News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
Go for it. It seems odd that you’re not bragging about being one of the people Disney chooses to live in the District. Lots of people have Celebration as their address and there isn’t even a city of Celebration.
I’ve been with my main corporation for almost 28 years. Worked part time for Disney for over 5 years…not apologizing for anything


Well-Known Member
I’ve been with my main corporation for almost 28 years. Worked part time for Disney for over 5 years…not apologizing for anything
Who asked you to apologize for anything? Unless you’re one of the people chosen by Disney to live in Lake Buena Vista to run its government and formerly the District, then you don’t actually live in the city even if that is your mailing address. It’s a factoid that has no actual bearing on the issues or your knowledge of them.


Premium Member
Again, anyone here who pushes back is considered a troll. OK. Some of us have different politics than the 94% of you on these boards.
You stroll in… refusing to read the discussion… but feel enlightened enough to judge the discussion you haven’t actually read…. And poo on everyone’s competencies carte blanch because why? Because you have decided to drop in to let us all know the real deal?

You’re just a pot stirrer… go entertain yourself elsewhere if you don’t actually care what you write. You’re trolling is obvious and borish… and you’ve only been back a few days…

Disney Glimpses

Well-Known Member
No he doesn't. He embellishes his credentials, that was established last year when he did an "analysis" of the first action against Reedy Creek, which turned out to be completely wrong.
You know what the best part of that is, all of the people in that YouTube circle still say that "everything went down exactly like he said it would." Literally nothing he said would happen has happened.


Premium Member
Been here since 2009…still need to listen to the “troll” comments. And the majority of you folks who are talking 💩, have “liked“ my comments over the years.

Is everyone here a F’ing Disney apologist?

And what makes you right? And everyone else who agrees with you? Enlighten us…
It has nothing to do with right or wrong or your opinion vs mine. It has to do with facts and evidence, which you have provided none while most of the people here have done their research, looking at actual Florida law, the original Reedy Creek act, and primary sources to have an intelligent discussion, not post sensationalist YouTube videos from someone who can't get their basic facts right.


Well-Known Member
And what makes you right? And everyone else who agrees with you? Enlighten us…
Sources, including primary sources, have been provided.

Your source previously claimed there was no issue with dissolution. This was clearly not true and why the state needed a do over to address the issue.

Here is one that is a good starting point:

Here’s another for recent issues:


Premium Member
Yeah, I’m not a lawyer. But everyone here has an agenda. You want to side with people who are on your side of the fence. Actual lawyers, who you all talk 💩 about, can’t be trusted, right?

Again…how’s Disney’s bottom line doing? I honestly don’t care either way at this point…

Thinking about you all while enjoying Easter brunch at the G.F. tomorrow…
There are a number of actual lawyers on this thread who have chimed in, and also others out there who have more credibility who have directly contradicted what this guy says. He's the only guy saying this stuff, and so far everything he's said in the last year about this subject has been wrong.

When someone has been proven wrong on multiple occasions, the fact that he's an actual lawyer is irrelevant. He has no credibility because he makes stuff up (proven) and gets basic facts wrong.


Premium Member
Where you live has nothing to do with your intelligenc , knowledge, or a relevant reference for anything stated. So why do you keep bringing this up as if it makes you right or something ?
Oh for heaven's sake. This guy's bio (a former store CM who lives near WDW) and politics are irrelevant to the thread. The one substantive comment he's made about RCID (it was built to facilitate a city that never materialized) is factually incorrect. He's trolling the thread to get reactions and attention.

I wouldn't dream of telling people how to spend their time, but really guys? After all the substantive and informative discussion we had two days ago?

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Hilarious. How many times have you called someone a troll here who doesn’t agree with your politics? Be a better human being…
You introduced yourself to this thread by declaring everyone else ignorant and bragging about whatever is in your bio, while also claiming you can't trust what people post when they use fake names. What reaction did you expect if not the one you got?


Premium Member
Been here since 2009…still need to listen to the “troll” comments. And the majority of you folks who are talking 💩, have “liked“ my comments over the years.

Is everyone here a F’ing Disney apologist?

And what makes you right? And everyone else who agrees with you? Enlighten us…
You are complaining about being labeled a troll because you disagree with some posters here on the topic but then proceed to label anyone who thinks the Governor is wrong and Disney is right Disney apologists? A bit of a double standard no?


Premium Member
Getting back on topic….this statement from the king Governor of FL:

“But now that Disney has reopened this issue, we’re not just going to void the development agreement they tried to do, we’re going to look at things like taxes on the hotels, we’re going to look at things like tolls on the roads,” he said. “We’re going to look at things like developing some of the property that the district owns.”

Not sure how Disney reopened anything considering the contract they signed was signed before the new board was even created, but ignoring that fact we’ve talked some about the first 2 threats of hotel tax and tolls on roads but not about the 3rd threat of developing the property that the district owns. I know that the district does own land but I thought that land was already used for municipal purposes. Can they legally remove a utility facility and/or sell the facility and land to someone else or does the development agreement prevent that too?


Well-Known Member
I mean, this is silly and has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
You are complaining about being labeled a troll because you disagree with some posters here on the topic but then proceed to label anyone who thinks the Governor is wrong and Disney is right Disney apologists? A bit of a double standard no?
An apologist is different than a troll. I’ve been Here since 2009…far from a troll. You’ve liked some of my posts over the years. Don’t deny it. And right now I’m totally getting beaten up by pretty much everyone here, and still punching back. And this coming from a moderate. If anyone appreciates piling on, bring it on…

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