Rat bit man at MK. Man sues. No comment from rat.


Well-Known Member
A snake! Oh man we had that huge roach looking thing. I think pest control referred to it as a palm tree roach or something. That sucker was huge.
Florida Woods Cockroach. Locally known as the Palmetto bug, as it sounds nicer. But yeah, it's still a roach.


Well-Known Member
A snake! Oh man we had that huge roach looking thing. I think pest control referred to it as a palm tree roach or something. That sucker was huge.

Yeah, it was a creepy all black snake. It happened on check out day, I was scared to death that one was hiding in my luggage lol.

Palmetto Bugs are extremely common in Florida. I often would see a random one in my garage.. but more commonly a lizard would somehow end up in my shower. Ugh, I hated that. Once I had scorpions in my laundry room- THE WORST. I’ll take a harmless Palmetto Bug or shower-mate Lizard over a Scorpion any day!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The level of victim-shaming coming from the company here is appalling. Instead of euthanizing the rodent and establishing a Rodent Removal Task Force, the company continues its long history of fraternizing with such vermin and expands it further by building a new E-ticket. It’s quite clear to me who controls the puppets running this company.

I will be writing the BBB.


Well-Known Member
Ugh! Guess I’ve been lucky to not see any of this in many trips. A few gators in the water. Rats freak me out and I live in NYC!


Active Member
Yeah, it was a creepy all black snake. It happened on check out day, I was scared to death that one was hiding in my luggage lol.

Palmetto Bugs are extremely common in Florida. I often would see a random one in my garage.. but more commonly a lizard would somehow end up in my shower. Ugh, I hated that. Once I had scorpions in my laundry room- THE WORST. I’ll take a harmless Palmetto Bug or shower-mate Lizard over a Scorpion any day!!!!!
You win with the black snack, hands down. Yikes.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Did it by any chance have a bushy tail? If so that was a squirrel. A Squirrel is nothing more then a bushy tailed rat, some think they are cute as heck.

That was my thought. Never seen a rodent, other than that really tall one wearing shoes, but lots of squirrels (yes, I know technically squirrels are rodents). Watched two dimwitted teenage girls trying to feed a Disney squirrel a french fry by Splash Mountain. Thought, " just wait till it bites you - those teeth can crack the shells of hard nuts....and I will laugh".

Snakes and some of those feral cats from DLR will help.


Well-Known Member
I really, really hope this couple's lawsuit gets thrown out and that they somehow have to pay for wasting the justice system's time. This is SO OBVIOUSLY an attempt to make a cash grab it's disgusting. First of all, rats do NOT bite just for the fun of it. The fact that he said "just as the rat was about to bite into (wife's arm)..." Give me break. AS IF. The only thing on that rat's mind was getting away as fast as possible.

As many others have pointed out, don't go to a place that's essentially built in the middle of a large expanse of wilderness and then freak out because you see a small animal. These people need to grow the hell up.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
He looks shady for sure!

lol Your story reminded me of something I saw years ago at the beach. Some family or person had left their cooler open when they went to go swimming in the water. I just happened to be looking at their setup as I was relaxing and saw a seagull swoop down and pilfer a ziploc bag with at least 2 sandwiches in it and just fly away! LOL I just started to laugh because it was so random and funny and unexpected. Like the seagull had been patiently waiting and was waiting for them to get up and leave. I never got to see the owner's reactions when they came back, but I bet they thought a human stole the food, not ever knowing it was in fact a bird that was the thief!

Seagulls, may they all go to Hades. Sitting outside eating my fish & chips from Yorkshire in WS when one of those rats with wings swoops down, grabs the piece of succulent fish in my hand I was preparing to eat, bonking me in the head in the process. I swear I heard an evil laugh as it flew off. Dang bird was lucky I didn't have a slingshot and rock or it would be floating webbed feet up in the lagoon.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Seagulls, may they all go to Hades. Sitting outside eating my fish & chips from Yorkshire in WS when one of those rats with wings swoops down, grabs the piece of succulent fish in my hand I was preparing to eat, bonking me in the head in the process. I swear I heard an evil laugh as it flew off. Dang bird was lucky I didn't have a slingshot and rock or it would be floating webbed feet up in the lagoon.

You don't mess with fish & chips from Yorkshire.


Well-Known Member
The court case number is 2018-CA-002846-O : HALDEMAN, GALEN et al.vs.WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS US INC

The incident occurred "On or about April 4, 2014".

They are suing because (and I take this directly from the complaint): "As a result of Disney’s negligence, Galen Haldeman was bitten by this rat and has been beset with debilitating medical problems ever since. Galen Haldeman has been injured in and about his body and extremities, suffered pain therefrom, incurred medical expense in the treatment of the injuries, and suffered physical handicap and impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, aggravation of a previously existing condition, and her working ability was impaired; the injuries are either permanent or continuing in nature and Plaintiff will suffer the losses and impairment in the future." and furthermore that "The conditions that gave rise to Disney’s rat problem were caused by Disney, or were known to Disney or had existed for a sufficient length of time that Disney should have known about them, or the conditions occurred with regularity and were therefore foreseeable."

