News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
Of course they do. They always did. Trying to dumb down this argument to a simple question on what the government did feels comfortable because it's easier to defend, but it was ALWAYS more nuanced than that. Always.

Disney could have spoke up and worked to stop the legislation being proposed last year but they didn't. They could already be in court fighting this, but they are not. There is a lot they could have done but choose not to, for all of the reasons out there that made maintaining control of RCID indefensible.

They will most likely fight the development agreement in court and draw this out as long as they can, but make no mistake: their position as a corporation fighting the government makes them enemies on all sides, and it's not a position they want to be in. They will find a way out, even if that means settling with the government, as quickly as possible.

And even if no one admits it, it will have an impact on the type of content that Disney starts releasing.
If all of these other reasons have anything to do with it then why hasn’t the governor or legislature bothered to mention any of them throughout any of this?

Further, why didn’t they address this perceived issue. Because as it stands the districts ability to utilize municipal bonds has not been altered. Neither has the process which would still allow the district to claim bonds for district infrastructure potentially ahead of other municipalities that may want it for affordable housing.


Well-Known Member
Of course they do. They always did. Trying to dumb down this argument to a simple question on what the government did feels comfortable because it's easier to defend, but it was ALWAYS more nuanced than that. Always.

Disney could have spoke up and worked to stop the legislation being proposed last year but they didn't. They could already be in court fighting this, but they are not. There is a lot they could have done but choose not to, for all of the reasons out there that made maintaining control of RCID indefensible.

They will most likely fight the development agreement in court and draw this out as long as they can, but make no mistake: their position as a corporation fighting the government makes them enemies on all sides, and it's not a position they want to be in. They will find a way out, even if that means settling with the government, as quickly as possible.

And even if no one admits it, it will have an impact on the type of content that Disney starts releasing.

Does any of this happen if Disney just never says anything about the education bill?

And LOL at suggesting Disney fighting DeSantis would make them look like the enemy. For some, sure. DeSantis supporters would. But for most independents and Democrats, Disney would absolutely not look like the bad guy here if they had decided to sue DeSantis right from the start.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
The “propping up industry” was sewer and water system infrastructure. Something the counties would otherwise have to provide. They even enter into agreements to guarantee service to such large developments to ensure they happen and without interruption. Impact fees would not be high enough to cover these costs alone.

The people are able to vote in state elections and work to change how the state allocates and limits the issuance of bonds.

And to sell lots in those developments. Del Webb has a retirement community planned in the Flamingo Crossings area. To date, there's no roads or other infrastructure. Make it difficult to sell lots in that instance.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I commend everyone who managed to watch the press conference yesterday, I couldn’t even make it though a Disney fansite recap video without turning it off.

I often turn off political events thinking “these may be the dumbest people on the face of the planet” but it’s normally Dem events… between DJT and now DeSantis and his cronies the Reps may have truly lost me.

I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18 but I’m starting to think there’s no point anymore. I’ve voted for a lot of bad candidates as the “lessor evil” but if these are our choices there is no less bad anymore, they are both 100% incompetent at this point.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I am curious if they still try to attack the legality of the agreement. Is this bill just a quicker way to try to accomplish their goal here of undercutting Disney or is this bill their only real option because that army of law firms they talked to told them the agreement between Disney and the RCID seems legal and tough to overcome in court.

Passing a law that Disney can then sue as a violation of Article I, Section 10 (of both constitutions, how ironic), isn't going to make the state's case any more tenable.


Well-Known Member
I commend everyone who managed to watch the press conference yesterday, I couldn’t even make it though a Disney fansite recap video without turning it off.

I often turn off political events thinking “these may be the dumbest people on the face of the planet” but it’s normally Dem events… between DJT and now DeSantis and his cronies the Reps may have truly lost me.

I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18 but I’m starting to think there’s no point anymore. I’ve voted for a lot of bad candidates as the “lessor evil” but if these are our choices there is no less bad anymore, they are both 100% incompetent at this point.
I disagree, one side is not trying to take away basic rights that are based on one party's religious beliefs. I just wish everyone would leave everyone else alone. Which used to be a basic tenet of conservatism, but they can't seem do that.


Premium Member
Why does everybody always blame the Governor exclusively. Everything people hate about this starts with the legislators.

Because it's the truth. Don't buy into his narrative about the legislature. None of this is objectively or naturally being moved through the legislature - This is the GOP bloc acting as a singular unit being lead by DeSantis.

If it's not DeSantis, then why is he the one giving the speech about what is going to be done? Why is he talking about his actions and choices? The 'we the people....' narrative is just spin to try to deflect the arguments that this is a individual's fight. It's a ruse.

The bill is created and voted on by LIKE-MINDED people over there FIRST. Only after it passes by majority on both sides does the Governor get it and sign it.

The bill is created in backrooms with people working in unison, put into a session CALLED BY THE GOVERNOR, done in a way to speed it through without contest (twice!), and then the GOP agree to advance it as a bloc.

All the legislators are free from people's criticism? People only think about "ONE" guy in all of this? Laws cant be blamed on "one" person because it takes MANY representatives to make and vote and sign a bill into law. The Governor cannot do this on his own.

