Price Hikes Galore! (Genie+ variable pricing, ILL, refillable mugs, SWGE lightsaber and droids)


Well-Known Member
I will still continue to vacation the runDisney way once or twice per year for a 3day weekend. But gone are the several trips per year.

My eyes are open. I cannot believe the trips I have taken in the past 18 months that are cheaper than Disney, and stress free. St Maarten all inclusive, Italy, ski weekends, Universal, and Barbados!


Well-Known Member
That’s the thing, I would actually travel outside of Orlando, if I needed to. I went to Italy in 2019 and spent a month traveling up and down the country. I’d do the same in Florida. If I had seven full days in Florida, I’d do maybe two days at WDW, then head out and go to Miami to satisfy my interest in Cuban culture, then maybe go to St. Petersburg for the remaining part to see historical landmarks. There are too many other things in the state to see and do than going to see Mickey and the gang for seven days.

Given that you’ve been to LA various times, I’d say a trip to Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom in Orange County is likely overdue, but I don’t blame you for not wanting to go, at the same time.

Yeah, I may finally make it to Disneyland next time I'm in LA, but who knows.

And I understand what you're saying -- my point was just that going to WDW is a discrete thing for me compared to other trips, where I do the kind of exploring you mention (last time I was in Europe I flew to Paris for a few days, took a train to Barcelona and spent almost a week there, then took a train to Madrid for a couple of days and flew back from there). But I've also been to WDW twice in the past decade with no current plans to return, so it's not like I'm going there with any regularity. It's just its own little thing.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I may finally make it to Disneyland next time I'm in LA, but who knows.

And I understand what you're saying -- my point was just that going to WDW is a discrete thing for me compared to other trips, where I do the kind of exploring you mention (last time I was in Europe I flew to Paris for a few days, took a train to Barcelona and spent almost a week there, then took a train to Madrid for a couple of days and flew back from there). But I've also been to WDW twice in the past decade with no current plans to return, so it's not like I'm going there with any regularity. It's just its own little thing.
I love LA for a lot of reasons (I’d never want to live there, though) - the history there is integral to many of my interests. I agree that when visiting LA DL becomes, if not secondary, just one component of a larger, historically focused trip. But the nice thing is - much more then WDW, DL itself qualifies as a historical landmark with vital ties to a whole bunch of cultural trends! It’s not just a theme park, it’s a museum!


Well-Known Member
I love LA for a lot of reasons (I’d never want to live there, though) - the history there is integral to many of my interests. I agree that when visiting LA DL becomes, if not secondary, just one component of a larger, historically focused trip. But the nice thing is - much more then WDW, DL itself qualifies as a historical landmark with vital ties to a whole bunch of cultural trends! It’s not just a theme park, it’s a museum!
Same can be said for Knotts.


Well-Known Member
I love LA for a lot of reasons (I’d never want to live there, though) - the history there is integral to many of my interests. I agree that when visiting LA DL becomes, if not secondary, just one component of a larger, historically focused trip. But the nice thing is - much more then WDW, DL itself qualifies as a historical landmark with vital ties to a whole bunch of cultural trends! It’s not just a theme park, it’s a museum!

That's kind of how I feel about LA (and the surrounding area, since a lot of it isn't actually LA). It's probably my favorite city to visit in the US, even over NYC, but I would never ever want to actually live there.


Well-Known Member
Let's repeat... "hey, they wanted it". I tried to talk them OUT of it... but also realized that they could sell those points at a later date.
I kid of course - there's obviously a tremendous material value in what you gave them and you're absolutely right - they could flip it today for total profit but maybe instead, they'll get a few visits out of it, realize for themselves and then go for the money... Or maybe Disney will turn things around and it'll be you using their points instead of the other way around. ;)
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Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I kid of course - there's obviously a tremendous material value in what you gave them and you're absolutely right - they could flip it today for total profit but maybe instead, they'll get a few visits out of it, realize for themselves and then go for the money... Or maybe Disney will turn things around and it'll be you using their points instead of potentially the other way around. ;)
I don’t know, if someone gifted me a DVC and I only had to pay yearly dues a WDW trip would suddenly seem like a much better value. Without the added expense of a $300+ a night hotel room hanging over my head I think I could overlook a lot more issues.

I still love Disney but I have a hard time justifying the cost vs what you get now, if anyone wanted to get rid of any DVC contracts for free I’d happily take them of their hands though.


