Post pictures of you!

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New Member
Originally posted by PLUTIS
Just a few more for you...

What a good husband, wouldn't you say?

LOL! "Plutis"! Glad to see you finally posting! yeay!!

I once took a pic of my best friend´s husband holding the flower bouquette while she was having more pics taken. Then I did the same with my sister´s husband. Both of them taken just by surprise. Their faces on the pics when they were developed are priceless! Both my friend and my sister loved them! :animwink:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria

LOL! "Plutis"! Glad to see you finally posting! yeay!!

I once took a pic of my best friend´s husband holding the flower bouquette while she was having more pics taken. Then I did the same with my sister´s husband. Both of them taken just by surprise. Their faces on the pics when they were developed are priceless! Both my friend and my sister loved them! :animwink:

Yeah, actually I don't remember what I was laughing at here, maybe it was the flowers. I dunno.:D


New Member
Originally posted by PLUTIS
Well, I'm new to the site, but I'm sure you all are very familiar with my husband - Main Street USA. Here is a picture of us at our wedding last November in WDW. This is in the atrium of the American Adventure in Epcot. We had the whole place to ourselves, it was sooooo much fun (but I'm sure you all already know about it so I won't bore you with details!!).

PLUTIS, I'm glad you're posting here. You're wedding sounded so romantic. I saw pictures on this site of you two and you make a really cute couple. Welcome to the site. Hope to see you on a lot.

paula/aka goofette


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by fridgepoliceman

You didnt wear those public did you?!?! LOL. Just kidding with ya.

Oh, no! Certainly not. I did something similar in 2000, and for 2002 it just seemed appropriate. My family certainly got a kick out of it. By the way, that was taken at exactly midnight (and a few seconds).


Well-Known Member
You two are a beautiful couple!!! Gee MSU changed your avatar again hehe. I want to hear about this disney wedding. Have you posted info before??

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Heres me... not really.. originally something else was here.


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Well-Known Member
Yeah lol ive seen that before.. - your head lol. Thats not real you know why.. It wasnt cold during september. that dude sure is dressed warmley


Well-Known Member
Also the planes came in on angles not straight like its showing. The tower that the picture is shown on. ( the plane that hit that tower came from the right of the dude in the docked picture.. Not to mention how UN funny your picture was :rolleyes:

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, yeah, we all know the original picture was fake. But since it was fake, me making a cheap edit of my head and pasting it on makes it funny! (Everyone I showed it to thought it was funny).


Hey Tom Morrow, that wasn't funny at all. I lost a good friend that day and so did thousands and thousands of other people. Im usually a pretty easy going guy, but some things u dont touch. OK?


New Member
I never could understand why that picture started going around. I can't see anything funny in it. Just makes me sick to my stomach to see it, IMO. :(


New Member
Originally posted by Tom Morrow
Alright, fine. I'll remove it.

Thank you. I just can't stand to see it. It even breaks my heart to see the TT on movies now. Thanks again for removing it.


Active Member
little lost on what is going on.....but anywho.

hey iluvepcot, your welcome for that win in the sugar bowl. ;)

we were watching the game in the ESPN club at boardwalk. it was pretty devistating to see our illini not play how they had been playing all year. and it was harsh, there was only us 4 illini fans, and maybe 2 or 3 other. tons of LSU fans, who gave us a LOT of crap the whole game. but we stayed till the bitter end. I think we ended up being there for about 8 hours, we wanted to get a good table.

at least we didn't spend our new years in New Orleans, that would have been sad to lose!

it was really cool though, it was midnight when we got done, and we were going back to the Carr. Beach. There were 2 other people there, (LSU fans), who were also going back to Carr. Beach. The driver took us all theway there, since we were the only ones. (otherwise, we would have had to go back to downtown disney..etc...)

but they told us their story of how they got engaged in front of the castle at MK on new years eve, right as the fireworks were going off! and they made a really nice, cute couple! and they didn't make fun of our team, well, too much.

anyway, that is my story. sorry to ramble. :)

back to the thread!


Trophy Husband
All right, let’s lighten this up a bit.

Here I am facing down one of the most powerful forces on earth . . .water.

Bravely tempting fate. Staring into the gaping maw of destiny without flinching, without showing a trace of fear or trepidation.


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