I actually took some notes this time lol!
Wow! Gold Star for you!
First, there is no chance that I would do Everest during a run. While it seems like a good idea, that ride definitely messes me up for a little bit after! I get what your saying about scrambling your brains a little more each time. It's called getting older!
Oh, is that what it is?

Haha...my 13-year-old, roller coaster-loving self would be very disappointed to hear that.
I had a kind of bad feeling when we left AK because in 2011, the race was in countdown single digit mode. We hit mile 17 and only had 9 to go. I know it was all mental, but it just felt weird.
No, that's totally what I was thinking too. This year it was just kind of like, "okay, we still have the latter half of the race left and no more park time until mile 22...ugh."
Love the pics with you and Daisy and Minnie. Great pic of DW Duck. Funny pic of the guy stretching. It is always a fun distraction when you hear people making humorous comments. Am I the only one who wants to punch the girl on the trampoline?! At least give a little bounce, make a little effort! Not like you are running a marathon or anything!
I love the Minnie/Daisy one too...that's definitely one of my top favorites from any of my race pictures. I'm so glad I don't listen to music during these things...I feel like people who do miss a lot, whether it's the music played on the course, people's conversations, etc. Trampoline girl was a giant bummer.
I don't think I ever looked at how many turns were on the WWoS map. That is crazy! Didn't see so bad when we were running it except for it being LONG! I did like that there were some tree lined areas to keep in the shade at least a little bit of the time. I didn't take note of the real bathrooms which is a good thing because I didn't feel like I needed them every couple miles by this time! Definitely a good thing.
I think I only noticed it because I had run a half last year that had tons of turns and it added SO much to my total distance, so that's what I was afraid of here. I'mm with you though, when I was actually running in WWoS it was okay...just NEVER ENDING.
I had to laugh at you and @
LindsayLoves saying your photos in the stadium look so unhappy or that you felt that way. That is one of the pictures that I actually bought of myself! I actually look happy in that pic. I think I must have been feeling better finally.
You know, now that I look back at my photos I'm actually not sure that I do have any in WWoS...but if they did I'm sure I'd be making a big ol' "not impressed"-type face.
I think that was my "wall" I was soooooooo tired of WWoS at that point - all the running on the sidewalks was h**l on my legs, then having to run around that warning track I felt my legs just wouldn't push me forward. I knew there were cameras but I couldn't fake it for those pictures. I am glad you liked it, I wouldn't have hated it so much if it were earlier in the race.
LOL! I think I was just annoyed that THIS was where we spent so much of our time rather than in the parks...but I guess it's just a logistical thing.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I liked it!

It was just better than I felt all morning. Still not great but better. My other marathon pics had a grimace of death on them. I got the one from the marathon and a couple from the half.
Ah, the grimace of death...I know it well.
Fair enough

I imagine most people who do the Goofy look a lot happier in the half photos than they do in the full photos. I was in such a
bad place that when I heard my name called out in the stadium I thought "well that was stupid".
Haha...I just had this vision of you turning to the announcers and shouting "SHUT UP!"
I envision running a marathon as climbing a mountain, but in fairness I have never gone mountain climbing.
Still, I like to think as the first 5-6 miles as a warmup, getting to base camp. From base camp, you mount your assault to climb to the summit. Miles 6-13 are the climb to the top. I used to like that in the old layout Everest was around mile 16-17, so that when I actually saw Everest, I was actually a few miles down from the summit. That gave me a little boost right before hitting that killer stretch of the race.
Historically, miles 18-24 are the hardest so it makes them more tolerable for me to tell myself I am coming down the mountain, have reached base camp and every step is bringing me closer to the finish.
Having a big surprise to look forward to at mile 20 would have been a huge deal psychologically. For it to have been a dud would have been very harmful to my psyche. At that point in a marathon, your mind is playing games with you already.
Can't wait to hear more details!
That's a great way to look at it...there's such a huge mental aspect to these things. The biggest thing that played with my mind is what @
Kristia and I mentioned above...that once we got out of Animal Kingdom we still had the entire second half to go, not just 9 miles or whatever it was last year. Those 4 miles made SUCH a huge difference. And like I said, the mile 20 thing wasn't really something I thought about too much until I was in that hardest portion of the race (18-24)...so suddenly it did become a big deal. I'll post some pictures of that in a minute.
The highway stretch on Osceola during the ToT 10 miler was AWFUL!! And it wasn't just one way, it was the out and back.... We were staying at All Star Sports and honestly I contemplated taking the exit and just running back to the room and going to bed. The only park was actually ran through was HS and that was at the very end. We also had the pleasure of running through WWoS but after the out and back that was a very welcome part of the course for us!!
Yay, yo'u're almost done!!!! Super bummed Will missed you running by GF
Can I tell you how much I LOVE the pic with Darkwing Duck?! I loved that show when I was younger!!!! *Darkwing Duck... let's get dangerous!!!* (at least, I think those are the words... lol)
Osceola is the worst...and I think it's in the Wine & Dine too? I guess it's going to pop up on any course where they want to connect Animal Kingdom/WWoS and the Studios.

I know the out-and-back you're talking about, I think it's similar to the one they had for the marathon last year. I HATED that part.
I'm bummed I missed Will at the GF too!

But he did catch me later!
Woohoo Darkwing Duck!! Gotta love these classic characters on the race courses.