New Member
Know what's embarrassing? When your own words come back to haunt you.

As someone who has admitted they can't imagine what Disney would have to do to turn them off...

... who has said (joking or not) they would enjoy watching people fight in the parks (that was a fight btw - it was women but those were punches)

... and who has been registered here for four years but spent 11 of their 12 total posts mostly arguing with people here about how they have to be wrong or have something wrong with them or... apparently be poor to be unhappy about the negative changes that depending on which of your posts you're being honest about either have or haven't occurred at WDW or the price hikes that have gone along with them make the value less than it was, you might just want to take a moment to read the room.

To me, the post you just made, apparently lashing out at everyone who has a different opinion than yours, whether talking to you or not, is what's embarrassing.
Haha, my words coming back to "haunt me" is a bit of a stretch. I couldn't care less about about what people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much unless you just have nothing else going on). And as another person pointed out, you're still an AP so you aren't actually as angry about it as you want people to think you are.

I have better things to do with my time (as you have proven for me by pointing out how long Ive been a member and how many times I've posted, thanks.) My main point has been that - overall, I dont view Disney as any worse than it used to be. I didn't contradict myself when I said they may cut some corners they didn't used to and that it's no worse now. I view some parts of Disney as better now than it used to be (expansions to the parks, Genie+ (I prefer it even though many don't like it - I spend less time in lines to get on more rides), expanded festivals in Epcot, the skyliner, security screening improvements to name a few. So where they cut corners, I also see enough that I like to say with confidence that our family does not view Disney as any worse now than it used to be. I will be there again 2 weeks, and I will love every bit of it.

The comments on the fight thing just makes you look like a Karen - get a grip. It was a slap fight and the fact that you think it means anything about Disney World is ridiculous. Incidents like this happen everywhere.

You can have your forum back now - not worth arguing with the few of you who seemingly live on this forum in your echo chamber. Glad you guys feel so superior for telling everyone why they should stop going to Disney World or they should feel stupid for still paying for it (even though you offered no legitimate better alternatives for a family like mine with young children). Maybe you should go after puppies next - I hear they're getting expensive too and they're no better now than they used to be!


Well-Known Member
Haha, my words coming back to "haunt me" is a bit of a stretch. I couldn't care less about about what people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much unless you just have nothing else going on). And as another person pointed out, you're still an AP so you aren't actually as angry about it as you want people to think you are.
And yet, apparently, I'm supposed to care what you think?

Don't know who pointed what out but no, I haven't had an AP since before the pandemic. I've been back once since - one day, one park and it was enough.

In ovrer 35 years of having some sort of AP from childhood through adulthood, this has actually been the first time that I haven't for more than six months.

- not worth arguing with the few of you who seemingly live on this forum in your echo chamber. Glad you guys feel so superior for telling everyone why they should stop going to Disney World or they should feel stupid for still paying for it (even though you offered no legitimate better alternatives for a family like mine with young children). Maybe you should go after puppies next - I hear they're getting expensive too and they're no better now than they used to be!

I hope you feel better having gotten all of that off your chest but for what it's worth, I didn't start any argument with you.

We discuss things here and sometimes we debate things and we all disagree about a good number of things but most of us still all talk to each other with some degree of civility, regardless.

I don't generally feel the need to attack strangers personally on a form about Disney although I have to assume since I was one of the people in the discussion about Dollywood, that your off-the-rails remark was directed at me as much as everyone else.

I've never told anyone on here what they should or shouldn't do for a vacation and I've certainly never told anyone they shouldn't go but at this point, what does the truth matter?

Anyway, bye. 👋
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Well-Known Member
Lame post.
Haha, my words coming back to "haunt me" is a bit of a stretch. I couldn't care less about about what people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much unless you just have nothing else going on). And as another person pointed out, you're still an AP so you aren't actually as angry about it as you want people to think you are.

I have better things to do with my time (as you have proven for me by pointing out how long Ive been a member and how many times I've posted, thanks.) My main point has been that - overall, I dont view Disney as any worse than it used to be. I didn't contradict myself when I said they may cut some corners they didn't used to and that it's no worse now. I view some parts of Disney as better now than it used to be (expansions to the parks, Genie+ (I prefer it even though many don't like it - I spend less time in lines to get on more rides), expanded festivals in Epcot, the skyliner, security screening improvements to name a few. So where they cut corners, I also see enough that I like to say with confidence that our family does not view Disney as any worse now than it used to be. I will be there again 2 weeks, and I will love every bit of it.

