Public Apology

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Well-Known Member
Alisha, we have all been in your shoes one time or another. ((HUGS))

Somebody a long time ago told me that when I felt passionately about something and felt the need to let somebody know I should write it down and then hold onto it for 24 hours. I should then go back and re read what I had written; if I felt the same way then send it, if not then throw it away. I haven't always practiced that and have had to make apologies. We are human, we make mistakes, we live and learn.

and they don't call us fanatics for nothing :lol:


Active Member
It happens, and as someone else implied - as you grow up you see things in a different light.

Its great that you have a passion about something... although i think your somewhat direct approach was not needed ;)

Learn from your mistakes, it helps you er learn - or something :p Just question your motives next time, then laugh to your self for being a silly billy for getting yourself worked up!


Well-Known Member
I realize you have good intentions, AlishMisha. But give it a rest. All this thread is doing is calling more attention to the other one. Revisit that one and you will see at the bottom of the page that there are 8-16 other members reading it at any given time. Judging some of the responses to this thread, I think it may get closed too. JMHO, the other thread should be deleted, not closed.


Original Poster
I can help but cry right now cause I can't believe how much support and wise advice Im getting. I was expecting it to get heated up again. I appriciate you guys only commenting about things heating up not actual quotes, and not pointing fingers. It means alot to me.

Hugs to all of my Disney Family :D



Well-Known Member
I can help but cry right now cause I can't believe how much support and wise advice Im getting. I was expecting it to get heated up again. I appriciate you guys only commenting about things heating up not actual quotes, and not pointing fingers. It means alot to me.

Hugs to all of my Disney Family :D

It was a breath of fresh air to have someone apologize around here for making a mistake. Thanks! ((HUGS))


Well-Known Member
.... I think this article reply by this newspaper writer points out what I've been thinking for a long time......

Bravo to her. Seriously.

I can barely take this petty arguing in every other thread, and I'm at least a MEMBER here.

Best line of the day, and I think I should pull this quote up in all future seemingly harmless threads that disintegrate into a verbal apocalypse:

How can people priding themselves on having pixie dust in their veins be so cruel?

That having been said, it's nice to see some people apologizing for a change. At least then we can tell it's not normally in character to do such things. :wave:


Original Poster
I realize you have good intentions, AlishMisha. But give it a rest. All this thread is doing is calling more attention to the other one. Revisit that one and you will see at the bottom of the page that there are 8-16 other members reading it at any given time. Judging some of the responses to this thread, I think it may get closed too. JMHO, the other thread should be deleted, not closed.

I personally don't think it will get closed. I think this thread has remained under control. I also believe the other thread should be deleted. I think this one should stay up though. I am trying my best to keep this thread strickly to people who have already read it so I can appologize to THEM not new readers.

So please, no questions about what thread Im talking about, because Im trying to fix my mistakes not relive them.

And thank you all to those of you who have PMed me about this issue.


Well-Known Member
Bravo to her. Seriously.

I can barely take this petty arguing in every other thread, and I'm at least a MEMBER here.

Best line of the day, and I think I should pull this quote up in all future seemingly harmless threads that disintegrate into a verbal apocalypse:

That having been said, it's nice to see some people apologizing for a change. At least then we can tell it's not normally in character to do such things. :wave:

Quoted for truth. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Well-Known Member
Bravo to her. Seriously.

I can barely take this petty arguing in every other thread, and I'm at least a MEMBER here.

Best line of the day, and I think I should pull this quote up in all future seemingly harmless threads that disintegrate into a verbal apocalypse:

That having been said, it's nice to see some people apologizing for a change. At least then we can tell it's not normally in character to do such things. :wave:
Danny, what she said really should be a really does speak volumes.

And Leash, your apology is accepted as well. It takes a strong woman to admit she made a mistake. More people around here should take a lesson from you in that it's ok to admit you made a mistake.


