News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
This is pretty close to what I have been saying all along: RCID wasn't worth saving. Disney could have fought to retain control, but the messaging would have been hard to control and painted them in a negative light. It wasn't worth it to Disney.

The development agreement was smart because it is a far more defensible position for Disney to take. Now they are arguing that they should be free to do what they want on their own land, rather than arguing that they should control their own government.
I don’t think Disney felt RCID wasn’t worth saving. I think if given a choice they would have kept it as is and moved on. They were not given a choice. When they determined it was likely they were going to lose the district (remember the original plan was to dissolve the district and move control to the counties) I’m sure they began planning for this. The original plan may have even been to sign a similar development agreement with RCID and then when the district was dissolved and control went to the counties the contract would be assigned to the counties.

The point is that the main thing Disney was concerned with was having control of developing their own property as they saw fit to continue to provide entertainment to guests. It’s all political buzz words when people claimed Disney wanted a quasi-government or a tax break or some unfair competitive advantage. RCID was never any of that. Disney could care less about running a municipality they just wanted control of their future development which they mostly have now with the contract.

The bigger question people should ask is why is DeSantis so desperate to void that contract? If the whole reason to seize control of the district was to stop Disney from controlling their own government that mission was accomplished with the development agreement in place. Done deal. Both sides get mostly what they claim they want. The truth as we all know it is the move had next to nothing to do with stripping Disney of controlling their government. He wants to control Disney. He wants to dictate what their content is. He wants to punish them for speaking out and for being inclusive.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Doesn’t that happen all the time though? Corporations add jobs that people need too. Why did we lower the corporate tax rate in the country in 2017? To make our corporations more competitive in the world but also to encourages corporate growth that results in jobs. Do you think we should raise corporate taxes back up and use the money to build low income housing? That’s certainly a valid opinion to have, just curious if you believe that across the board or just for Disney.

Good point

Mr. Stay Puft

Well-Known Member
I'm not a lawyer. I did not go to law school. I do work in the legal field, but I'm not an expert in law.

But even I know the state cannot retroactively void contracts ex post facto. That's like, pre-law elementary stuff you learn in civics classes. I'm not even sure a DeSantis controlled court would hold this up.

How stupid are these legislators?


Well-Known Member
I'm not a lawyer. I did not go to law school. I do work in the legal field, but I'm not an expert in law.

But even I know the state cannot retroactively void contracts ex post facto. That's like, pre-law elementary stuff you learn in civics classes. I'm not even sure a DeSantis controlled court would hold this up.

How stupid are these legislators?
But it’s the will of the people!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a lawyer. I did not go to law school. I do work in the legal field, but I'm not an expert in law.

But even I know the state cannot retroactively void contracts ex post facto. That's like, pre-law elementary stuff you learn in civics classes. I'm not even sure a DeSantis controlled court would hold this up.

How stupid are these legislators?
Self censored:angelic:
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Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I don’t think Disney felt RCID wasn’t worth saving. I think if given a choice they would have kept it as is and moved on. They were not given a choice. When they determined it was likely they were going to lose the district (remember the original plan was to dissolve the district and move control to the counties) I’m sure they began planning for this. The original plan may have even been to sign a similar development agreement with RCID and then when the district was dissolved and control went to the counties the contract would be assigned to the counties.

The point is that the main thing Disney was concerned with was having control of developing their own property as they saw fit to continue to provide entertainment to guests. It’s all political buzz words when people claimed Disney wanted a quasi-government or a tax break or some unfair competitive advantage. RCID was never any of that. Disney could care less about running a municipality they just wanted control of their future development which they mostly have now with the contract.

The bigger question people should ask is why is DeSantis so desperate to void that contract? If the whole reason to seize control of the district was to stop Disney from controlling their own government that mission was accomplished with the development agreement in place. Done deal. Both sides get mostly what they claim they want. The truth as we all know it is the move had next to nothing to do with stripping Disney of controlling their government. He wants to control Disney. He wants to dictate what their content is. He wants to punish them for speaking out and for being inclusive.

