Possible Change to Evening EMH Policy


They are testing for only one reason. So they don't have to pay any cast members extra hours to sit and pass out wristbands. Also you are correct in that some cast members don't even bother to check to see if guests are wearing wrist bands. Plus this helps out the cast members who want to go on the rides where their friends are working. But it all comes down to not having to pay LABOUR COSTS. Here is a tip for you. Since they have been letting guests get their sodas refilled at the Electric Umbrella in EPCOT this will be happening at all the quick service sit down locations in the near future to again save on LABOUR COSTS.


Well-Known Member
I hope they decide to stick with the wristbands. This plan doesn't sound like it will run that smoothly. Maybe they will make a different room key that would be easier for the cast members to see. It sounds like a lanyard would help. I would like to hear more details to what they are planning.


New Member
The evening EMH seems flawed to me. How can they clear the park from non-resort guests whatever the media used (room key or wristband)? Resort guests are entitled to their perks but one cannot clear a park that way. It is also very rude to non-resort guests who may not be aware of the resort guest perks. Morning EMH are a much better option.

edit : 8 posts in 4 years
The evening EMH seems flawed to me. How can they clear the park from non-resort guests whatever the media used (room key or wristband)? Resort guests are entitled to their perks but one cannot clear a park that way. It is also very rude to non-resort guests who may not be aware of the resort guest perks. Morning EMH are a much better option.

The parks can simply start to be cleared like the MK is done for special events like MVMCP. Main Street is divided and one side is for coming and one side is for going traffic. Those without Resort IDs that are valid will not be allowed to ride attractions or shop, they must exit the park. (Yes, I know Disney is all about the money and wants people to shop, but they also want the other guests out of the park as well.)

There have been instances of folks getting CMs to put the wristbands on loosely, especially for children, and then those Guests sell the wristbands to other unsuspecting Guests who don't know about EMH or those that are not resort Guests.

I'd say ultimately though the decision is that the wristbands are costing too much money to keep ample enough supply of each color for the rotation.


New Member
well im a cm at the mk. i know for sure that people were e-bayen those bands off, ex-castmembers, guess steeling a back full, the bands are kept pretty close to a castmember in a sealed duffle bag while being handed out, but they have been stolen before. and also not every cast member gets to even touch them so thats how big of a deal it has become, i have read all this post so im sorry if its beeen said already. also it costs alot of money to keep the park open for just a select few people, but those people that cant ride the rides that arnt resort guests wolnt be kicked out but they can still shop, eat and spend there money, hmmm actully i think disney might be doing something right.


New Member
if you have a resort room card you get on the ride, if not you do not. seems like a good systems and it seems much more environmentally friendly than handing out thousands of wristbands a week that mostly make it to the trash. just sayin....


Well-Known Member
Weather is warm = T-shirts = easy to see wristbands
Weather isn't warm = long sleeves = not easy to see wristbands


New Member
Park hours are posted, say 9am to 7pm. 7pm comes, the non-resort people are asked to leave.

How is this rude?

Well...I am often a resort guest and love perks but I can imagine how I would see this as a non-resort guest. The posted closing time is 7pm ... true... and the park is actually not closing at 7pm and will not be closing soon (so, it must be open:brick:). Many people are still riding the attractions. Suddenly, you are asked to leave because the park has been booked for resort guests. So it must be a private party for VIP's... :eek: Unless the cast members explain to each non-resort guests why they are being asked to leave, the non-resort guest might feel frustrated.

I just say I can understand how non-resort guests may feel frustrated by the selective clearing.

By the way, my mother tongue is French. So, I might use words like "rude" when it is just "not that rude".:)


Active Member
Interesting idea... kind of a pain..

I wonder how often people shared their room keys with local friends and relatives.. I mean A family could go in line and get their wrist bands, then had their room keys to their FLa family, they go in line and get wristbands...

Not sure if it's a big problem or not, but this new method would prevent that from happening

I've only read through page three, but this is what I have been wondering about. In fact, I saw it happening in 10/06. A few people were passing their Keys to others who went through the line and got bracelets. I am sure it doesn't add too many people to the lines, but still - it does.



Well-Known Member
I believe this is being done for two main reasons. 1. Disney doesn't want to pay the 20-30 CMs it takes to distribute the wristbands. 2. I'm sure Guest Relations/Communications gets flooded with complaints from families that don't understand why they have to drag their entire family to a wristband distribution area in order to get on things once the park "closes." Guests can get very, very, very upset when you inform them they can't pick up bands for the rest of their group that is already at the attraction so this will solve that.

I personally don't think this pilot will result in a change in the near future. I don't think having to show the Resort ID at every queue makes sense. In the end though, Disney can't come up with one perfect system so they may end up with this one because it's cheapest.


