That may have a minor impact but the pathways were barely passable in places, it’s pretty bad when you watch a video of a Disney park and your first thought is you’re glad you’re not there.
Thing is, they've actively caused that congestion in a lot of places.
There used to be way more room on the promenade around most of World Showcase.
They've eaten into that over the years by adding more and more dinging and retail to the water side, also taking away nighttime show viewing areas in the process which pushes more people into the still available spots. On top of that, the almost permanent addition of festival booths along most of the path and the "temporary" ques set up to accommodate them make that whole span even worse for both day guests and nighttime event audiences.
In the Magic Kingdom, they had a multi-year project to expand the hub to make that more passable during fireworks (because it was already a real problem even before the castle projection), including the setup of the "grass" viewing areas. Then after doing all of that, they started rolling out shows that
require front-of-castle viewing to fully experience, pushing more people into that area and then back down mainstreet. Plus, they took those new viewing spots originally designed to reduce crowding and turned them into up-sell viewing areas.
Similarly, they boxed in that center area of Hollywood Studios to make a limited viewing area for their nighttime events that also has the effect of increasing congestion on busy days through that area.
Likewise, of course, Genie+ (and FP+ and to a much lesser degree original FP before it) have the problem of allowing people to both simultaneously be in an imaginary line while also out wandering around all day.
And of course, they ignore choke points like that initial area into Adventureland from the hub where work could be done to improve things but isn't.
So yes, they've gotten busier but poorly planned retail, an apparent loss of desire to expand walkways where needed (remember back when they put the boardwalk along Fronteerland/Liberty Square and added the extra bridge in the hub to make those areas more passable? They stopped doing that kind of stuff inside the parks, it seems) and various forms of up-sells have a lot to do with, it, too.
Stupid things like the queue for People Mover that now routinely spills out into the general walking area of Tomorrow Land in a straight line causing something everyone else has to walk around or cut through, that is at least as long as the permanent queue which needs to be redesigned/expanded (and could be, cheaply, compared to other issues) continue to go unaddressed which don't help, either. Having someone with a "line starts here" sign at the back of that mess isn't a solution.