Pooh's Pointless Preview!


Well-Known Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
what about this...

Not all CMs always get around the parks, due to work schedules, and LIFE... I found it odd when i worked in Adventureland, that I hardly EVER made it to the other side of the park!

Maybe they are giving their CMs at MK an exclusive look, so they know what Guests are talking about, and know what to tell their Guests with questions about Pooh's Playful Spot!?!? :veryconfu

I would agree......previews for CM's are not really "because they love you".....it is more so that you are knowledgeable, and can answer guests questions....and start the word-of-mouth


New Member
I can't say this enough: Winnie the P**P!!! Sorry to the Pooh lovers out there, but he is a lot like an old lady. Oh dear.......Now Tigger has some spice to him, but Pooh needs to have the giant stage hook taken to him. Mean, I know. Bad mood today. :brick:


New Member
mousermerf said:
I'm sorry, this one is just up there on the "too silly not to mention" scale..

August 30 and 31st, Magic Kingdom Cast Members will have a preview of Pooh's Playful Spot from 9am to 5pm. The preview is for MK cast only - no friends, no family.

Anyone else see the irony in that? A play area for children with a preview for adults only? What are they going to do - see who can actually fit in the slide?

Maybe everyone will take turns sitting on the benches!!!

I don't see anything wrong with that, it is to inform and educate castmembers on the newest addition to Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom.


New Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
what's the allusion to 20K!?!?

I can't give the surprise away yet since the play area doesn't open to the public until September 1st, but it will be located in Pooh's house (which is the giant tree with Piglet poking out across from the Winnie the Pooh ride). Just as there is the Mr. Toad homage in Owl's house, a 20k homage will be in found in the House at Pooh Corner.

I will be at the cast preview and will take a few pictures that I will try and post here.

General Grizz

New Member
GoldenFantasmic said:
I can't give the surprise away yet since the play area doesn't open to the public until September 1st, but it will be located in Pooh's house (which is the giant tree with Piglet poking out across from the Winnie the Pooh ride). Just as there is the Mr. Toad homage in Owl's house, a 20k homage will be in found in the House at Pooh Corner.

I will be at the cast preview and will take a few pictures that I will try and post here.
Watch out... I think Tigger will have a house in Toontown next time... :D

Magic Maker

New Member
OH GEEZ! Stop the whining!!!!!! Sorry this is in the reponse to the first few posts, regarding why there should be a preview for CMs.

I enjoyed being able to preview the area. It was nice to see it since I had been watching it growing from the moment we broke ground in the area. It didn't cost the company all but the labor of one CM to check IDs. There is no negative to this.
The area was nice looking, it was nice to see it before it deteriorates from use. It is certainly temporary looking though. It was nice to see it before any of the Guests.


New Member
Just to clear something up that I have heard many people say, Pooh's Playful Spot WILL NOT be a meet and greet area for Pooh and his friends. If you want to meet them then you can go to Toontown in the Hall of Fame or make reservations for the Crystal Palace. And the cast preview was to show the cast excatly what the play place is so they can inform the guests.

Magic Maker

New Member
Thank you AliceFan. I am glad there are some people that understand Cast Previews are twofold:
1) To inform the Cast
2) To let the Cast know they are important and they need to be knowledgable and enjoy themselve


mousermerf said:
Sometimes i feel like the angry boy - Mike Teevee - from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when he says "Why is everything here completely pointless?"

To parapharse Charlie, "It's Disney. It doesn't have to have a point."

After looking at the two pictures in one of the above posts, it looks like a place little ones who aren't really allowed into certain areas because of hieght or age content can go and let off some steam to run play while mom and dad or grandpa and grandma take a breather to figure out what they're going to do next. And I think Pooh fans might like to walk around in the closest thing to getting to the Hundred Acres Woods here.


Well-Known Member
frankd1962 said:
I think Pooh fans might like to walk around in the closest thing to getting to the Hundred Acres Woods here.
Excuse me? Closest thing to it? I'm sorry, I just don't understand. This IS the Hundred Acre Woods. You might want to do a little research.



New Member
sorry for not taking pictures but i was just there today at the preview. not too many cast members there but my friend and i had a blast. it's kinda small but running around like a little kid is always good times. children will have a good time with pooh's house and the giant honey jars. i know i did *austin powers voice* "how did i get in this giant jar of honey!"


Premium Member
dflye said:
From personal experience taking my 3 year old son into the "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" play area, the layout is horrible if you are there by yourself (heck even with my wife there, it was a pain) and are trying to figure out where your kid goes after he slides down from the top of the main climbing area. And once in those holes under that area, even harder to find them in there if you have to practically crawl on your belly to get into the various cramped hidden areas with minimal lighting.

As our son zipped down the slide, I was leaning over the top of the wall to figure out where he was going once he reached the bottom, and my wife was roaming down below. He still managed to zip around and get far enough into the hidden areas below that by the time I pointed out to my wife where he had gone in, he was long gone!

That and if you've ever tried to crawl under there carrying a backpack, doesn't matter how skinny you are, you'll think you were doing some military drill involving creeping under barb-wire fences! :eek:

OMG I hate that. I tried to follow my then 2 year old through some of the tunnels and I thought I was going to scream because I had such an attack of claustrophobia. I was terrified. I have never been that freaked in my life!


New Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
Excuse me? Closest thing to it? I'm sorry, I just don't understand. This IS the Hundred Acre Woods. You might want to do a little research.

That is why it's to bad it's not a meet and greet. It would be cool to meet the charaters in there own woods. I guess it's nice for the kids.


You know, say what you want about this pooh land or whatever, but all I know is that it'll be less screaming kids in front of me when I'm on line for pirates or HM.

Oh, and ps. I'd like to take this opportunity to personally defend HISK playground...as I child I LOVED those tunnels. LOVED them. So awesome...I wish I was 10 again.

- Brian


yensidtlaw1969 said:
Excuse me? Closest thing to it? I'm sorry, I just don't understand. This IS the Hundred Acre Woods. You might want to do a little research.


Is it the REAL Hundred Acre Woods? It looks plastic to me.


Well-Known Member
Well, of course it's the real HAW! (New abbreviation... :rolleyes: ) That tree with Piglet in it blends in perfectly with the rest of them... :lol:

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