Well-Known Member
All I have to say it that this seems to be just a trial thing. Nothing to get bent out of shape over just yet. However I hope that it won't be permanent but we'll just have to wait and see. :shrug:

I do miss the days of E-Ride nights at the MK...


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind either one but my daughter loves the wristband. She wore her last one for about 6 months. I couldn't believe it lasted that long, and it still looked good. :lol:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Since I've kept room keys from previous trips, I guess I'll take them along if I happen to stay off-site... The validity dates are printed small enough the CMs won't possibly be able to read them as people go by showing their keys. :lookaroun

j/k... I wouldn't do that. A) I almost always stay on-site and B) I'm too honest. :o


Well-Known Member
Since I've kept room keys from previous trips, I guess I'll take them along if I happen to stay off-site... The validity dates are printed small enough the CMs won't possibly be able to read them as people go by showing their keys. :lookaroun

j/k... I wouldn't do that. A) I almost always stay on-site and B) I'm too honest. :o

That's very kind of you, because honestly there is no way that the CM at the front of a queue is going to be able to take a serious look at the cards without causing a tremendous backup. People may complain about going to a location and waiting in one line for a band there, but if this change is ever implemented permanently they will realize how nice that was. Every attraction will have a needless line if the Greeter CM has to check cards. Even with the wristbands (where the CM's only job is to check dates) when they don't use those handheld scanners some people slip through.


when you enter the park, you need your key to the world card right? so why cant they just hand out the wristbands as the people come in throughout the day? have the cms working the turnstiles have a supply of the bracelets and hand them out then. at each park, for those who will be hopping. i dont find them to be at all annoying or uncomfortable, ad if they are for you, cant you just attach it around a beltloop or something? just another idea. i think no matter what we or disney comes up with, there will always be a flaw. people will do whatever they can to break the rules. :shrug:

Space Mountain

Well-Known Member
Interesting. Not certain what was so hard about the wristbands. Seems to me checking if someone has a wristband is easier for a CM at an attraction than seeing if they have a valid resort ID.

IMHO, it will slow down the attraction lines to have to check the valid resort IDs vs. just seeing if someone has a wristband.

Wonder if this is a cost cutting move to not have to staff the wristband distributors?

Its not too difficult to get a wristband if you are not a resort guest. You can either sneak in line or keep your wristbands. This is a good move for WDW if it works.


New Member
You know.. I was reading this thread again, and it just occured to me...

My guess is WDW thinks there is an issue with the wristbands (selling, getting doubles cost staffing etc) and a big enough issue (or enough complaints from people about it) that they are trying something new to thin out the people who do not have a right to the perk.


At US/IOA they offer FOTL perks to onsite guests. You must show you room ID at the begining of every ride, and for the most part the CM's really do take a good look at the IDs. It is a momentary pause then you enter the express lane... Often ID's are scanned.
It's not bad, it's not annoying, and it really doesn't take all that long. Esp considering it's pretty much a walk on from there...

Family of 5 here and to scan all our room keys takes maybe 20 seconds if that...

I keep them in my back pocket, whip them out and off we go.


New Member
This makes no sense . People will just mull around and not go on the rides , and if they do try to go on a ride ..what are they going to do call over a CM or security to escort a person without a room key from the park..


Well-Known Member
You know.. I was reading this thread again, and it just occured to me...

My guess is WDW thinks there is an issue with the wristbands (selling, getting doubles cost staffing etc) and a big enough issue (or enough complaints from people about it) that they are trying something new to thin out the people who do not have a right to the perk.


At US/IOA they offer FOTL perks to onsite guests. You must show you room ID at the begining of every ride, and for the most part the CM's really do take a good look at the IDs. It is a momentary pause then you enter the express lane... Often ID's are scanned.
It's not bad, it's not annoying, and it really doesn't take all that long. Esp considering it's pretty much a walk on from there...

Family of 5 here and to scan all our room keys takes maybe 20 seconds if that...

I keep them in my back pocket, whip them out and off we go.

Ive never been to Uni to see this, but wouldnt the difference be that, the onsite guest there get the front of line privilege during regular hours? If yes, then that means that not everyone is going to be going in that line, most will be in the regular lines because it will be during normal hours for all guest. So while it may be a hassle for the few people at Uni using it, not everyone will be using it, whereas EMH, everyone there should be pulling out the room key, and will probably make lines slower. Just like the few people that have to digg through their pockets and purses and shoes and whatever, to find their fastpass at the end of the line when asked, the same may be for the room keys.

Again I think its a dumb idea. With all the money shelved out from us to stay on property and just go to WDW period, they should continue to pay the money for the wristbands if the cost is the main problem here. Hopefully this test, will be just a test, and wont see the light of day ever after that.

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