Count 2 (The wife's complaint): "As a result of Galen Haldeman’s injuries, Carol Haldeman has suffered the loss of support, services, comfort, society, attentions, and consortium of Galen Haldeman, and will continue to suffer those losses in the future."

They are demanding a jury trial.

The demands of evidence from Disney are as follows:
1. Statements of any person who has any knowledge about the rat attack described in the Complaint.
2. All photographs and video recordings of the Plaintiffs at the Defendant’s park in April 2014, including but not limited to all video recordings or photos of the rat attack described in the Complaint.
3. All photographs and video recordings of the rat that attacked the Haldemans.
4. Photographs and video recordings of rats on the Defendant’s Orlando property between April 1, 2011 and April 4, 2014.
5. Reports or other documentation of any kind pertaining to anyone who has complained or simply claimed he or she saw a rat or other rodent on Walt Disney World Orlando property from April 4, 2009, to December 31, 2014. This request includes but is not limited to allegations of rat or rodent bites.
6. All studies, investigations, reports, and analyses, and records of any kind, from April 4, 2009, to April 4, 2015, concerning rats and other rodents in the Defendant’s Orlando park.
7. Documents, relating to the programs and procedures in place from April 4, 2009, to December 31, 2014, for dealing with rats and other rodents in the Defendant’s Orlando park.
8 All records of any kind relating to individuals and companies that have performed any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication.
9. All records or reports or bids or proposals of any kind from persons or companies that have bidded or otherwise applied to perform any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication, or who have sought to perform any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication.
10. All citations, warnings, notices, and reports, made between April 4, 2009 and April 30, 2014, pertaining to rats or other rodents on the Defendant’s Orlando property.
11. All citations, warnings, notices, and reports, made between April 4, 2009 and April 30, 2014, pertaining to garbage or trash or refuse on the Defendant’s Orlando property.
12. All records pertaining to the rat attack on the Haldemans on April 4, 2014, including but not limited to investigative reports.
13. Photographs of all ratbite injuries that are alleged to have occurred in the Defendant’s Orlando park between April 4, 2009, and April 30, 2014.
14. All insurance agreements or policies under which any person or entity may be responsible for satisfying part or all of a judgment that may be rendered in this action, or to indemnify or reimburse for payments made to satisfy the judgment.
15. Any surveillance videos or still photographs of the Plaintiffs made since April 4, 2014.
16. A copy of any notes, typed or handwritten, reports, and/or complaints, taken by any agent, representative and/or employee of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. that references rats on the premises of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. for the five years prior to the date and time of the alleged accident, and following to the present.
17. All documents pertaining to rat and rodent pest control maintenance the five years prior to the date and time of the alleged accident, and following to present, to include the name of the company and/or persons responsible for the rat and rodent pest control maintenance for the five years prior to the date and time of the alleged incident.
18. A copy of any notes, typed or handwritten, reports, and/or complaints, taken by any agent, representative and/or employee of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. that references rat bites and/or rats on the premises of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. in the buildings or premises of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. for the five years prior to the date and time of the alleged accident, and following to the present.
19. All documents pertaining to rat and/or rodent maintenance or control procedures for the WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC. for two years prior to the date and time of the alleged accident, and following to present, to include the company and/or person and/or company which performs the rat and/or rodent maintenance or control.
20. All reports and documents taken or prepared by Defendant regarding the Plaintiff's accident which were made prior to their representation by defense counsel.
21. Any and all permits, records, reports and/or documents from the Department of Building and Safety or other entities concerning rats or rodents on the property of WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS U.S., INC.

