Possible Changes coming to the Guest Assistance Cards (GAC)

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Well-Known Member
I wonder if the people at Uni who created their hotel Express Pass program are laughing so hard they can't catch their breath after watching Disney spend so much time and money trying to copy them and still failing so miserably.


Well-Known Member
Everyone, for the time being, please pay attention to what other people around you in a Fastpass line actually have. GACs, GACs, GACs.

I've spent plenty of time in the Radiator Springs Racers Single Rider Line. The point where the Fastpass lane is combined with the Single Rider line is where it's sickening. You just stand there for an extended period of time watching family after family, hipster couple after hipster couple, groups of gaggling friends after group all swoop in through Fastpass and show their GAC to the CM there. About every fourth group has an actual Fastpass ticket to offer, for the YOU KNOW, FASTPASS LINE. But most of them are using GACs to access the hot new thrill ride because a member of their party or a friend of theirs went to Guest Relations and used the code words to prove they couldn't wait in any lines at the busy theme park.

It's amazing how bad they let it get. It tells me the management of Disney theme parks aren't as swift as we may think they are.


Well-Known Member
I've spent plenty of time in the Radiator Springs Racers Single Rider Line. The point where the Fastpass lane is combined with the Single Rider line is where it's sickening. You just stand there for an extended period of time watching family after family, hipster couple after hipster couple, groups of gaggling friends after group all swoop in through Fastpass and show their GAC to the CM there. About every fourth group has an actual Fastpass ticket to offer, for the YOU KNOW, FASTPASS LINE. But most of them are using GACs to access the hot new thrill ride because a member of their party or a friend of theirs went to Guest Relations and used the code words to prove they couldn't wait in any lines at the busy theme park.

It's amazing how bad they let it get. It tells me the management of Disney theme parks aren't as swift as we may think they are.
It's only changing because of national press shaming - that's what it's going to take to get any form of major change to their thought process


Keep Moving Forward
I've spent plenty of time in the Radiator Springs Racers Single Rider Line. The point where the Fastpass lane is combined with the Single Rider line is where it's sickening. You just stand there for an extended period of time watching family after family, hipster couple after hipster couple, groups of gaggling friends after group all swoop in through Fastpass and show their GAC to the CM there. About every fourth group has an actual Fastpass ticket to offer, for the YOU KNOW, FASTPASS LINE. But most of them are using GACs to access the hot new thrill ride because a member of their party or a friend of theirs went to Guest Relations and used the code words to prove they couldn't wait in any lines at the busy theme park.

It's amazing how bad they let it get. It tells me the management of Disney theme parks aren't as swift as we may think they are.

RSR is opening is one of the rides that caused the DL management to finally notice the problem. So many GAC go through there it is unbelievable. Article about the GAC issues at RSR - scroll down to "The Line King"

Quote from Article -

When word of this GAC phenomenon reached DCA executives and George Kalogridis, after they demanded to know why so few Fastpasses were being given out each morning, the answer took the TDA executives by surprise. Any front-line Attractions or Guest Relations Cast Member has known the GAC program was highly abused and nearly worthless for years, but most executives had no exposure to the problem and had no idea so many GACs were being issued, often for months at a time. Some quick studies were commissioned by the Guest Relations team this summer, and it was determined that upwards of 5,000 people per day, almost all of whom were tracked as Annual Passholders, were going through the Fastpass line at Radiator Springs Racers with a GAC.


