No, I would never never say you are "wrong" for disliking the Snow White ride. I would, however, point out that the allegations that the ride is "outdated" or incapable of inspiring or touching the emotions of some of it's riders is not a fact, but an opinion. And my opinion is just as "valid" as your opinion, although you and some of the other fanboys who seem to value having the "latest and greatest" technology above all else when it comes to evaluating the attractions, certainly seem intolerant of my opinion. And what's with the inflamatory, personal attacks? There is nothing "bizzaro" about being in touch with one's Inner Child and still finding the beauty and charm of so-called "outdated" things. I am truly glad I am not cynical and jaded like you!
(And I don't use the word "jaded" as an "attack" - you ADMITTED to being so yourself in the post I am quoting!)
Essentially, you seem to be critical of me, and making fun of me, because I am not "jaded" enough to find fault in so-called flawed things that still seem beautiful to me. I don't consider that 'bizzaro" or a weakness, to me its a strength that I aspire to hold on to!