News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member

Figured it was only a matter of time, the bad press and mockery will just get worse the longer this goes.

DeSantis is being mocked over this by Trump, conservatives, and liberals... wonder if he still thinks it was worth it.
DeSantis needs to wearing his big boy pants because debates if he ever takes part in will be much more in your face criticism than what he is dealing with now.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
DeSantis needs to wearing his big boy pants because debates if he ever takes part in will be much more in your face criticism than what he is dealing with now.
I'm waiting for the sit-down interviews with the big, serious newspapers who record a two hour long questioning session. You don't shout down the questioners in that situation, but have to go on record... or flame out. Even the former prez took those seriously.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
You do remember the presidential debates in 2016 and 2020? He followed Clinton around like a creepy stalker and wouldn't shut up even on Biden's time. Trump didn't take them seriously.
I referred to the sit-down interviews with newspapers. He had a lengthy Q&A with a few editors at the NYT, e.g.


Well-Known Member
Section 163.3215, F.S., provides both method of remedy and defines "aggrieved or adversely affected party".

"(2) As used in this section, the term “aggrieved or adversely affected party” means any person or local government that will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by the local government comprehensive plan, including interests related to health and safety, police and fire protection service systems, densities or intensities of development, transportation facilities, health care facilities, equipment or services, and environmental or natural resources. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large but must exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. The term includes the owner, developer, or applicant for a development order."

Is this maybe why they had State Reps for whomever oversees food inspections, transportation, ect. ? They seemed to each discuss at least 1 instance of how the agreement negatively effects them or the public. I'd have to go back through and listen again.


Well-Known Member
I guess the long and the short of it is - the legislature is unlikely to repeal resign to run. They've dangled it like a carrot this entire session, got Desantis to sign controversial bills at 11pm, but I can't see how they are going to do that this session with the timeline we have.

The governor seems determined to run for president.

So what happens after that? Is the CFTOD BoS going to continue their crusade independently? Does the Lt Gov of Florida care about any of this?

I actually think Disney doesn't care about any of this. Their goal was to protect their interests in the short term - at the very least tie it up in the courts - and wait it out. It seems inevitable.

If they can't build a major project at WDW in the short term... does it matter? Especially when everybody is on your side?
The Gov won't make an announcement if he intends to run until the 11th hour to keep us all on our toes ;)


Well-Known Member
Even conservative media has had enough of this feud. From Larry Kudlow on Fox Business:

“I just want to observe that Governor DeSantis is close to making a fool of himself with his Walt Disney obsession. This has been going on now for months and months and months. And I would argue that it is unseemly, number one. A governor should not come crashing down on, if not biggest, one of the biggest businesses.…Also one other point, governors shouldn’t attack businesses. I think it sets a bad precedent. The cause may be just. I don’t like woke anymore than anybody else. But it’s not good for a governor of a state because it suggests maybe as a president he would be attacking business. And that’s what the lefties do, not what the conservatives do.”

Another guest, conservative radio host Mark Simone, added, “Donald Trump would be in a room with Disney working this out. DeSantis’s problem was, it was easy to slap Disney around. They had the dumb CEO. But he’s gone. [Bob] Iger is here. And Desantis is no match for Iger, who’s 10 steps ahead of DeSantis on every move.”
I really appreciate them putting him to task but I hate they always lie and say the left would do this, which isn’t true. The fact that DeSantis has been able to get the left to cheer for the company a lot of them hate so much seems to prove that.


Well-Known Member
Session ends in 2 weeks. We still don't have a budget. State constitution requires a budget bill agreed to by the joint Conference Committee be "cooled" for 72 hours before either chamber can vote on it. And it must be the bill agreed to by the Conference - no amendments may be added. If either chamber or both don't pass what the Conference agreed to, then the whole process starts all over again. Typically the last week of session is nothing but budget negotiations.
Always a special session to finish the actually important things


Well-Known Member
Session ends in 2 weeks. We still don't have a budget. State constitution requires a budget bill agreed to by the joint Conference Committee be "cooled" for 72 hours before either chamber can vote on it. And it must be the bill agreed to by the Conference - no amendments may be added. If either chamber or both don't pass what the Conference agreed to, then the whole process starts all over again. Typically the last week of session is nothing but budget negotiations.
Just going off what you said here, couldn't they handle other business in that 72 hour cooling period?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Two weeks is a long time in legislative land (having worked for the US House I have some experience in this). However the resign to run thing is a relatively uncomplicated piece of legislation and the fact that it hasn’t made it out of a filed she’ll bill with two weeks to go in the session is somewhat concerning.

