Polynesian - Anyone else NOT impressed?


Well-Known Member
It seems without a doubt, the Polynesian is the most popular Disney Resort. It had always been our dream resort. We finally got the chance to stay there a couple years back, and while we enjoyed it, I certainly wasn't as blown away as most seem to be. Here are a few things I didn't care for that make me feel this way:

- The elevators in the longhouses are small, banged up, and don't sound very secure.

- The GCH, while lovely, gets far too crowded in the evening with other guests.

- Tambu Lounge is great, but like the rest of the GCH, gets way too crowded from Ohana in the evening.

- There's no hot tub.

- Many of the tiki torches weren't lit.

- Bus transportation was worse than any Disney Resort we've stayed at.

- Front desk, while not rude by any means, didn't make us feel overly welcome, and wasn't very efficient.

I think the biggest thing for me was, it just didn't feel like a $400 a night resort. I loved the size and decor of the rooms. I loved the grounds. I loved the theming. I just didn't get the Deluxe type of feeling I get while at the Wilderness Lodge or Grand Floridian.


New Member
I haven't been lucky enough to stay (yet) but I do love eating at Ohanas but our last visit wasn't as nice as past visits.

I can't help to think that I'm in a Brady Bunch Hawaii vacation each time.

You should try Kona Cafe very good! I got the Asian Noodles or somethin and they were very good, everyone else in my group(family, we are group at Disney though) got the Teriyaki Strip Steak and it was excellent as well!
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Mick G.

New Member
One reason people like the Poly is nostalgia. Many of us remember it from WDW trips in the 70s, and there are lots of memories associated with it. My kids also loved the volcano pool. That was a big part of our trip in 2009.

I agree, the bathroom updates were not the most effective, and the result doesn't feel like a $400 room. But we really enjoyed it in terms of food [Kona is our fave at WDW] and transportation. The boat to the MK is the ultimate. The room size is also important, with our family of 5.

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Well-Known Member
I love the Polynesian.
It may need to updating here and there but the feeling you get being there is great.
I love Ohana's. Great food, great fun with family and friends.
The older rooms are the best, they are very large.
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New Member
Poly is not my favorite. I prefer the deluxe resorts where you don't have to walk outside your building to the main lobby. If I wanted to do that, I'd stay at a moderate. Aside from the monorail access and balcony, there is really no difference to me in amenities. The price they charge just isn't worth it either.
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Well-Known Member
I can remember a time when staying at the Poly was a big deal. Reservations had to be made one year in advance and sometimes it took a few days to get through! With that being said: so many deluxe resorts have been constructed and even the moderates are very nice places to stay==heck even the value is nice. At rates of $400 per nite---I can't see myself parting with the money and feeling I'm getting my $$ worth in return. The pool is cool and alot of things are nice about it---I just don't know if it would give me that wow factor anymore? Last time I stayed there was in '99 and I paid $159.00 per nite. It WAS worth it then.....
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Well-Known Member
I stayed at the Poly last May. I can't say it's my favorite but it's by far not my least favorite. The walking outside to the longhouses is the thing I dislike the most. However, if room size means anything to you (like it does me) then that's something that the Poly has going for it. Yes, it's expensive but you're getting a much bigger room. We stayed at AKL in January. It was our first deluxe outside of the Contemporary & Poly which both have large rooms. I gotta tell ya, the tiny rooms really bothered us & would be the reason I would decide against staying there again. Also, it's my understanding the architect who designed AKL is the same one who designed WL and the Grand Californian. Both of those resorts used to be on my list of resorts to try someday but because of the room size those resorts are pretty well off the list. When I pay more for a resort it feels like I'm getting more with a spacious, comfortable room. So, for room size alone my favorite resorts shall remain the Contempory then the Poly. I definitely can identify with the cons y'all have identified. :)

The room size is also the main reason we will not stay at Wilderness Lodge or Animal Kingdom lodge anymore. The rooms just feel to cramped to be a deluxe.
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New Member
It seems without a doubt, the Polynesian is the most popular Disney Resort. It had always been our dream resort. We finally got the chance to stay there a couple years back, and while we enjoyed it, I certainly wasn't as blown away as most seem to be. Here are a few things I didn't care for that make me feel this way:

- The elevators in the longhouses are small, banged up, and don't sound very secure.---Its an old resort and those elevators were probably standard size back then when the building was constructed as alot of older buildings have small cabs, not sure when the last modernization was but maybe they could get mechanical upgrades, increasing cab size wouldnt be possiable, I always use the stairs so never tried these.

- The GCH, while lovely, gets far too crowded in the evening with other guests.-----Thats what happens when you stay at a popular resort that is also large in scale. It's WDW get used to crowds!

- Tambu Lounge is great, but like the rest of the GCH, gets way too crowded from Ohana in the evening.---Same as above

- There's no hot tub.---i thought there were rooms with hot tubs, maybe conceirge level?