Well-Known Member
One thing that I don't understand is how everyone is so convinced that showing proof/dr.'s note will solve anything. One, any 12 year old with a word processor can forge a believable Dr.'s note. Two, just because they have proof of some sort of disability does not mean they are unable to wait in line. Case in point, I worked with an ex-marine who had about six surgeries on one knee and with an ex-football player who also had bad knees. Both these gentlemen worked on an attraction that featured a moving loading platform which required constant walking and another attraction that featured many, many, MANY stairs. Both gentlemen worked extra hours for the money - usually between 60-70 hours a week, and the football player was even training for a marathon (last I heard from him, he was up to 10 miles a day.) But both men each had GACs just because they knew they could get them and because they didn't want to wait in line like everyone else. The one had documentation of all his surgeries, and the other even had a handicap placard for his car, so obviously he was able to get documentation. Now, please tell me - do any of you sincerely believe that these men who could stand/walk/run for 10-12 hours a day outside in the heat while on the job were unable to stand/walk in a 1-2 hour standby line? Or use the FP system as a typical guest?

The point I'm trying to make is requiring proof is not going to cut down on abuse. I think I made this comment about 20 pages back, but I'll say it again - I'd estimate that 10% of GAC users are flat out fakers, 2% have genuine need of it (yes, when you boil it all down, I think the number is that low, based off of the extreme nature of the service provided by the GAC), and the other 88% are people that do indeed have some sort of disability but they play it up in their heads to convince themselves that they deserve a GAC even though if they were truly honest with themselves, they would begrudgingly admit that they would do just fine without a GAC, especially with utilizing the FP service and whatnot just as your typical guest would.


Well-Known Member
One thing that I don't understand is how everyone is so convinced that showing proof/dr.'s note will solve anything. One, any 12 year old with a word processor can forge a believable Dr.'s note. Two, just because they have proof of some sort of disability does not mean they are unable to wait in line. Case in point, I worked with an ex-marine who had about six surgeries on one knee and with an ex-football player who also had bad knees. Both these gentlemen worked on an attraction that featured a moving loading platform which required constant walking and another attraction that featured many, many, MANY stairs. Both gentlemen worked extra hours for the money - usually between 60-70 hours a week, and the football player was even training for a marathon (last I heard from him, he was up to 10 miles a day.) But both men each had GACs just because they knew they could get them and because they didn't want to wait in line like everyone else. The one had documentation of all his surgeries, and the other even had a handicap placard for his car, so obviously he was able to get documentation. Now, please tell me - do any of you sincerely believe that these men who could stand/walk/run for 10-12 hours a day outside in the heat while on the job were unable to stand/walk in a 1-2 hour standby line? Or use the FP system as a typical guest?

The point I'm trying to make is requiring proof is not going to cut down on abuse. I think I made this comment about 20 pages back, but I'll say it again - I'd estimate that 10% of GAC users are flat out fakers, 2% have genuine need of it (yes, when you boil it all down, I think the number is that low, based off of the extreme nature of the service provided by the GAC), and the other 88% are people that do indeed have some sort of disability but they play it up in their heads to convince themselves that they deserve a GAC even though if they were truly honest with themselves, they would begrudgingly admit that they would do just fine without a GAC, especially with utilizing the FP service and whatnot just as your typical guest would.
If it were illegal to fake a disability and they checked just a few of these and prosecuted offenders, all the cheats would just stop.

I think they'd stop. I know some smokers who smoke in non-smoking hotel rooms because they can afford to pay the fee, so maybe some people would figure it was worth the risk, anyway.

I don't know.

I do know that I'm glad I don't have to make the GAC decisions, with a rock to my left and a hard place to my right.
We just got back Sunday from a 7 day trip to WDW. My 5 year oldson is terrified loud noises but loves trains, so we were going to the train station in storybook circus at MK and he started screaming for his noise blocking headphones as we got closer. So we got them out and put them on him. The CM at the train station opened the handicapped area for us and told us for the rest of the trip we needed to go to guest assistance and get a GAC card for him so we would not have to wait in lines anymore. She said we did not even have to tell them why we needed one, just ask for a card and they will give it to us and we won't have to wait in long lines. We did not do this as I didn't feel his needs required skipping lines, he just doesn't like loud places, dark rides, or shows, which limited what we could do, but lines were not the issue. I just found it interesting that the CM was advocating getting a card and skipping lines.


