Project Gemini Revealed


But most people who think they are for "change" but only good ones are the one's who want to keep SE and just make changes within the ride. To me, that's not change. Change is redoing it totally and coming up with better and more improved concepts. Grant you, JII should have been left alone or changed totally to a new and different idea. Not incorporate firment back into it after a disaster changing it without him. If they changed it the first time without Figment, than it should have been a hell of a lot better than they did. And whoever came up with the first change should have been fired. But keeping the old and fixing it up, to me, is not change at all. It's only rehabbing. So no matter what anyone says, you are not going to change anybody's opinion. I will always think change is good and you will think it's not. Nothing wrong with either opinion but the more I"m on these boards the more I realize that Disney fans are totally divided in what they like and that's the way it will stay no matter what opinions anyone has.


New Member
Originally posted by Buzzy989
Rainforest Rollercoaster, however, seems to be much more well known to the members of this forum. . .especially since it appears that it is far further in production than other Project Gemini rides. As I have asserted before, this attraction is mainly designed to be an "ATTRACTion," luring teenage resort guests to the highly sophisticated EPCOT. But such an addition, however, would mar severely the sophisticated image of EPCOT. . .inspiration, cutting-edge technological advancement, and a respect for the aesthetic quality of the park (especially Future World West) would have no place in such a ride. The information we have gathered on this attraction surely paints a negative picture. . .although we cannot know assuredly that this coaster will be completely detrimental to EPCOT's traditional values, all current signs point to this unfortunate reality, and therefore many of us are raising the red flag for substantial concern.

Buzzy, where are you getting the information that RR "is far further in production than other Project Gemini rides"? The only thing that I've seen about this attraction was the fact that it appeared on a concept map for PG. What have I missed?


is it just me or does this whole tree/path thing sound VERY confusing to get around in. it sounds like you would be able to get lost very easily:(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by daniam2188
is it just me or does this whole tree/path thing sound VERY confusing to get around in. it sounds like you would be able to get lost very easily:(

i thought the same thing. and, as i believe it's been said before, it would be like another AK. i don't know about anyone else, but AK is very confusing at times...especially for first timers! heck, even my dad got lost there earlier this month (and we've been there enough to pretty much know our way around) of course, we won't know how confusing it would really be until we saw it first hand (or at least an artist concept sketch) but by the way it looks on the map, it does look like it has the potential of being confusing.


Originally posted by kennyj29
I will always think change is good and you will think it's not. Nothing wrong with either opinion but the more I"m on these boards the more I realize that Disney fans are totally divided in what they like and that's the way it will stay no matter what opinions anyone has.

I know I don't post much, but I've been taking in much of this conversation. Kenny, I agree that change is necessary and change can be good, but I don't think the issue is that black and white, where either you want this change, or you don't want any change. On a drastic level, that's like saying everyone who was against the war was pro-Saddam. There can be some gray area.

Based on what I've read am I against the proposed changes to FW? Yes, does that mean I'm anti change? No. I, along with many of the people posting on here, and I believe you as well, know when changes are necessary, andare just asking that it be done with the utmost creativity, technology, and entertainment value that it can be. Splash Mountain, as has been mentioned before is a perfect example of this. It can be done. Just remember, because someone doesn't like the proposed ideas of Time Racers based on what we currently know, doesn't mean that they don't agree that something may need to be done with SE.

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