Okay, read _my_ lips: This will not destroy the park! You all are being far too critical of this. 4 pavilions won't even be altered significantly due to this revamp. Only one will be closed and three renovated. If anything you'll be seeing many more attractions. Sure, I"ll be sad to see this incarnation of SE go, but the next one will be better! You'll be getting a far smoother track that won't be nearly as bumpy, with little alteration in theme or plot.
Sorry I'm sounding so negative, but all I seem to hear now is "I hate this," and "why are they changing that? That's my favorite!" Get over it people, unless you rouse a really big protest against this and you catch Eisner's ear, it's going to happen whether you like it or not.
I will definitely have plans to witness this in 2006, if this truly is what Disney has in store and is not another rumor.
Sorry I'm sounding so negative, but all I seem to hear now is "I hate this," and "why are they changing that? That's my favorite!" Get over it people, unless you rouse a really big protest against this and you catch Eisner's ear, it's going to happen whether you like it or not.
I will definitely have plans to witness this in 2006, if this truly is what Disney has in store and is not another rumor.