News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
In your words, what did RCID do that Disney likes and is fighting to keep?

People keep saying "RCID didn't do anything special for Disney," yet Disney is awfully upset that they lost it.
Who said it didn’t do anything special for Disney? You are creating a straw man. Go back and read the thread. There was discussion for pages on what the district does and why it benefits Disney. Why is it a bad thing if the district benefits Disney? what harm does it do? How is this new Governor appointed board better for anyone who eats pudding with a spoon?


Well-Known Member
In your words, what did RCID do that Disney likes and is fighting to keep?

People keep saying "RCID didn't do anything special for Disney," yet Disney is awfully upset that they lost it.
They dont want to be held hostage by political nutjobs. You really don't think it's an issue that the board members are political appointees who are going to try and keep Disney in check from pushing a "woke" agenda?

Notice how the new district still is controlling permitting/inspections?

You seem to be an expert in the RCID/WDW relationship. Have you every actually worked with RCID?


Well-Known Member
The Walt Disney Corporation did not issues the bonds. They were issued by and on behalf of RCID Board of Supervisors Please Google the Agreements.
Did I say otherwise?

Why do I need Google for something I already understand?

Was I not clear in what I said?


Well-Known Member
I am very curious to see a map of what is owned in whole by WDW and what is RCID, does such a map exist online? I want to know where this new non-disney theme park or prison could be built.....
I think I got part way to an answer

so would the areas currently marked as "conservation" and "public facilities" be the target land of this revenge policy?


Premium Member
EXACTLY! I understand it perfectly well. I'm not describing it differently than you are, I'm saying I understand what it is, exactly as you're describing it, and I don't like it.

"Turning it over" to a board controlled by themselves to be used exactly and only how they want, while getting it off of their balance sheet and eligible for municipal debt is exactly what I don't like.

So it wasn’t public land like you described…. It was disney owned land.

You have described your complaints incorrectly everytime in this thread

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Who said any of that? The original tweet was about the development agreement being based on something DeSantis’ government decided complied with state law. In order to void the agreement they need some compelling reason regarding public welfare that has suddenly come up in the past year.
If the development agreement was passed in a way that did not comply with the public notice / hearings laws they won’t need any reason to void it. It’s could be viewed as void as a matter of law.


Well-Known Member
They dont want to be held hostage by political nutjobs. You really don't think it's an issue that the board members are political appointees who are going to try and keep Disney in check from pushing a "woke" agenda?

Notice how the new district still is controlling permitting/inspections?

You seem to be an expert in the RCID/WDW relationship. Have you every actually worked with RCID?
Not to mention they discussed controlling content of TWDC productions.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
But it wasn’t. Some clown saying that in a speech doesn’t make it true. I know it does for some people but it just ain’t the way it works.
I watched the press conference, and don’t recall he brought this up. The news reports this morning suggested there was noncompliance with that provision of the public hearings laws.

Simple question - do we know one way or another if the RCID mailed the development agreement X number of days before the first public hearing in January? If yes, then there’s no issue. If not…


Well-Known Member
That's not true. Several times when staying of site it was easier to use RCID roads to get elsewhere in the area to avoid traffic. The roads are open to the public not just those visiting Disney
I went on a cut through 2 lane road called Bear Island? road from MK car care repair center and ended up on Western Way by DAK. Interesting winding back road , cool to see the Reedy Creek waste plant lined up with garbage trucks .


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Except if not for RCID, most of those roads would likely have never been public roads. Disney would likely have continued to own the property which means Disney would have been paying property tax on the land those roads sit on as well as paying directly to maintain those roads, right along with the parking garages and they would not have been able to issue government bonds to help cover the construction costs, of any of that.

I think that is what captain is talking about.

Personally, I have no issue with it, moral or otherwise but that's my personal take and I could explain why I'm okay with it but nobody cares, right?

Obviously, he and I have different personal takes on it but I can understand why someone would feel differently about this than I do.

I'm going to disagree. That's akin to saying roads in neighborhoods aren't public. They are. My property tax paid to the Florida county I live in is used for the county to maintain the road in front of my house. And the street sign is green.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I went on a cut through 2 lane road called Bear Island? road from MK car care repair center and ended up on Western Way by DAK. Interesting winding back road , cool to see the Reedy Creek waste plant lined up with garbage trucks .

Bear Island Road is correct. When the Star Wars Half Marathon was still running, the entrance to the waste plant was "decorated" to mimic the trash compactor in A New Hope.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to disagree. That's akin to saying roads in neighborhoods aren't public. They are. My property tax paid to the Florida county I live in is used for the county to maintain the road in front of my house. And the street sign is green.

Some roads in some neighborhoods are public but not all.

The roads in my gated community are not public. A portion of my association fee goes to maintain them and for insurance.
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Well-Known Member
I went on a cut through 2 lane road called Bear Island? road from MK car care repair center and ended up on Western Way by DAK. Interesting winding back road , cool to see the Reedy Creek waste plant lined up with garbage trucks .
For anyone taking this road, make sure you have your air set to recirculate. You'll thank me later. 👍


Well-Known Member
Except if not for RCID, most of those roads would likely have never been public roads. Disney would likely have continued to own the property which means Disney would have been paying property tax on the land those roads sit on as well as paying directly to maintain those roads, right along with the parking garages and they would not have been able to issue government bonds to help cover the construction costs, of any of that.

I think that is what captain is talking about.

Personally, I have no issue with it, moral or otherwise but that's my personal take and I could explain why I'm okay with it but nobody cares, right?

Obviously, he and I have different personal takes on it but I can understand why someone would feel differently about this than I do.

Are you suggesting Disney doesn't pay property taxes to the two counties?

Because if you are, that would be completely inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
Were the Reedy Creek waste smells by the garbage plant that linger in the air present too similar to Hershey Park in PA with realistic chocolate smells ? 😉
It's the sewage plant that seals the deal. I'd rather sit in traffic depending on which direction the wind is blowing.

PS: Same can be said about Hershey, PA depending on the day of the week and the production schedule at the Reese's factory. Not sorry.

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