Well-Known Member
We just got back Sunday from a 7 day trip to WDW. My 5 year oldson is terrified loud noises but loves trains, so we were going to the train station in storybook circus at MK and he started screaming for his noise blocking headphones as we got closer. So we got them out and put them on him. The CM at the train station opened the handicapped area for us and told us for the rest of the trip we needed to go to guest assistance and get a GAC card for him so we would not have to wait in lines anymore. She said we did not even have to tell them why we needed one, just ask for a card and they will give it to us and we won't have to wait in long lines. We did not do this as I didn't feel his needs required skipping lines, he just doesn't like loud places, dark rides, or shows, which limited what we could do, but lines were not the issue. I just found it interesting that the CM was advocating getting a card and skipping lines.
My thought, in this case, was that the CM seemed to see the situation as legitimate and just wanted to help. I doubt that she would have done that just randomly. In spite of the abuse, they all still want to do the right thing for those in potentially troubling situations.:)
My thought, in this case, was that the CM seemed to see the situation as legitimate and just wanted to help. I doubt that she would have done that just randomly. In spite of the abuse, they all still want to do the right thing for those in potentially troubling situations.:)
And she was very nice and helpful to us. I just had read all the comments about how people look at people with GAC cards as cheating so I didn't want to get one and get dirty looks. And my son did very well during lines except a few he was scared to go on (dark rides).


Well-Known Member
And she was very nice and helpful to us. I just had read all the comments about how people look at people with GAC cards as cheating so I didn't want to get one and get dirty looks. And my son did very well during lines except a few he was scared to go on (dark rides).
And that is fine, in fact that is very commendable, I just don't want anyone to think that, in this case, the CM offering the information concerning the GAC card was in anyway advocating the abuse of it.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could get one for your son and not feel like you are being judged by all those that don't get one? If a real system to identify a real need could be instituted without some pencil pusher in Washington thinking that was awful, it could be that way. However, this is Washington's way to provide service to the handicapped without any concern about how emotionally it might be stressful or hurtful to them. Oh, well! It is what it is, I guess!:cool:


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Original Poster
GAC report from Disneyland. We brought my brother into City Hall and explained the needs as largely behavioral. They put two stamps on our GAC:
  • Guests can use an alternate attraction entrance, where available
  • To avoid stairs, guests can use an alternate attraction entrance or path.
The later is used on select rides (Splash Mountain and Space Mountain most notably) where we can avoid stairs. For my brother this is a non-issue, but another member of my family should probably be avoiding stairs where he can as he's facing a knee surgery in a few months.

The pass was issued for the length of stay, and my brother is not an annual passholder. It seems like the new limit for issuance is a week. I did not get any indication that Guest Relations was at all aware of any changes that are coming in the future, but the two people I spoke with were very helpful in explaining the system and how it differs slightly from Walt Disney World. My brother is quite obviously disabled, and they have been very accommodating.


Well-Known Member
Its laughable that they didn't think handing out a ticket that entitles a holder and their party to unlimited Fastpass line usage that can be obtained merely by a simple lie wouldn't blow up in their faces. And the situation you described is extremely common.

Everyone, for the time being, please pay attention to what other people around you in a Fastpass line actually have. GACs, GACs, GACs.

So we took a quick trip to Disney Sunday and yesterday, and I let my wife and kids go on Toy Story Mania without me and I watched the fastpass queue for 45 minutes to see how many GAC's were being used. This was at 3pm and the wait time on standy by was 140 minutes.
I saw a grand total of 2, including ours, at the same time the handicapped ramp was full of people (had my wife check, and from what she saw it was all groups with people in wheel chairs). I saw a few fastpass+ users, the system is definitely slower as everyone has to make the mickey go green twice, once at entry and again at the merge point.

