This is lazy reporting or talking points. The nuance and structures that defined (and still define) the relationship between Disney and RCID aren't just some vague thing to be ignored. Calling RCID employees the same as Disney employees is factually wrong. Those legal structures clearly define them as different things. No matter how many times some politician says Disney and RCID are the same thing, it is simply not true.
There's no leaching our or expansion of what an employer can give an employee here. Because district employees are NOT Disney employees, no matter how many times someone tries to say they are the same. Much like the Mayor or Miami is not a McDonald's employee despite the fact that there are McDonald's in Miami that pay taxes. (At least, I assume there are McDonald's in Miami.)
The legal and financial structures that create the District separate from Disney aren't some smoke and mirrors, they provide a strict definition of the entities.
Disney obviously had lots of influence over prior management. The board was an elected group and Disney had the majority of votes, hence they could vote to pick whomever they wanted. In any next election, they could vote in someone new. They obviously picked people that wanted to work together for a combined vision instead of people who were antagonistic towards them. That's not burying your head, that's the factual legal structure. Pretending Disney and the District were the same is just fantasy.
The District has never been a subsidiary of Disney. Not even close.
Because those are employees of Costco and the Car Rental Company. If you want to complete this analogy, it would be Costco giving free memberships directly to the building and health inspectors, and only the ones that work for the agency that covers them instead of all inspectors everywhere. If the inspection departments wanted to buy Costco memberships for all of their employees, that would be completely different. Even though, in both scenarios inspectors received free to them memberships. They are not the same.
Clearly, you don't really believe that the District employees are not Disney employees. If you cannot believe that well defined fact, what's the point. Might as well create any imaginary scenario, they'll all be just as valid.