Polynesian - Anyone else NOT impressed?


Well-Known Member
It seems without a doubt, the Polynesian is the most popular Disney Resort. It had always been our dream resort. We finally got the chance to stay there a couple years back, and while we enjoyed it, I certainly wasn't as blown away as most seem to be. Here are a few things I didn't care for that make me feel this way:

- The elevators in the longhouses are small, banged up, and don't sound very secure.

- The GCH, while lovely, gets far too crowded in the evening with other guests.

- Tambu Lounge is great, but like the rest of the GCH, gets way too crowded from Ohana in the evening.

- There's no hot tub.

- Many of the tiki torches weren't lit.

- Bus transportation was worse than any Disney Resort we've stayed at.

- Front desk, while not rude by any means, didn't make us feel overly welcome, and wasn't very efficient.

I think the biggest thing for me was, it just didn't feel like a $400 a night resort. I loved the size and decor of the rooms. I loved the grounds. I loved the theming. I just didn't get the Deluxe type of feeling I get while at the Wilderness Lodge or Grand Floridian.


WDW Fan Since 1973
I think that the problem stems from the fact that rooms are in the $400 range now. When you pay $400 for a hotel room, you expect to really be "wowed". A real wow is Trumps hotel in Vegas, TV's behind the mirrors (in the bathrooms), marble everywhere and beds and bedding that are like sleeping in heaven. Sure, the Poly has exceptional atmosphere and I will admit the rooms are LARGE, but when there's the chance for spotty guest service at check-in, or having to pay extra bucks for internet, it can suck the magic right out of the vacation. I do love the Poly, but as we're DVC members now(for over 10 years), I could never go back to a vacation at WDW in one room. Our home resort is WL (incredible atmosphere-and really quiet in the Villa section) and we never stay in anything less than a one bedroom unit. Having the room to s t r e t c h is really a plus.
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I think that the problem stems from the fact that rooms are in the $400 range now. When you pay $400 for a hotel room, you expect to really be "wowed". A real wow is Trumps hotel in Vegas, TV's behind the mirrors (in the bathrooms), marble everywhere and beds and bedding that are like sleeping in heaven. Sure, the Poly has exceptional atmosphere and I will admit the rooms are LARGE, but when there's the chance for spotty guest service at check-in, or having to pay extra bucks for internet, it can suck the magic right out of the vacation..

That's an excellent point, and so true. That was my thinking. Same thing with the GF. You expect to be treated like royalty. I figured we'd step off the bus and see a few CM's at the front greeting new guests with lei's, escorting us to our room, walk into the room to beautiful furniture, excuisite bathrooms. Instead, you get eh furniture. Smudges on the sliding glass doors. Hardly any TV stations. Aside from the location and slightly larger rooms, there's really nothing that seperated it (for us) from a moderate. The service was no better.

I will say, at the GF, I did feel somewhat more of the "wow" factor. I felt like I could see why the rates are $400 per night.
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It's one of my favorite resorts - I love the theme & the restaurants more than anywhere else. But my DH was not that impressed, he far prefers the Epcot resorts like The Boardwalk.
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That is one of the reasons I love The Contemporary so much and why when they changed it I cried..:cry:

It still brings back memories of my childhood..first resort we ever visited at WDW and we spent so much time there..the arcade, the movies in the little theater that was in the arcade....everything!

Polynesian is the same...the smell especially the moment the doors slide open make me smile!

I love the GCH and sitting there people watching and the sounds of the monorail going by and the people and music..:D

Same with the grounds..the outside grounds are what makes me want to stay there and why we visit almost every night we are there.

We could sit on the beach for hours and we used to before Maggie and sometimes do if she is playing or falls asleep..

Everyone has different tastes and reasons for liking a resort..that is what is so great about WDW..something for everyone.

The room size does not affect us though..we usually stay at POP and have no problems with the rooms or beds.