There are some thoughts that the bill isn’t needed, but most legal scholars disagree. Either way it will be interesting to see. As someone who thought DeSantis could be the reasonable alternative to Trump I’m shocked at how he’s played this. He looks like a fool and an obsessed crazy man. This is turning into his “Dean Scream” moment and he doesn’t realize it.


Well-Known Member
Is this maybe why they had State Reps for whomever oversees food inspections, transportation, ect. ? They seemed to each discuss at least 1 instance of how the agreement negatively effects them or the public. I'd have to go back through and listen again.
How does RCID negatively impact those departments from doing their jobs? How has RCID impacted health inspections? Why was this not an issue discussed over the last 56 years?


Well-Known Member
Two weeks is a long time in legislative land (having worked for the US House I have some experience in this). However the resign to run thing is a relatively uncomplicated piece of legislation and the fact that it hasn’t made it out of a filed she’ll bill with two weeks to go in the session is somewhat concerning.

There are some thoughts that the bill isn’t needed, but most legal scholars disagree. Either way it will be interesting to see. As someone who thought DeSantis could be the reasonable alternative to Trump I’m shocked at how he’s played this. He looks like a fool and an obsessed crazy man. This is turning into his “Dean Scream” moment and he doesn’t realize it.
Thank you for reminding me of that (the scream)


Premium Member
Even conservative media has had enough of this feud. From Larry Kudlow on Fox Business:

“I just want to observe that Governor DeSantis is close to making a fool of himself with his Walt Disney obsession. This has been going on now for months and months and months. And I would argue that it is unseemly, number one. A governor should not come crashing down on, if not biggest, one of the biggest businesses.…Also one other point, governors shouldn’t attack businesses. I think it sets a bad precedent. The cause may be just. I don’t like woke anymore than anybody else. But it’s not good for a governor of a state because it suggests maybe as a president he would be attacking business. And that’s what the lefties do, not what the conservatives do.”

Another guest, conservative radio host Mark Simone, added, “Donald Trump would be in a room with Disney working this out. DeSantis’s problem was, it was easy to slap Disney around. They had the dumb CEO. But he’s gone. [Bob] Iger is here. And Desantis is no match for Iger, who’s 10 steps ahead of DeSantis on every move.”
Yeah, he’s getting roasted on both sides. The sad part is he will probably double down again now.


Premium Member
I mean… just look at the last few weeks. You think the district is just gonna sit back and stay away from these topics? There gonna cross that line as quick as they can get out of their own way
Maybe so. But until they do it would be odd for Disney to sue. Right now they are sitting on a legally executed contract. The board or the Governor declaring the contract void has no legal basis. It’s just PR spin. Gov is getting killed for being outplayed and wants the spin to be he killed the deal.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Just going off what you said here, couldn't they handle other business in that 72 hour cooling period?

They can. But both chambers tend to use the 72 hours period to review the Conference Committee report, especially if the Senate president and House speaker were the individuals who resolved any differences between the two chamber's budgets by eliminating them. Sometimes the two chambers are billions apart in their bills.

Right now, the Legislature's focus is on everything BUT the budget.


Premium Member
Imagine this hypothetical…

District employee enters into a purchasing agreement with a vendor that is not legal because of some unmet requirement or conflict… lets say it was a deal with his own company. The district employee is fired. The deal is beneficial to the vendor… so they aren’t gonna sue to void the deal.. You think district management is now forced to respect the deal because it was done by the now former district employees and the district can’t act against their contract because of their own deficiencies?
The difference is the Disney contract itself was not illegal. If there’s something in the contract that a court rules is illegal (like the fraud you describe) then the contract could be ruled void. Maybe in this case the fraud would be the self dealing approach the state is floating out there. A judge would have to decide that.

The failure to provide notice is a procedural violation on the government’s part (RCID being the government in this case). In normal world (not where we are with this) if a government signs an agreement like this and a landowner who didn’t receive proper notice objects and sues the remedy is that they make the government board listen to the person’s objection and then re-vote on the contract. Just because someone objects doesn‘t mean the board can‘t still approve the contract anyway and it doesn’t mean the contract is automatically void.

So in this case if there was not proper notice given to landowners who could be impacted and if one of the landowners comes forward with a valid objection then a judge would most likely rule the current board would need to hear that objection and then re-vote on the contract which we all know will result in a no.

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