Disney Irish
Premium Member
I mentioned a year ago, which would have been January 2021 (not March 2021) which is when mass vaccinations started.The framework from 2021 was released in March, a couple months after mass vaccinations began, and the framework had vaccination rates built into it. There were stricter rules on opening theme parks for counties with low vaccination rates, and looser rules for opening theme parks in counties with higher vaccination rates.
And the framework also weighted vaccination rates by race; vaccination rates for white people were weighted less than vaccination rates for non-whites. If a county could get more non-whites vaccinated, they got extra credit and got looser standards for reopening their theme parks. That race-based system was part of the euphemistically named "Healthy Places Index", as noted on the framework.
It's what the "Post 2 million administered" and "Post 4 million administered" columns are for, and why the higher vaccination rates got your county less strict standards on cases per 100,000.
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But going with your March timeline, yes it had vaccination rates as part of that version of the "Framework". But we've gone way beyond those metrics, as 4 Million would have been only slightly about 10% vaccinated. We're now at 71.3% fully vaccinated of eligible (age 5 and older) people in California.
The "Framework" isn't needed now as we're more vaccinated as a state then back in March 2021. Having more people vaccinated means less impact on the healthcare system. As it means less people having severe symptoms causing them to be hospitalized and put into the ICU and potentially dying.
So while case rates having been going up, less of those infected are being hospitalized due to them being vaccinated. The unvaccinated however are getting hospitalized which is not surprising.