I am not that fond of AKL or any of the moderates really though..they just do not have that special feeling for us..:shrug:
Tell the truth. You still miss the blue and lime green floors. I know I do.:D
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The Poly has a special place in my heart. I grew up staying there and I still remember the very first time I walked into the lobby as a little girl - I was immediately in heaven. I was also married at the Poly last year (Sunset Pointe). The resort will always be my favorite - too many memories to count...
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Nikki M

New Member
We have stayed at the Poly three times in the past two years. We stay there for the monorail and location. It is worth it for us to step out of your room, walk 5 minutes (we always request a closer room to the GCH), and get on the monorail. It is also a quick walk to the TTC.

We also really like the tropical theme of the resort grounds, the beach, and the view of MK. Ohana and Kona are both great places to eat. We actually like the hustle and bustle of the lobby. It is fun and exciting.

The past time we stayed (Nov of 09) we were very disappointed in the room. We like the size, but it was very dirty, especially our bathroom. The shower head was so dirty and gunked up, only part of the water would come out. We requested that it be cleaned, but the didn't do anything until the day before we left on the last day of our 12 day stay. They put on a new shower head, too late for us though. The entire bathroom had mold all over the shower, greasy gunk on the side of the counter so you could not lean over to use the mirror or you would get it on your clothes, and the door had chocolate or mud or something smeared all over it. We have a toddler just the size to touch all that and it was gross. The floor in the room was really dirty too - feet were black from walking on it. We told the front desk several times, but there attitude was, eh, whatever. Sorry, but not going to do anything about it.

We really like the Poly, but because of our last experience with the room, we will be trying somewhere else this year.
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Active Member
We have stayed at the Poly three times in the past two years. We stay there for the monorail and location. It is worth it for us to step out of your room, walk 5 minutes (we always request a closer room to the GCH), and get on the monorail. It is also a quick walk to the TTC.

We also really like the tropical theme of the resort grounds, the beach, and the view of MK. Ohana and Kona are both great places to eat. We actually like the hustle and bustle of the lobby. It is fun and exciting.

The past time we stayed (Nov of 09) we were very disappointed in the room. We like the size, but it was very dirty, especially our bathroom. The shower head was so dirty and gunked up, only part of the water would come out. We requested that it be cleaned, but the didn't do anything until the day before we left on the last day of our 12 day stay. They put on a new shower head, too late for us though. The entire bathroom had mold all over the shower, greasy gunk on the side of the counter so you could not lean over to use the mirror or you would get it on your clothes, and the door had chocolate or mud or something smeared all over it. We have a toddler just the size to touch all that and it was gross. The floor in the room was really dirty too - feet were black from walking on it. We told the front desk several times, but there attitude was, eh, whatever. Sorry, but not going to do anything about it.

We really like the Poly, but because of our last experience with the room, we will be trying somewhere else this year.

Just curious...which longhouse were you in on your last trip?
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The past time we stayed (Nov of 09) we were very disappointed in the room. We like the size, but it was very dirty, especially our bathroom. The shower head was so dirty and gunked up, only part of the water would come out. We requested that it be cleaned, but the didn't do anything until the day before we left on the last day of our 12 day stay. They put on a new shower head, too late for us though. The entire bathroom had mold all over the shower, greasy gunk on the side of the counter so you could not lean over to use the mirror or you would get it on your clothes, and the door had chocolate or mud or something smeared all over it. We have a toddler just the size to touch all that and it was gross. The floor in the room was really dirty too - feet were black from walking on it. We told the front desk several times, but there attitude was, eh, whatever. Sorry, but not going to do anything about it.

We really like the Poly, but because of our last experience with the room, we will be trying somewhere else this year.

That's inexcuseable at any level, but for $400 per night, they should be ashamed of themselves. I'd have been at the front desk asking for a manager and telling him to fix and clean it, or get us a new room.

You should write Disney about that and let them know.
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i've always loved this resort til i stayed in the honeymoon suite this past summer.. in comparison to a concierge room at GF it was horrible.. you're right in front of the marina with constant people walking by all the time, the room just seems old and other than a jacuzzi tub it was no different in my mind than any other room..

i also felt the main pool was rather small.. it was always packed with barely anywhere to move around in it.. i dont care too much about the hot tubs cause in the summer i really dont want to go in a hot tub..

other than the room quality and pool size, i still love the resort..