Unless you are the Governor who happens to the the same party that controls both the state house and senate, a party willing to vote uniformly as a bloc no matter what, and you control the agenda, the schedule, and the votes to pass a bill, and sign it into law. Then yes, you can do this on your own. Which is what has been done here, multiple times.


Premium Member
They didn't have a choice? Is that to say the previous 500+ pages of this thread from last year, suggesting Disney had a solid first amendment case to keep control of the district was all wrong?
They didn’t have a choice to either keep the district as is or let it go. The district was changed without their consent. Sure they could file any number of lawsuits but that’s not the same as having a yes or no choice.
Yeah... but as others have pointed out, it seems ridiculous to think that he would ever get that level of control. Win or lose, he really just needs to come out as someone willing to fight to score enough PR points.
Why is it ridiculous. If Disney does not have the development agreement the new board (filled with political appointees of the Governor) could stop Disney from doing anything at their whim. Disney, you want to build a new resort, we won’t approve that unless you cancel your diversity, equity and inclusion training. Disney, you want more shopping added, we won’t approve it unless you stop including “woke” content in children’s movies. Disney, you want another park, we won’t approve it because you spoke out again against another bill. It’s absolutely possible any of that could have happened and exactly why the board and Governor are so triggered over losing that control.


Well-Known Member
What happens is, Disney files a lawsuit, a judge will issue an injunction to halt any additional changes until the case is heard, and it will be status quo until the trial…by that time, he may be gone, if they expedite the case, SCOTUS, here it comes…
It would never make it that far. The District Courts would take care of it. Then the SC wouldn't take it up because, quite frankly, its below them to take up such a cut and dry case.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Does any of this happen if Disney just never says anything about the education bill?

And LOL at suggesting Disney fighting DeSantis would make them look like the enemy. For some, sure. DeSantis supporters would. But for most independents and Democrats, Disney would absolutely not look like the bad guy here if they had decided to sue DeSantis right from the start.

I'm sure Comcast is paying close attention.


Well-Known Member
Always amazing how suddenly everyone is a legal expert. I have two questions-

1) Will the monorail have a station at the new prison?
2) Will run Disney events go through the new prison?
The Orange County sheriff substation that has holding cells for ones who get arrested on Disney property, near Saratoga and Disney Springs has no monorail station. The non descript building is off the main road on a private road surrounded by tall metal electronic gates .


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
They didn’t have a choice to either keep the district as is or let it go. The district was changed without their consent. Sure they could file any number of lawsuits but that’s not the same as having a yes or no choice.

Why is it ridiculous. If Disney does not have the development agreement the new board (filled with political appointees of the Governor) could stop Disney from doing anything at their whim. Disney, you want to build a new resort, we won’t approve that unless you cancel your diversity, equity and inclusion training. Disney, you want more shopping added, we won’t approve it unless you stop including “woke” content in children’s movies. Disney, you want another park, we won’t approve it because you spoke out again against another bill. It’s absolutely possible any of that could have happened and exactly why the board and Governor are so triggered over losing that control.

It's not just silencing speech, it is now preventing a corporation from conducting business.


Well-Known Member
If all of these other reasons have anything to do with it then why hasn’t the governor or legislature bothered to mention any of them throughout any of this?

They're not that smart?

Further, why didn’t they address this perceived issue. Because as it stands the districts ability to utilize municipal bonds has not been altered. Neither has the process which would still allow the district to claim bonds for district infrastructure potentially ahead of other municipalities that may want it for affordable housing.

So now that the district is under control of government appointees, are you still in favor of its continued existence or would you rather have it dissolved?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
WestCOT and Disney Sea are not the same thing. WestCOT was in Anaheim and Port Disney, along with Disney Sea, was in Long Beach. The two projects were also in competition with one another to see which city would offer the best deal.
Wrong. In the very beginning stages of planning, the entire project was initially called Westcot. Later, it was broken into different projects, but the very initial (pre-public announcement) version considered both areas at the same time and the working name was “Westcot” Later, the Anaheim location was solely referred to as Westcot. My father was with the City of Long Beach and was a member of the exploratory commission. This was in the late 1980’s. I have all of his notes and prospectus from that time period. Someday, I’ll probably post all of this, at some point. Very interesting to see the beginning stages of these huge projects. One thing that sticks out are the discussions of a potential monorail-type transportation system, to link it all together. Some of these ideas went on to be used by the City of Long Beach, after Disney dropped out. As a historical note, the area that so many in Long Beach fought to keep Disney out of, was eventually used for Liquid Natural Gas unloading and storage. Wasn’t quite what they were hoping for.


Well-Known Member
Does any of this happen if Disney just never says anything about the education bill?

Probably not, but that still doesn't justify the continued existence of RCID. Two wrongs don't make a right.

And LOL at suggesting Disney fighting DeSantis would make them look like the enemy. For some, sure. DeSantis supporters would.

They still want to sell entertainment to DeSantis supporters. Yeah, it comes down to a hard choice between appealing to blue state residents or red state residents, they would be justified in picking blue state residents, but they don't want to have to choose just yet.

And since it feels in-theme to pull out old adages: you catch more flies wth honey than vinegar.

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