This is awesome and how you know your training really worked. I felt great two days after the full which shocked me, I had never run that kind of mileage before and my training the last month was pretty weak due to injury, putting in that work for the months before really paid off. People are super opinionated about what others should do to prep for races but you know what your body needs over anyone else and those people should cram it!
Yeah, not that I think I'm some expert or something, but I feel like I have been doing this long enough that I know better what works for ME than some stranger on the internet.
That's awesome that you recovered so quickly, even after not having as much training over the last month. It really goes to show you that missing a run here and there doesn't completely cancel out all the other hard work that's been done.
LOL at "those people should cram it!" YEAH THEY SHOULD!
That is a killer next Disney race! Expecting a full TR when you return. I adore cruising (8+ cruises under my belt at this point) and would love to hit up a Disney cruise one day but my soon to be husband can't get his mind wrapped around going on a ship which is a phobia he will have to get over at some point. Glad to see that Will is willing to join you in the EEC, my guy wants to do a Tough Mudder like event that has obstacles built in, I might have to compromise on that one if he'll agree to cruise...
Your husband sounds exactly like my husband...the thought of being out in the middle of the ocean on a boat completely freaks him out. I'm pretty sure this cruise will be the only one I go on just because I know he'll never do it. You should join us on the Dream in September!!

Of course it's the week after the Disneyland Half, so I bet it would be pretty hard for you to swing it...
Good luck to you if you do end up signing up for a Tough Mudder...I have NO desire to ever do one of those!
Isn't your wedding sooooon?? YAY!
Great report, Shannon! I'm so sad that it is over. That is such a bummer that your trip ended on a somewhat bad note. That is the worse when you are sad that your trip is almost over and it puts you in a bad mood and then instead of enjoying the time you have left, you are so sad or upset that it almost ruins the end of the trip. Can you tell that this has also happened to me?
Thanks Ashley! Yeah, I guess it happens to all of us from time to time.

Overall I do have good memories of the weekend as a whole. At least we left knowing when we'd come back next.

That makes it easier!
I'm glad you liked the Grand Floridian. I love the theme of the resort and think it screams classic Disney so I am always surprised when people say it feels too stuffy. Sadly, I think it screams classic Disney to me because the Tanner family stayed there when they went to WDW on an episode of Full House. Hahaha Anyways...I love the Grand Floridian too! I just wish it wasn't so expensive or I would love to stay there more often.
I used to think it was stuffy until I actually went inside the resort for the first time...then I just thought it was awesome. I think I read in the Unofficial Guide that people think it's stuffy so that just kind of warped my ideas of the place...or something. But once we were there for a bit (I think the first time we were there it was for dinner at Citricos in 2011) we didn't get the stuffy vibe at all. I hear you on the price dream trip would be a split stay between the Grand Floridian and the Polynesian. If we start saving now maybe we'll have the cash for it by our 10th anniversary in 2019...
AHH I totally remember that episode! They had tea with the characters and Steve surprised DJ...good times.

I don't think I've seen that one since it first aired on TGIF (OMG...remember TGIF?!

I thought I was totally done with running but reading your report has made me think I may need to do another runDisney race. Maybe I'm not totally done with running but maybe just any non-Disney running.
Thanks again for sharing! I hope you get to go on a longer trip to Disney soon with only limited time spent running.
runDisney just sucks you back in, don't they?
We're booked for a week-long stay in December! NO RACES! (But I'm sure I'll be hitting the hotel treadmill a few times that week.) Woohoo!!
Loved your summary! Hope to see you at the start line! 2015 will be here before you know it!
Thanks Katherine! I'm sure we'll meet in person at some point...probably the WDWMagic meet-up before the 2015 marathon.
What an inspiring trip report! Makes me consider doing a Disney race! I'll be there this weekend during the Princess Half (but not to race)- thanks for the fun 'trip' along with you!
I'm also thinking of signing up for the Unofficial Ladies Cruise- and would love to do the 5K!
Thanks! Ooh, lucky you...great time of the year to be at WDW. I hope you have a fabulous trip!
YES, do join us on the cruise!

It's going to be a great time!! I'm really looking forward to the 5K...I have heard that participants get a (plastic) finisher "medal" and that the race is F-R-E-E!
Thanks for your encouragement! I'm feeling awesome today! No knee soreness or otherwise thank goodness! I was going to go for an easy 3-miler but I bagged instead to study for my exam tomorrow. Sometimes going for an easy run 2 days after a long run seems to shake out any remaining soreness. But I am going to get up early tomorrow and do a morning workout instead. I think it will help me test better too
Good, glad you're feeling good!

Seriously, those longer runs will help your confidence a lot. How's school going? When are you due to graduate? I forget if I mentioned this to you or anywhere else in the report, but Princess Craiggy is starting grad school in the fall for nursing!

Yikes! Good thing we aren't planning on Marathon Weekend 2014. There's no way he'd have time to train with a full course load and clinicals (actually, I'm sure he could carve out the time...but he doesn't really have a great history with that.

You and Will sound like my husband and I on one afternoon of our last trip. It is easy to think that everything always goes perfectly because you are in a wonderful place, but sometimes things can get sour. I think you came back with lots of great memories and the good thing is you have nice trips coming up! Your husband sounds like a real trooper too!
I love the new character pictures! Donald's outfit is awesome!
I definitely have good memories of this trip overall.

It was good in a way because it did make me realize that we are more than due for a "normal" trip. These races are so addicting and I was definitely getting in to the mindset of really wanting to do at least one per year, and after this trip I don't think that's the best thing for us since we can really only go to Disney once or twice per year. And yes, Will is a trooper!

He's been really good about letting me do these races. I was hoping to think of something fun to do for him on our next trip...planning on booking the Segway tour (which we did a couple of years ago and LOVED) but now they don't offer it anymore.

So I'll need to think of something else.
I love the new character set-ups too! I just need someone to figure out how to work with that lighting and then give me a tutorial so I don't get that weird pink haze in all of my pictures...then I'll be set.