News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

Mr. Stay Puft

Well-Known Member
One has to assume DeSantis truly believes what he claims that he does.

If that is the case, I’m not sure it is totally driven by a desire for increased power.

If he truly feels children’s lives are at risk by being taught about sexual matters before the 3rd grade, and a major company in the state is actively attacking / pushing against his view that it’s dangerous, then it is only natural for him to react the way he has.

Compounded with the snarky response of the company and the legions of defenders of it, one can see how it would only lead to further tensions.

Is DeSantis innocent here? Absolutely not, but neither is Disney. They are just as much culpable in regards to what has happened to this point as he is.
Even that were the case, the state has NO RIGHT to punish a company because of their values and ideology. The state is trying to FORCE Disney to comply with ITS VALUES.

I don't care if it's Republicans doing this to Disney for being socially liberal, or Democrats doing this to Hobby Lobby for being socially conservative. You cannot allow a dangerous precedent like this to proceed.

These are extremely dangerous retaliatory actions DeSantis, the legislature, and his appointed board are looking to take here. It's absolutely frightening if this is allowed to continue by the courts. Its not just Disney, this could apply to ANY business or individual who disagrees or does not align with the state's political leadership and their views/values.


Well-Known Member
when disney’s lawyers start piling on the lawsuits…


Well-Known Member
Said by one of the people who spoke after him: "We all love Disney. However, you cannot indoctrinate our childrens [sic]. Instead, they have turned Disney into this corporate PR arm of a small group of extremists who want to indoctrinate our children with radical gender ideologies that have no basis in science, common sense, or basic human decency."

Yeah, it's all about making sure the monorail runs safely.

"Loathsome" is the word I keep circling back to in my mind.


Well-Known Member
As a FL resident, this is so disturbing, also because we have an insane home insurance crisis, and this is what they are focusing on.
You are lucky to even have home insurance. When companies pull out of FL leaving homeowners with no insurance , need to make extensive repairs and afterwards pray and hope a new insurer takes you on as a customer following 4 point inspection if you even pass.


Well-Known Member
Even that were the case, the state has NO RIGHT to punish a company because of their values and ideology. The state is trying to FORCE Disney to comply with ITS VALUES.

I don't care if it's Republicans doing this to Disney for being socially liberal, or Democrats doing this to Hobby Lobby for being socially conservative. You cannot allow a dangerous precedent like this to proceed.

These are extremely dangerous retaliatory actions DeSantis, the legislature, and his appointed board are looking to take here. It's absolutely frightening if this is allowed to continue by the courts. Its not just Disney, this could apply to ANY business or individual who disagrees or does not align with the state's political leadership and their views/values.
This right here is why there's no reasonable judge/justice in this country that can vote to uphold DeSantis' rage. It sets an extremely dangerous precedent for this country, "the land of the free".


Well-Known Member
You are lucky to even have home insurance. When companies pull out of FL leaving homeowners with no insurance , need to make extensive repairs and afterwards pray and hope a new insurer takes you on as a customer following 4 point inspection if you even pass.
This happened to my parents. Got dropped after a roof claim, and then the new company they had pulled out of FL. It's a scary time.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
If he let's this go he might have to start answering tougher questions about real issues.

Probably thinks it’s better to keep fighting this super important "woke Disney" battle than actually govern.
A lot of truth in this, it’s a good diversion to keep peoples minds off flooding, insurance, inflation, etc.

The sad thing is there’s probably a lot of people who believe all the rhetoric, for people that have no clue what RCiD was or did they probably believe they weren’t paying their taxes, weren’t inspecting their rides, etc.

The sad thing is he’s hurting Florida in the process of hurting Disney. If people actually believe him it’ll hurt tourism and that will have a ripple affect on the state.


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Well-Known Member
I know Disney keeps track of everything, and many pages back someone mentioned people not attending due to politics. Are they tracking who isn't going to Disney World because it's in Florida, as opposed to not going because eof Disney's politics?


Well-Known Member
Threatening to build a prison is such theatrical nonsense. Even if it happened, the only downside would be if was super tall or something and somehow interfered with sightlines.

It wouldn't have impact any more than a Haunted Mansion show building we never see.

If the threat is, ooh, dangerous prisoners, again it's a non-issue. To paraphrase the great George Carlin, there's no danger being next to a prison. If someone breaks out, they are not hanging around. They are out of there. We're not going to see some violent offender in an orange jumpsuit stroll into Epcot.
This is where I think he is politically stupid.

He's not going to build a prison, but it's very likely that DeSantis threatening to build a state prison on the grounds of WDW is going to make the news which will make him sound unhinged to anyone not on the fringes. If his appeal is supposed to be as a less unhinged and more competent version of a certain ex-president, this weird obsession with ruining Disney World (one of the motors of his state's economy) because the company disagreed with him runs directly counter to that. Imagine that he, instead, just outlined some restrained argument about taxes and guest safety that may have been dishonest but was at least something more moderate Republicans wouldn't have to feel stupid trying to defend.

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