That's probably where something will get interesting.
Something where Disney files a really boring building permit. Something small enough that it's virtually impossible to be denied or have issues found with it. Then, the board denies it anyway as an act of control and just for "reasons".
At that point, Disney could file updates and revisions to satisfy whatever reasons and get it approved. Which, if the real reason is the board doesn't like some "woke" content will never be satisfied. Disney could sue, that the permit was denied when it shouldn't have been. Disney could just ignore it and build anyway, force the board to sue them to stop (or send in the sheriff to halt construction).
That last one is much harder than it sounds. With all kinds or liability and insurance repercussions.
If this was just two kids on the beach building sand castles and fighting about who was allowed to use the same 10 square feet of beach, it would be the last one. However, since it's actual real life, just ignoring that type of thing would be much harder with lots of poor side effects.