvious to me, which is, “Hey, Ron, if getting rid of the horrible arrangement between the state and Disney and making sure that Disney is treated the same as every other business is and has been your one and only goal, what stopped you from taking action during those first four years you were in office?“ The guy is such a fool and is so obviously retaliating only AFTER Disney took a stance on the legislation, that it’s hard to believe anyone could argue otherwise with a straight face. This will be one of the easiest cases Disney lawyers have ever had.
The governor has already addressed this, claiming to not be aware of the Reedy Creek Improvement District.


Premium Member
Hey, Ron, if getting rid of the horrible arrangement between the state and Disney and making sure that Disney is treated the same as every other business is and has been your one and only goal, what stopped you from taking action during those first four years you were in office?
Is your argument that all legislative action taken in a governor's second term is somehow illegitimate?

Not everything is a Day 1 priority.

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