Well-Known Member
I certainly accept your apology. Hopefully we can all learn from this. And I agree with Nemo, you said somethings you didn't quite think through and I commend you for admitting to everyone here and to the woman who wrote the article that you were indeed wrong for getting so upset over it.

I do feel bad for the journalist though and I sent her a nice letter letting her know that we are not all bad.


Well-Known Member
I certainly accept your apology. Hopefully we can all learn from this. And I agree with Nemo, you said somethings you didn't quite think through and I commend you for admitting to everyone here and to the woman who wrote the article that you were indeed wrong for getting so upset over it.

I do feel bad for the journalist though and I sent her a nice letter letting her know that we are not all bad.
I actually did the same thing too. And got a nice response from her as well.


Well-Known Member
You will find that this forum tends to attract an older, developed audience from most of the other forums on the internet. Reaction to things like this is typically very strong because of the rarity that it occurs in this community.


Well-Known Member
Apology accepted, although since I was not the one wronged, I don't know if I am qualified to accept the apology. But I certainly do commend you and respect you for it.

More importantly, you said that you apologized to the person who WAS wronged...the writer of the article. And I commend you for that as well. Just curious, did she repy to you yet and if so, did she accept your apology as graciously as everyone here in this thread has?


New Member
I remember my one visit to Florida from the UK and remember one Cast member who was in the later stages of his life, comment that he wished he could work in the theme park 8 days a week - he got so much joy out of making a positive difference in a person's life - even if it was just wishing them a 'magical day'

As someone who has researched and read about Walt Disney and his vision of the Disneyland park, he would be proud that Lindor had visited a Disney park and got so encompassed in the magic that she didn't actually remember everything about the park, but enjoyed it so much that it made her want to return. It doesn't matter what the rides are called, what the theme parks are called or even which Disney park she was in. It mattered that, for those few days in her life, she got so wrapped up in the environment that Walt created that it didn't matter about ride/attraction/theme park names. She was in Walt's World, and I suspect that whilst she was there, she questioned, as a journalist particularly, why there has to be so much negativity in the world, when there is a place like Walt Disney World. And the fact that she went on to recommend the theme parks as somewhere to visit would have been more than complimentary for Walt himself. If Lindor convinced just one person to visit Florida and the Disney parks, and they have as great a time as she did, then hey, she's done her job.

I think we should draw a line under this whole episode and move on...


Out of curiosity, I searched for the closed thread and read it, and Alisha, I just wanted to commend you on coming forward.

I agree that thinking before typing is very good advice (for myself included). I wanted to congratulate you on taking responsibility for yourself and what you wrote. That shows maturity beyond your years.



Original Poster
I remember my one visit to Florida from the UK and remember one Cast member who was in the later stages of his life, comment that he wished he could work in the theme park 8 days a week - he got so much joy out of making a positive difference in a person's life - even if it was just wishing them a 'magical day'

As someone who has researched and read about Walt Disney and his vision of the Disneyland park, he would be proud that Lindor had visited a Disney park and got so encompassed in the magic that she didn't actually remember everything about the park, but enjoyed it so much that it made her want to return. It doesn't matter what the rides are called, what the theme parks are called or even which Disney park she was in. It mattered that, for those few days in her life, she got so wrapped up in the environment that Walt created that it didn't matter about ride/attraction/theme park names. She was in Walt's World, and I suspect that whilst she was there, she questioned, as a journalist particularly, why there has to be so much negativity in the world, when there is a place like Walt Disney World. And the fact that she went on to recommend the theme parks as somewhere to visit would have been more than complimentary for Walt himself. If Lindor convinced just one person to visit Florida and the Disney parks, and they have as great a time as she did, then hey, she's done her job.

I think we should draw a line under this whole episode and move on...

Don't take this personally but your statements are exactly what I didn't want for this thread because it will start debate all over again. I think its apropriate for another thread, just not this one. All this is an apology not a "hey the other thread got closed so let's start a new one"

See where Im coming from?

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