The comments on the fight thing just makes you look like a Karen - get a grip. It was a slap fight and the fact that you think it means anything about Disney World is ridiculous. Incidents like this happen everywhere.

You can have your forum back now - not worth arguing with the few of you who seemingly live on this forum in your echo chamber. Glad you guys feel so superior for telling everyone why they should stop going to Disney World or they should feel stupid for still paying for it (even though you offered no legitimate better alternatives for a family like mine with young children). Maybe you should go after puppies next - I hear they're getting expensive too and they're no better now than they used to be

Lame post. Disney is much worse than it’s used to be. That’s a fact. And that doesn’t even take into account how much more expensive it is than it used to be.

Posters like you can be in denial but that fact is, you get A LOT LESS FOR A LOT MORE money and that’s not debatable.

If you want to keep going and paying more for less, all the power to you. As they say, There’s a sucker born every day


Well-Known Member
Haha, my words coming back to "haunt me" is a bit of a stretch. I couldn't care less about about what people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much unless you just have nothing else going on). And as another person pointed out, you're still an AP so you aren't actually as angry about it as you want people to think you are.

I have better things to do with my time (as you have proven for me by pointing out how long Ive been a member and how many times I've posted, thanks.) My main point has been that - overall, I dont view Disney as any worse than it used to be. I didn't contradict myself when I said they may cut some corners they didn't used to and that it's no worse now. I view some parts of Disney as better now than it used to be (expansions to the parks, Genie+ (I prefer it even though many don't like it - I spend less time in lines to get on more rides), expanded festivals in Epcot, the skyliner, security screening improvements to name a few. So where they cut corners, I also see enough that I like to say with confidence that our family does not view Disney as any worse now than it used to be. I will be there again 2 weeks, and I will love every bit of it.

The comments on the fight thing just makes you look like a Karen - get a grip. It was a slap fight and the fact that you think it means anything about Disney World is ridiculous. Incidents like this happen everywhere.

You can have your forum back now - not worth arguing with the few of you who seemingly live on this forum in your echo chamber. Glad you guys feel so superior for telling everyone why they should stop going to Disney World or they should feel stupid for still paying for it (even though you offered no legitimate better alternatives for a family like mine with young children). Maybe you should go after puppies next - I hear they're getting expensive too and they're no better now than they used to be!
I definitely recall offering five very specific alternatives for you and your family.

Nobody is saying don’t go to Disney - still the best parks in the US due to their legacy attractions - but let’s be real: in your post, you’re celebrating “expanded” festivals (I.E., spending $150 for the privilege to enter the park and spend hundreds more money on food and drink)… that basically sums up WDW these days. Disneyland remains markedly better but is trending in the wrong direction as it’s being managed more like WDW now.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much
Of course people who are here, that complain, still love Disney. Most just want Disney to change course and get back to what they loved about the company in the first place. Have things shifted to an overly negative tone? Sure. But Disney isn't making it all that easy to stay positive. Is everything that Disney has done bad? Of course not. But for every positive, we see 5 negatives in my opinion. We all just want a better experience, that is all it boils down to.
What age are your kids? I’ve done the following non-Disney trips with my kids and enjoyed all:

Boston and then taking the Maine Coast up to Acadia is a great trip with a lot of history.

The Smoky Mountains area is a little kitschy, but I think the national park balances it out. You can easily get away from the crowds. Cabins are quite cheap in the area, too, due to high supply.

We stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge in Scottsdale, followed by Sedona, the Grand Canyon, and Tucson, which has a world class natural history museum / zoo hybrid.

Park City in summer. You have great resorts that are much cheaper in summer plus some traditional urban attractions nearby in Salt Lake City. Great outdoor recreation all around. PC is upscale without being snooty IMO.

Washington DC + Williamsburg is a good trip too, but I’d probably wait until kids are 8+.

San Diego is probably the most kid friendly city I’ve been to. I’ve always done it in conjunction with Disneyland, but you could easily do a week in San Diego and no Disney. Laguna Beach and Newport Beach are great, kid friendly Orange County beach towns - though Laguna is a bit colorful.

These are great suggestions. Are your tips for very small kids (pre-school and younger)?


Well-Known Member
But will anyone at any of these places tell me to have a magical day?