I agree on the pool, we stayed at the poly this past summer and ended up going to the unthemed pool to have some space and enjoy a quieter atmosphere. The great thing about the beach club pool (my resort of choice) is that even though it is always crowded, it is large enough to enable you to always have a place to go to have your own space.
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New Member
I read a review recently of the Poly where the bathroom in one of the rooms was left in disgusting condition for the incoming guest. I refuse to go into details, but let's just say it was :eek:. There were pictures.
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New Member
My last “stay” at the Poly was anything but memorable.

We checked in, walked to our building and as I slide the key into the door, I could hear talking. I double checked our information to make sure we were in the right building at the correct door, everything was right. As I opened the door, we were greeted by two maintenance men working on the bathroom sink. They told us the sink had a bad leak and they needed to get more equipment to fix it.

I called the front desk and told them about the situation. It is unacceptable that the front desk and maintenance staff do not communicate with each other. The manager told me the sink was fixed, I informed him that the maintenance staff is still working on the problem and I have two tool boxes in the bathroom to prove it. When I asked to be transferred to another room, the manager told me he would work on it and call back in 5 minutes. After 25 minutes passed, I called the manager again and was told they were “working on it”. If it wasn’t pouring outside, I would have went to speak to him in person. Finally, I called the bell –hop, transferred the luggage to the GCH and took the monorail to the Grand Floridian.

I spoke with a manager from the Grand Floridian and explained the situation. She called the Poly as we ate at 1900 Park Fair. As I was taking pictures of my daughter with Prince Charming, I saw the manager of the Grand Floridian waiting patiently in the background. She had come into the restaurant to inform us of an opening in the main building (concierge).

Our room was on second floor, we had to take an elevator to the third floor and then take a private elevator to the second floor that is not assessable from the lobby. Our room overlooked the marina and had a view of the castle. The balcony was huge, at least three times the size of a normal balcony.

Staying in the main building of the Grand Floridian made traveling with a baby much, much easier. The concierge food and drinks were wonderful.:slurp:

Honestly, if the sink in the Poly was not broken we would haven enjoyed our stay. However, when I compare the actions and attitude of the Poly manager to the Grand Floridian manager, the Grand Floridian wins by a landslide.
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Well-Known Member
i agree with the people who say the second floor around ohana's, kona's etc... it very crowded. we've only stayed at poly once and then it was in the big two bedroom suite club level and the access is right off the main lobby so for us it was great but i haven't stayed in any other part of the resort. but then i'm the person who had their worst experience (because of cm issues handling problems poorly) at boardwalk when we stayed cl there last year during the first week of december.
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Well-Known Member
i agree with the people who say the second floor around ohana's, kona's etc... it very crowded. we've only stayed at poly once and then it was in the big two bedroom suite club level and the access is right off the main lobby so for us it was great but i haven't stayed in any other part of the resort. but then i'm the person who had their worst experience (because of cm issues handling problems poorly) at boardwalk when we stayed cl there last year during the first week of december.

I'm not sure what you mean. The main building at the Polynesian that houses the lobby has no hotel rooms at all.
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Well-Known Member
When I was 7, my parents took me to Disneyworld. This was quite a big deal back then - if you were from the UK it was something most people would only ever do once. One of my memories was leaving the MK via the monorail and going through the Polynesian. It looked to me then to be the best hotel in the world and I longed to stay there. (We were staying in the Travelodge, offsite).

