Congrats on becoming Goofy . . . and I tip my cap at you becoming Dopey, too!
The Goofy medal is really priceless. It is something you either do yourself or it doesn't get done, period, and regardless of the finish time - first or last - is something you should count among your lifetime achievements. Mine holds so many positive memories.
Thanks for the report, Shannon. It was really great taking that trip with you, without the leg and foot pain.
Thanks Doug!
I love what you said about the Goofy medal: "It is something you either do yourself or it doesn't get done, period." That is so true. I do all of my training by myself, so I only had myself to answer to if stuff didn't get done. And I feel extra satisfaction because I took your advice to train just like I'd train for a marathon - no more, no less - despite the fact that I had someone tell me that I'd regret it in the end because it wasn't enough mileage. It feels good to know that I did it on my terms because I knew what would work for me. Booyah!
LOL at taking the trip with my "without the leg and foot pain."

Ain't that the truth.
That was such a great race report, Shannon. I just loved it. Those medals are amazing. What an accomplishment!!
I was so excited when you saw Will!
And your picture with Minnie is the best picture of the day!
Thanks Tammy! Disney medals are the BEST! They just do not compare to any other medals that I have. They are such better quality, from how heavy they are to what's on the they have Disney characters on them!
I was so excited to see Will...that gave me such a boost!
That sucks you are sick now too. That darn cough just hangs on and on. I think I am finally over it now. Its been almost a month since I've been back!
Almost a month?! Yikes, I don't think I quite had what you did then. I was out of commission for 10 days and missed a day of work because I couldn't sleep. It's been a little over 2 weeks since it started and I'm still coughing and blowing my nose more than usual, but I'm back to running my normal schedule...just a bit slower.

I'm so glad you're feeling better!
Not going to lie after the Disneyland Half filled up so quickly I signed up for the Disney Visa in the hopes that early sign up will be available to members for future races so I won't miss out if it gets that crazy. I wonder if Disney is going to start doing a lottery system at any point if races keep selling out the way they have been.
Now that the Goofy part is over do we still get more TR?
GOOD IDEA. I actually got an email over Marathon Weekend with a link to sign up for the Disneyland Half early. Between that and people signing up at the WDW Marathon/Tinkerbell Half Expo I bet tons of spots were filled before registration "officially" opened. From what I remember I was able to register for the last 2 marathon weekends early...maybe up to a week before registration officially opened. AND I got the Disney Visa discount!

I don't think they have a discount for any other races. I hope that perk doesn't go away any time soon. I can't see them moving to the lottery thing just yet. The Disneyland Half always sells out quicker than any other race (I guess because it's one of 2 Disneyland races and people want the C2C medal), and I think adding the Dumbo stuff just pushed it over the top. The other ones don't sell out like that one does.
Yep, more TR coming your way!
Awesome report Shannon!!!
It was really great that Will and P. Craiggy were able to see you so close to the finish! I know that gave you a much needed boost to finish within your goal.
Thanks Kristy!! Yeah, Will and P.Craiggy were awesome spectators! I was definitely expecting Will to see me on the course at some point, but I was pleasantly surprised when Craig said he was waiting for me in Epcot. What a guy!
Doesn't that trek around WS seem so much longer than when you walk it? Looking across the lake when you are at mile 25, it seems like you are never going to hit Mexico!
YES. Oh man. I mean, how many times in a normal day does one walk around the World Showcase like it's no big deal?! Totally different during the last mile of a marathon.
Love your Minnie shot! Next time, I will have to take matters into my own hands since the photographers didn't catch my high-fives to Goofy and Mickey! I just wanted to get done, so I didn't stop for any photos.

Next time!
I love that one too! Love the classic characters in their tracksuits. That is so crappy that the photogs missed your high-fives.

BOO! So not impressed with them this year.
Awesome medal shots, especially of the Mickey medal! I also didn't notice the back of the Goofy medal until we got home and Dan mentioned it. It really is a nice touch.
I also found myself comparing this race to the last. I guess I really can't accurately compare because of my physical state. I didn't feel the elation that I felt during the first one and I didn't have as fun a time. I know that is probably more because I didn't feel well than the actual race. I bet there is no feeling like finishing your first marathon, so it may be tough to ever recreate that feeling. We have done it before, so we know we can finish. The first time, I know that I had no idea if I could finish or not. Even though I have said time and again that I would never do a full marathon outside of Disney, here I am planning to do the Philadelphia Marathon in 2013 and the MDI Marathon in 2014. It will be interested to see the differences and how I feel finishing these. I hope they provide enough distractions to keep me going! I have done halfs in Philly and it is a great place to run. MDI is supposed to only be second to the Big Sur Marathon in scenery so I am hoping that will keep me going!
Yeah, I certainly don't blame you for having less-than-perfect memories of this marathon.

Hopefully Philly will go much better! I think I knew I was going to finish last year, but it didn't hit me that I was really going to do it until I saw the finish line...what a feeling. I too thought I'd never do a non-Disney marathon...funny how that changes.

Like I said to @
LindsayLoves I have heard good things about Philly, so I hope you guys enjoy that one (I'm assuming Dan is running it too). I hadn't heard of the MDI Marathon before but it sounds cool! Definitely a plus to run somewhere where you have nice scenery.
Right now I'm signed up for Cleveland (which is in May). I'm kind of excited about it because I know without all of the stops I should be able to cut at least an hour off of my 5:59:30 time.

The stops are definitely worth it because I love the pictures I got, but it'll be nice to not be on my feet for so long. After that I think I'm going to take the rest of the year to focus on getting my half PR down closer to 2 hours (it's currently 2:13...I'd definitely like to get it under 2:10 by the end of the year). For 2014 I'm looking at the Flying Pig (May), Akron (September) or Columbus (October). Akron is the closest to me but I have heard great things about the Pig...we'll see. And then Goofy in 2015!