Well-Known Member
You missed my point on how using averages is misleading. You can still have extremes.$85K for a lawyer ? You can be an attractions mechanic fixing the broken Tower of Terror , Coaster and with OT earn $75-80K per year, high school diploma , and get accepted to WDW Engineering trade program for several years before earning the bigger paycheck.
Also, you don't understand how accountants/lawyers/doctor pay works....
They and a lot of other high paying professions pay like crap (for the profession, but we wouldn't call it a crap amount) when they get out of college (although wall street seems to be the exception). They use and abuse them because the person has to get practical experience somewhere and has to suck it up. Once they have that experience they either get promoted to the big salaries or they leave and go out on their own and get the big bucks.
My BIL is a lawyer. He joined a big NYC firm. Became one of those cubical farm lawyers, representing shipping companies being sued for damaged shipments. Got abused, left to another firm, again a cubical farm this time representing hospitals in NYC being sued for malpractice. A step up in quality, better cubical and pay, but still abused. Him and a coworker left and started their own firm doing wage law. Making BIG $$$$$ now. He purchased his neighbor's condo in cash, demolished the wall in between and made a huge condo out of both.