About 25 years later, DH and my 2 DDs and I had been to WDW and wanted to return. I still had my dream of staying in the Polynesian, and so, for part of our holiday, we did. My DH warned that it would not live up to my expectations, and that I would be disappointed. I was not. :D

This is what I love about the Polynesian:

:) Walking around in the dark with the torches lit
:) The volcano pool and the quiet pool
:) The smell as you walk into the GCH
:) Being able to walk to take the monorail to the MK or Epcot
:) Watching the fireworks and water pageant from the beach, or even the balcony
:) The wonderful food and atmosphere in Ohana and the Kona Café
:) Renting a boat and taking it around the lake
:) The fact that we have always paid for the basic garden view room, and twice we have been put in MK view rooms in Tahiti
:) The fruit juice that you get at breakfast in Ohana
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Well-Known Member
The huge differences between the individual experiences during a stay at the Poly are a little irritating I have to admit. My GF is a little anxious about the Poly since she read some really bad comments about it on hotel test sites and its only a little more than 6 weeks until our first stay there. I dreamed of staying at the Polynesian since childhood until the WL opened, then WL became my favorite Disney resort to stay at some day. We were at WL 3 years ago and loved it, absolutely terrific resort although the rooms and bathrooms are FAR to small for a deluxe hotel, especially compared to international standards! So the Poly was the next on the list. First we will stay 6 days at the Pop, we hat to split because we stay at the World for 10 days and 10 days of Poly are at least at the moment far above our budget. But I really look forward to the 4 days at the Poly and now I am again a little confused because so many people had so totally different experiences there. I am quite demanding concerning hotel comfort and if I stay at a deluxe hotel I expect that everything is at deluxe quality, especially basics like housekeeping. I do not tolerate ANY dirt in a hotel room at deluxe level. I do not tolerate CMs that ignore guests complaints. If something like the stories told here would happen I would go straight to the manager.
I really hoped that our stay at the Poly would be a dream come true, a truly immersive typical Disney experience but now I am a little concerned if it was a good idea to go to the Poly instead of returning to WL where we know (nearly) everything is perfect.
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Active Member
My GF is a little anxious about the Poly since she read some really bad comments about it on hotel test sites

now I am again a little confused because so many people had so totally different experiences there

but now I am a little concerned if it was a good idea to go to the Poly instead of returning to WL where we know (nearly) everything is perfect.
Here's my advice on reading hotel reviews written by guests: ignore comments about SERVICE but pay attention to comments about things that can't possibly change from day to day or week to week.

In other words, even the very very best hotel is going to have some lapses in service, and even lapses in how the management deals with it. I'm just making up numbers here for illustration, I have no idea what the real numbers could be. But let's say Wilderness Lodge has 100 housekeepers and 20 managers. If 95% of the housekeepers and managers are great, that means there are 5 inadequate housekeepers and 1 inadequate manager. You know there are going to be some unlucky guests who fall prey to this unlucky combination. And it could have occurred during each one of your previous WL stays. But you wouldn't know about it because you had a good housekeeper, and even if you didn't you probably dealt with a good manager.

I submit to you that it's the same at every resort. In fact, whereever she found the negative reviews of Polynesian, I'll bet if she looks up WL she'll see a similar number of negative reviews of WL as she did of Poly.

One quick example: my recent stay at Poly, we quite literally NEVER waited more than 2 or 3 minutes for a bus. Should I say that Poly's bus service is the best ever? Well, I have to realize that if there was another family that happened to follow us by exactly 4 minutes, they would've waited 20-25 minutes for every bus. Being there the same week, I would've written a glowing review of Poly's bus service, and they would've written how bad Poly's bus service was. So some things are also just a matter of luck.

Also, keep in mind that a great employee could be transfered to a different resort or even a different Disney department, and the same with the not so good ones.

What IS important to pay attention to is complaints or opinions about aspects of the resort that can't change from week-to-week or month-to-month. Are the rooms too small? Are the promised views obstructed? Do the restaurants have too limited a menu? Are the walking paths poorly lit? Is it too long of a bus ride to the parks? THESE are the sorts of things that aren't depending on someone having a bad day or making a mistake.

I'm curious if one of the sites she read was tripadvisor.com. On the forums there, I'm a "Destination Expert for Orlando" and I spend a lot of time helping people who've read negative reviews to realize that EVERY property has negative reviews, and what to look for in each review to determine if it really matters.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you mean. The main building at the Polynesian that houses the lobby has no hotel rooms at all.

access to our room was just through the main lobby where you walk around toward the left and past the game room etc...and just out one door and a few steps into a club access door to a very short hallway walk to our room...
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