At Soarin we saw no other GACS, and at Star Wars the group behind us was using one, It was a family from South America. At first I was struggling to find the issue and then noticed one of the adults had one leg with atrophied muscles, he wasn't using a cane or any other assistance and you could only tell if you watched closely.

And yes the max time on the card is now 2 weeks.And as I always do I offered to show him the note from our dr. But the CM said it was not necessary.

So while its happening, its not every single person in the fastpass lane holding a GAC. Maybe Disneyland is like that, and maybe I just was there at a slow moment for GAC abuse.


Active Member
So something interesting in the Magic Kingdom 2 days ago... a family with one of their members in a wheelchair approached a CM in front of BOG with some type of voucher. It was not the red GAC card, BOG FP+ blue test card, nor was it a No Strings attached card. After the CM had talked to the party and directed them to an attraction, I asked about the voucher. The CM said he had never seen them before, but each voucher was for (1) person and entitled them to priority entry to an attraction. I got a glimpse of the voucher the lady was holding and it was longer and skinny, paper looked to be white. Has anyone seen or heard anything about these vouchers? I'm wondering if they are the next step in modifying the GAC.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
So something interesting in the Magic Kingdom 2 days ago... a family with one of their members in a wheelchair approached a CM in front of BOG with some type of voucher. It was not the red GAC card, BOG FP+ blue test card, nor was it a No Strings attached card. After the CM had talked to the party and directed them to an attraction, I asked about the voucher. The CM said he had never seen them before, but each voucher was for (1) person and entitled them to priority entry to an attraction. I got a glimpse of the voucher the lady was holding and it was longer and skinny, paper looked to be white. Has anyone seen or heard anything about these vouchers? I'm wondering if they are the next step in modifying the GAC.

We took a Magic Kingdom tour on the morning of the 2nd and were handed a single, enter any FP+ entrance ticket good for the three of us all day, that day only as part of our tour experience. We valued the certificate as a collectible much more than a FP so we just kept it but the other two families on the tour planned to use theirs.


Well-Known Member
Al Lutz has an update on Miceage today and discusses the GAC problems again. He's saying that lots of CM's and white collar folks from TDA/TDO are now getting a GAC when they enter the parks for free!

That's sickening to think about, and I hadn't even realized that such a thing was possible. How do these folks live with themselves, and why does their employer allow them to engage in such fraudulent behavior on the employers property?!?

The GAC is such a horribly flawed system now that I wouldn't be surprised if they redid it entirely with an all new name and everything.


Well-Known Member
Al Lutz has an update on Miceage today and discusses the GAC problems again. He's saying that lots of CM's and white collar folks from TDA/TDO are now getting a GAC when they enter the parks for free!

That's sickening to think about, and I hadn't even realized that such a thing was possible. How do these folks live with themselves, and why does their employer allow them to engage in such fraudulent behavior on the employers property?!?

The GAC is such a horribly flawed system now that I wouldn't be surprised if they redid it entirely with an all new name and everything.

Are you saying TDO/TDO is offering them a GAC or they are going to guest Services and asking for one?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying TDO/TDO is offering them a GAC or they are going to guest Services and asking for one?

Apparently they are going to Guest Services and getting them on their own, when they use their free tickets to get themselves and their family into the parks. They know the code words to use to get the best GAC stamp, and its free, so they are getting the GAC to not have to hassle with Fastpass tickets and Standby lines.


Well-Known Member
Al Lutz has an update on Miceage today and discusses the GAC problems again. He's saying that lots of CM's and white collar folks from TDA/TDO are now getting a GAC when they enter the parks for free!

That's sickening to think about, and I hadn't even realized that such a thing was possible. How do these folks live with themselves, and why does their employer allow them to engage in such fraudulent behavior on the employers property?!?

The GAC is such a horribly flawed system now that I wouldn't be surprised if they redid it entirely with an all new name and everything.
Theres unethical behavior up and down in the CM ranks - why should they not get whats theirs?
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