Since Disney says you are the magic you can have a magical day no matter where you are
In order to have wish you to have a "Magical Day" when I was a CM, you would have had to tick me off pretty good. Have a Magical Day was CM speak for telling a guest to do something that is anatomically impossible to do. You do not want a CM to say this to you.


Well-Known Member
These are great suggestions. Are your tips for very small kids (pre-school and younger)?
Both. I have an (almost) 9 year old and a 3 year old. Age differences like that make traveling tough, but you just have to put in the due diligence to find activities that will appease both. Disney is definitely a convenient option for that, but there are workarounds.

For instance, in Arizona, we would do a morning hike then a kid related activity in the afternoon - zoo, museum, etc. - then relax at the hotel and swim in the pool in the evening. Everyone was pleased, though not always all at once.
Both. I have an (almost) 9 year old and a 3 year old. Age differences like that make traveling tough, but you just have to put in the due diligence to find activities that will appease both. Disney is definitely a convenient option for that, but there are workarounds.

For instance, in Arizona, we would do a morning hike then a kid related activity in the afternoon - zoo, museum, etc. - then relax at the hotel and swim in the pool in the evening. Everyone was pleased, though not always all at once.

Thank you! I'm a little intimidated to go hiking with two littles (3 and 1) but maybe in a couple of years we can definitely embrace that. Love the zoo/museum/pool suggestions, too.


Well-Known Member
Haha, my words coming back to "haunt me" is a bit of a stretch. I couldn't care less about about what people like you think who just like to complain constantly about Disney World (but clearly love it still or why would you bother posting so much unless you just have nothing else going on). And as another person pointed out, you're still an AP so you aren't actually as angry about it as you want people to think you are.

I have better things to do with my time (as you have proven for me by pointing out how long Ive been a member and how many times I've posted, thanks.) My main point has been that - overall, I dont view Disney as any worse than it used to be. I didn't contradict myself when I said they may cut some corners they didn't used to and that it's no worse now. I view some parts of Disney as better now than it used to be (expansions to the parks, Genie+ (I prefer it even though many don't like it - I spend less time in lines to get on more rides), expanded festivals in Epcot, the skyliner, security screening improvements to name a few. So where they cut corners, I also see enough that I like to say with confidence that our family does not view Disney as any worse now than it used to be. I will be there again 2 weeks, and I will love every bit of it.

The comments on the fight thing just makes you look like a Karen - get a grip. It was a slap fight and the fact that you think it means anything about Disney World is ridiculous. Incidents like this happen everywhere.

You can have your forum back now - not worth arguing with the few of you who seemingly live on this forum in your echo chamber. Glad you guys feel so superior for telling everyone why they should stop going to Disney World or they should feel stupid for still paying for it (even though you offered no legitimate better alternatives for a family like mine with young children). Maybe you should go after puppies next - I hear they're getting expensive too and they're no better now than they used to be!

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Lame post.

Lame post. Disney is much worse than it’s used to be. That’s a fact. And that doesn’t even take into account how much more expensive it is than it used to be.
No, that is most definitely an opinion. That is the very definition of "opinion." And saying that it is a fact gives it no more validity than the people who end their statements on Twitter by saying "Period."

Posters like you can be in denial but that fact is, you get A LOT LESS FOR A LOT MORE money and that’s not debatable.

If you want to keep going and paying more for less, all the power to you. As they say, There’s a sucker born every day
This is what I was talking about earlier with in the thread when folks chimed in to tell me I was wrong and that no one was saying that. People who still like Disney are looked down upon and mocked here. A sucker? Please. I guarantee you that I am more well-informed about Disney than 99% of the customer base at the parks. I just happen to still like Walt Disney World. Get over yourself.


Premium Member
No, that is most definitely an opinion. That is the very definition of "opinion." And saying that it is a fact gives it no more validity than the people who end their statements on Twitter by saying "Period."

This is what I was talking about earlier with in the thread when folks chimed in to tell me I was wrong and that no one was saying that. People who still like Disney are looked down upon and mocked here. A sucker? Please. I guarantee you that I am more well-informed about Disney than 99% of the customer base at the parks. I just happen to still like Walt Disney World. Get over yourself.
This is what I tried to point out earlier about rude posts sending the discussion into a tailspin. Most posters aren't calling others "lame" or "suckers" because they still enjoy Disney.

But this is the internet; there are people who find it impossible to state their own opinions without calling names or hurling insults at others. It's best to ignore them and concentrate on discussing WDW with those who are able to express themselves appropriately.

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