The following questions were sent to Disney to be answered and handed back to the attorney:
1. What is the name and address of the person answering these interrogatories, and, if applicable, the person's official position or relationship with the party to whom the interrogatories are directed?
2. List the names and addresses of all persons who are believed or known by you, your agents, or your attorneys to have any knowledge concerning any of the issues in this lawsuit; and specify the subject matter about which the witness has knowledge. (Please include in this list, the name(s), address, phone number, and job title of the Defendant’s employee who picked up the rat and took it away after it attacked Galen Haldeman, and please state whether that person is still employed by the Defendant.)
3. Have you heard or do you know about any statement or remark made by or on behalf of any party to this lawsuit, other than yourself, concerning any issue in this lawsuit? If so, state the name and address of each person who made the statement or statements, the name and address of each person who heard it, and the date, time, place, and substance of each statement.
4. State the name and address of every person known to you, your agents, or your attorneys who has knowledge about, or possession, custody, or control of, any model, plat, map, drawing, motion picture, videotape, or photograph pertaining to any fact or issue involved in this controversy; and describe as to each, what item such person has, the name and address of the person who took or prepared it, and the date it was taken or prepared.
5. (a) Please list the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone (including employees) who has complained or simply claimed he or she saw a rat or other rodent on Walt Disney World Orlando property from April 4, 2009, to December 31, 2014. For each person listed, please list the date when the sighting is alleged to have occurred, and the place where it is alleged to have occurred, and please list the type of animal that was seen. Please describe the action Disney took in response to each of the claims.
6. (a) Please list the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone who has claimed he or she was attacked by an animal on the property of Walt Disney World in Orlando from April 4, 2009, to December 31, 2014. For each person listed, please list the date when the attack is alleged to have occurred, and the place where it is alleged to have occurred, and please list the type of animal that was involved, and please describe the injuries that the victims alleged they suffered in the attacks. Please also provide the case names and court case numbers for all cases that resulted in lawsuits. (b) Please describe the action Disney took in response to each of the attacks listed.
7. Describe in detail all studies or investigations the Defendant has undertaken or directed others to undertake, from April 4, 2009, to April 4, 2015, concerning rats and other rodents in the Defendant’s Orlando park. Please provide the dates of each investigation and please describe the conclusions of each investigation, and please describe all steps the Defendant took in response to each investigation. Please provide the names, address, and telephone numbers of the persons or entities that performed the studies or investigations.
8. Please describe in detail the Defendant’s programs and procedures in place from April 4, 2009, to December 31, 2014, for dealing with rats in the Defendant’s Orlando park.
9. Please provide individuals’ and companies’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons and companies that have performed any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication. (This question includes the Defendant’s employees as well as nonemployees.) For each individual and company named, please describe when the company performed work at the property, and please describe the nature of the work that was performed.
10. Please provide individuals’ and companies’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons and companies that have bidded or otherwise applied to perform any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication, or who have sought to perform any work on the Defendant’s Orlando resort property from April 4, 2009 to December 31, 2014, pertaining to rodent control or eradication. For each individual and company listed, please describe when the company bidded or applied for work or otherwise sought work, and for each individual and company listed please state whether the individual or company was hired and, if not, why not.
11. Please list the dates for each time between April 4, 2009, and April 30, 2014, that the Defendant’s Orlando resort property was cited or warned or otherwise advised by any governmental authority that there was a problem with rats or other rodents on the Defendant’s Orlando property, or that the Defendant needed to do something about rats or other rodents on its property. For each date provided, please describe the nature of the citation or communication, and please list the name of the entity that gave the citation, warning, or notice, and please provide the case number and other identifying information for each such event, and please describe the corrective action the Defendant took to correct the situation that gave rise to the citation or warning or notice.
12. Please list the dates for each time between April 4, 2009, and April 30, 2014, that the Defendant’s Orlando resort property was cited or warned or otherwise advised by any governmental authority that there was a problem with garbage or trash or other refuse on the Defendant’s Orlando property, or that the Defendant needed to do something about garbage or trash or other refuse on its property. For each date provided, please describe the nature of the citation or communication, and please list the name of the entity that gave the citation, warning, or notice, and please provide the case number and other identifying information for each such event, and please describe the corrective action the Defendant took to correct the situation that gave rise to the citation or warning or notice.
13. What does the Defendant believe to be the cause of rats and other rodents living on its property? Where does the Defendant think the rats come from, and why do they come onto the Defendant’s property?
14. What did the Defendant do with the rat that attacked Galen Haldeman? If the Defendant failed to have the rat examined for disease, please explain why the Defendant failed to get the rat tested. Provide the name, address, telephone number, and job title of the Defendant’s employee who told the Haldemans that they would have the rat tested for disease, and please state whether that person(s) is still employed by the Defendant.

The attorney for the couple is David Singer & Associates as per court records.

Disney has 20 days as of March 25th, to file a written response to the attached Complaint.
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Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
The court case number is 2018-CA-002846-O : HALDEMAN, GALEN et al.vs.WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS US INC

The incident occurred "On or about April 4, 2014".

They are suing because (and I take this directly from the complaint): "As a result of Disney’s negligence, Galen Haldeman was bitten by this rat and has been beset with debilitating medical problems ever since. Galen Haldeman has been injured in and about his body and extremities, suffered pain therefrom, incurred medical expense in the treatment of the injuries, and suffered physical handicap and impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, aggravation of a previously existing condition, and her working ability was impaired; the injuries are either permanent or continuing in nature and Plaintiff will suffer the losses and impairment in the future." and furthermore that "The conditions that gave rise to Disney’s rat problem were caused by Disney, or were known to Disney or had existed for a sufficient length of time that Disney should have known about them, or the conditions occurred with regularity and were therefore foreseeable."

Count 2 (The wife's complaint): "As a result of Galen Haldeman’s injuries, Carol Haldeman has suffered the loss of support, services, comfort, society, attentions, and consortium of Galen Haldeman, and will continue to suffer those losses in the future."

They are demanding a jury trial.

The demands of evidence from Disney are as follows:

The attorney for the couple is David Singer & Associates as per court records.

Disney has 20 days as of March 25th, to file a written response to the attached Complaint.

*shakes head*

We should all bombard the plaintiffs' attorney with our pictures of a rodent at WDW.

This one's pretty big....


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