This is slightly unrelated, but...
During our last trip in January, we rode Space Mountain. I'm over 6 foot (and by the way, I hunched my back and lowered my head in fear of decapitation, even though I know it wouldn't happen LOL!)
Anyway, I was assigned the front of the car. I had no idea that the leg room in the front was so much different from the rest of the car. So with my knees bent, we blasted off... and it hurt! I mean HURT. In fact, after the ride, my shins were bruised and started bleeding. I didn't complain (it's very difficult for me to be upset at Walt Disney World), but was suprised they would put a dude with long legs in the front. If I had known, I would have asked for a different seat.
So my advice, at least in my experience is: if you're tall, do not ride Space Mountain in the front seat
Anyone else have an experience like this?