If you read the law review article @Chi84 posted, that's the point the author makes. That Walt wanted to have more control over development in around what he planned to do with the property, especially after what popped up around DLR after it was built.


Premium Member
Why does everybody always blame the Governor exclusively. Everything people hate about this starts with the legislators. The bill is created and voted on by LIKE-MINDED people over there FIRST. Only after it passes by majority on both sides does the Governor get it and sign it.

All the legislators are free from people's criticism? People only think about "ONE" guy in all of this? Laws cant be blamed on "one" person because it takes MANY representatives to make and vote and sign a bill into law. The Governor cannot do this on his own.
The Governor literally just held a press conference claiming credit for doing all of this. If he wanted to “spread the blame” that’s his first mistake. The legislature isn’t free from criticism but they also aren’t holding press conferences claiming victory or talking about building prisons or child trafficking.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Beyond the setup for applying for the bonds though, do you think it's wise that a state should dedicate more resources to propping up industry than overseeing housing development or education, or to the other functions that a good government should provide?

Don't you think the people should generally have a say in such matters?

They's called the Florida Legislature.


Well-Known Member
What happens a year from now if/when he’s not the candidate? He’s back for 2.5 more years and extremely grumpy that Disney did him wrong and hurt his national image. I could see him dragging this out then. Of course as a term limited lame duck maybe the legislature will come to their senses and stop blindly following. Sounds like maybe they did to some extent with the tolls.
What happens is, Disney files a lawsuit, a judge will issue an injunction to halt any additional changes until the case is heard, and it will be status quo until the trial…by that time, he may be gone, if they expedite the case, SCOTUS, here it comes…


Well-Known Member
This is so shortsighted of DeSantis. I think a lot of people who were going to support him in 24 because they felt he was a more measured Trump are now changing their minds. I don't understand how this guy can be so obsessed with Disney when no one - conservatives included feel this is worth his time or important.


Well-Known Member
Why does everybody always blame the Governor exclusively. Everything people hate about this starts with the legislators. The bill is created and voted on by LIKE-MINDED people over there FIRST. Only after it passes by majority on both sides does the Governor get it and sign it.

All the legislators are free from people's criticism? People only think about "ONE" guy in all of this? Laws cant be blamed on "one" person because it takes MANY representatives to make and vote and sign a bill into law. The Governor cannot do this on his own.

1) DeSantis was a big reason the education bill even came about.

2) DeSantis is the one who started this fight against Disney. He then got the legislature to do his bidding.


Well-Known Member
They were not given a choice. When they determined it was likely they were going to lose the district (remember the original plan was to dissolve the district and move control to the counties) I’m sure they began planning for this.

They didn't have a choice? Is that to say the previous 500+ pages of this thread from last year, suggesting Disney had a solid first amendment case to keep control of the district was all wrong?

Disney could care less about running a municipality they just wanted control of their future development which they mostly have now with the contract.

And I agree with this. There is some factor that makes fighting the development agreement in court, more attractive to Disney than trying to fight a first amendment case against the bill from last year removing their control.

The truth as we all know it is the move had next to nothing to do with stripping Disney of controlling their government. He wants to control Disney. He wants to dictate what their content is. He wants to punish them for speaking out and for being inclusive.

Yeah... but as others have pointed out, it seems ridiculous to think that he would ever get that level of control. Win or lose, he really just needs to come out as someone willing to fight to score enough PR points.


Well-Known Member
At the January 25, 2023 meeting of the Board, they announced the upcoming February 8, 2023 meeting at which the Agreement was adopted. It's in the minutes of the January meeting. Which was attended by several reporters from Orlando TV stations WESH, WKMG and WFTV. If Disney was doing something "nefarious", do you think they'd do it in front of reporters from the 3 network stations in Orlando?

Exactly. We agree on this. I am more speaking to Cliff who seems to be pushing this idea that maybe there are nefarious acts behind the scenes.


Well-Known Member
Get out the popcorn, folks. Thus is going to court if that bill passes.
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