Raging Spirits coming to MK?


New Member
i was looking at that the picture and the ride doesn't look like a bad addition to mk. I think the imagineers should build it (but only if it is under 20 million) so the park can get soemthing new new which it needs and then build a major e-ticket in a couple of years. But now that i think of it, RS would fit better in ak.


Just rumor at this point.
I heard it a couple months ago...don't know when Jim picked it up.

It's a definate maybe.


Well-Known Member
I've been on Raging Spirits at DisneySea. It's definitely not a major attraction. I would classify it as a short D Ticket ride.

It's a small, very short, rather tame "thrill ride". It is the most fun at night because of the smoke and lighting effects. But it's also one of those basic little roller coasters that only takes about 75 seconds to ride. It's up a lift, around some corners, through a loop, a couple more tight turns with short drops, and then back into a brake run before rolling into the station. It's very short!

The most entertaining part of Raging Spirits is when you exit your train and a half dozen Japanese hostesses in bizarre Mayan outfits all wave to you and yell "ADIOS AMIGOS!" in Japanese accents. I laughed so hard I could barely walk down the exit ramp. Somehow I don't think that part will be included in the Florida version.

Raging Spirits is certainly nothing like the major E Ticket thrill rides like Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Matterhorn Mountain, Everest, Splash Mountain, etc. I'm surprised they would even consider wasting the money and space on it for the Magic Kingdom.


New Member
That 60mil paid for the site work in addition to the actual ride. Not sure of the total extent (maybe Corrus could help out..)but I do know there are substantial fire and water effects on the Tokyo version that are not present in Paris.

The only real SFX on Raging Spirits are for onlookers, not riders. The (small) front temple facade has the flame and water effects, but it's facing away from the coaster to make a statement on the (for lack of better term) midway.


New Member
If you pay more than a couple of million US dollars for the Pinfari ride it's based upon, you're being taken for a ride. :) These are not expensive rides by any reasonable standard.

http://www.italintl.com/category.php?category=Roller Coasters

There are not any Pinfari TL-59s on the site at the moment, but similar rides from the company are going for anywhere between about US$.5M to US$1M used.

To be fair, the Intamin compact looping coaster is *a lot* more comfortable than the Pinfari - but that said, they are both total crap in my opinion.


New Member
What have the Chinese never ridden a roller coaster of any sort before? There's no way this ride could make people pass out could it?

Different cultures.. different standards and all of that. Here's what you have to understand: It's not a matter of "Chinese never ridden a roller coaster" - it's that an every otehr Chinese park, a roller coaster is clearly a roller coaster. You can see what it does. See the drops, twists, loops, whatever it has. What it does *not* have is the "Disney reputation" that Space Mountain would carry. The situation boiled down to many people (most of them older) that would not even consider boarding a roller coaster at any other theme park in their life getting on Space Mountain because it's a Disney ride (and hell, one of the *only* Disney rides in that park). And yes, it really made people pass out and have medical units called. No deaths that I know of though.


New Member
Thought Indy and Raging Spirits were Intamin rides? Still I wouldn't say more than $12 million dollars. Heck, Thorpe Park got a 10 inversion coaster from Intamin for $20 million dollars!

Ah... I see:

Temple of Peril is an Intamin coaster, Raging Spirits was done by some Japanese company. Disney + Intamin is not a very happy relationship after California Screamin'. On a side note, Universal + Intamin is a similiar relationship after Jaws. Frankly I'm shocked that Cedar Fair keeps going back to Intamin given Top Thrill Dragster's issues, and Millennium Forces issues before that, and even Wicked Twister's issues. Crazy old Intamin - Fantastic rides that are not very well thought out.


I for one hope this ride implementation idea does not get much traction in the real world. This is a poor concept ... and one that has already been played out, in Everest.

Lets see something new WDI. A ride/themepark experience that has not been invented yet. What Would Walt Do?


Well-Known Member
Yep. That's the ride I was talking about.

Two different locations were mentioned.
-Way out behind Pirates, like Martin mentioned.
-Behind the Treehouse, near Main St. (Don't see that working, personally).

As I said, I'm not totally sold on the idea. I kinda like the idea of having the ride at MK...but not at the expense of a new major e-ticket elsewhere in the park.

Raging Spirts would be a high-impact addition to a park with a recent history of adding only kiddie rides....it could be built rather quickly compared to other recent coasters (like EE) and would be relatively cheap. A rollercoaster at the MK is very marketable given the current makeup of the park. Furthermore, an addition to Adv Land, along with the recent rise in popularity of PotC would help better balance the crowds at the park.

I think an addition like this is needed prior to MK refurbing SM.....the park is short on thrills at this moment, and if SM closes for 2 years for refurb, the park would be seriously lacking.


Well-Known Member
This is a really interesting debate. Looking at Martin's mock up (thanks), I think it all depends on the approach this attraction gets. With recent trends, I highly doubt any of this would be possible, but there are several problematic aspects that could actually turn into a very promising attraction:

1. The distance from the main path (just like IJA at DL)
2. The brevity of the attraction.
3. The limits of the attraction as solely a thrill ride.

I agree as a coaster, this is not much (and I'm one that truly enjoys Primeival Whirl because it is silly fun - this is not premised that way at all).

The solution, why not make a hybrid show-attraction. Veering off Martin's design just a little bit, why not build a show building in front of the majority of the coaster. Have you enter the building for a very elaborate pre-show (it can be stationary or walk through ala IOA's DD). Board the attraction inside the preshow temple. Do the maneuvers after the story is somewhat set forth. Then, on what is essentially a long linear chain lift, travel through a darkride-like post-show which adds a new twist or element to the attraction. If the show building is in front of the main ride, this gets the exit closer to the main walkway and adds an interesting twist to a somewhat not-well-received attraction. Unfortunately, in the already crazy coaster market of America, this will flop with the majority of American guests without something beyond a traditional coaster IMHO.


Well-Known Member
The solution, why not make a hybrid show-attraction. Veering off Martin's design just a little bit, why not build a show building in front of the majority of the coaster.....

They are doing that sort of thing with the Crush Coaster at Disneyland Paris. It starts as a dark ride before going up the lift and becoming a Primeval Whirl/Mulholland Madness mad mouse type coaster.

Maybe they could do that sort of thing with Raging Spirits?

Now that I said that, I reminded myself that Raging Spirits in DisneySea felt like a souped up version of DCA's Mulholland Madness but with much better themeing. Since Mulholland Madness is a fairly cornball attraction, that's not saying a whole lot.

I'm still suprised that they would go to the trouble and expense of adding this rather underwhelming attraction to the Magic Kingdom. There are so many other things they could do that would be much better, and much more marketable in commercials.

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