- Many of the tiki torches weren't lit.--That's a shame, I love those

- Bus transportation was worse than any Disney Resort we've stayed at. Take the monorail or walk to the TTC, or rent a car, thats what I do, much better then being stuck in a crowded bus with sweaty stinky people and no crowds! :ROFLOL:

- Front desk, while not rude by any means, didn't make us feel overly welcome, and wasn't very efficient. They shouldnt be rude at all especially with the price your paying but in general I feel all Disney CM's should be pleasent and helpful, the only issue I ever had was a CM at the All Star Sports Gift Shop

I think the biggest thing for me was, it just didn't feel like a $400 a night resort. I loved the size and decor of the rooms. I loved the grounds. I loved the theming. I just didn't get the Deluxe type of feeling I get while at the Wilderness Lodge or Grand Floridian.
Looking to try WL next year
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New Member
.... I agree with a previous poster that some of the longhouses are too far from the Great Ceremonial house and have on several occasions, gotten drenched by one of those sudden Florida downpours.
Covered walkways would have been a nice forethought.

It rains at WDW ?

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Well-Known Member
I remember my first trip to the Poly. We were staying at AKL at the time and decided to do a tour of the monorail resorts.

We arrived at the resort and all I can say is that I was massively underwhelmed. The Lobby wasn't nearly as impressive as the Planning DVD makes out and the general feel of the place did nothing for me at all. Obviousy I didn't get to go in any of the rooms so I can't pass judgement there.

My thought about the whole place is 'nice, not amazing'.

Would I stay there? Yes, despite it's high cost I do like the monorail transport, the views and the Beach but I'm very, very happy that I didn't book a stay here without seeing it first.

Obviously it's each to their own and this just isn't my taste. My wife however, did quite like it....
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Well-Known Member
The room size is also the main reason we will not stay at Wilderness Lodge or Animal Kingdom lodge anymore. The rooms just feel to cramped to be a deluxe.

My thoughts exactly when we arrived at AKL. Wasn't just me, either. The MIL was quite shocked at the smallness of it. The bathroom layout is pretty much what you get at POFQ but with a counter top. Honestly, and I have said this a lot, I feel like the best bang for your buck is if you can get a moderate room w/a discount.

I remember my first trip to the Poly. We were staying at AKL at the time and decided to do a tour of the monorail resorts.

We arrived at the resort and all I can say is that I was massively underwhelmed. The Lobby wasn't nearly as impressive as the Planning DVD makes out and the general feel of the place did nothing for me at all. Obviousy I didn't get to go in any of the rooms so I can't pass judgement there.

My thought about the whole place is 'nice, not amazing'.

Would I stay there? Yes, despite it's high cost I do like the monorail transport, the views and the Beach but I'm very, very happy that I didn't book a stay here without seeing it first.

Obviously it's each to their own and this just isn't my taste. My wife however, did quite like it....

I can totally see where that would be an impression that someone walking in for the first time would get. For me it's a little different. The first time I ever walked in the Poly was back in the early 80s when my grandparents vacationed there (we lived local so we came out to visit for the day). For a kid all of about 8 years old back then seeing the waterfall and the birds and a mini-tropical oasis right in the middle of the building was jaw-dropping amazing. I remembered thinking how rich my grandparents must be (in actuality the weren't, never have been). So whenever I walk into the GCH now, the sights, sounds, smells, etc. bring back that 'Holy Smokes!' feeling. I know by today's standards there are far more amazing resorts/hotels around the world but that little kid inside me gets sucked back to that day when the Poly's GCH was the absolute epitome of luxury, a dream to wish for someday when I grow up. Nostalgia is such a blinding thing, huh? LOL!
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Well-Known Member
Like everything at Disney it is over rated and crap. Obviously.

My thoughts exactly when we arrived at AKL. Wasn't just me, either. The MIL was quite shocked at the smallness of it. The bathroom layout is pretty much what you get at POFQ but with a counter top. Honestly, and I have said this a lot, I feel like the best bang for your buck is if you can get a moderate room w/a discount.

I can totally see where that would be an impression that someone walking in for the first time would get. For me it's a little different. The first time I ever walked in the Poly was back in the early 80s when my grandparents vacationed there (we lived local so we came out to visit for the day). For a kid all of about 8 years old back then seeing the waterfall and the birds and a mini-tropical oasis right in the middle of the building was jaw-dropping amazing. I remembered thinking how rich my grandparents must be (in actuality the weren't, never have been). So whenever I walk into the GCH now, the sights, sounds, smells, etc. bring back that 'Holy Smokes!' feeling. I know by today's standards there are far more amazing resorts/hotels around the world but that little kid inside me gets sucked back to that day when the Poly's GCH was the absolute epitome of luxury, a dream to wish for someday when I grow up. Nostalgia is such a blinding thing, huh? LOL!

That is one of the reasons I love The Contemporary so much and why when they changed it I cried..:cry:

It still brings back memories of my childhood..first resort we ever visited at WDW and we spent so much time there..the arcade, the movies in the little theater that was in the arcade....everything!

Polynesian is the same...the smell especially the moment the doors slide open make me smile!

I love the GCH and sitting there people watching and the sounds of the monorail going by and the people and music..:D

Same with the grounds..the outside grounds are what makes me want to stay there and why we visit almost every night we are there.

We could sit on the beach for hours and we used to before Maggie and sometimes do if she is playing or falls asleep..

Everyone has different tastes and reasons for liking a resort..that is what is so great about WDW..something for everyone.

The room size does not affect us though..we usually stay at POP and have no problems with the rooms or beds.

I am not that fond of AKL or any of the moderates really though..they just do not have that special feeling for us..:shrug:
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Active Member
I think choseing which resort you like is one of the most subjective things at Disney. Really it completely depends on what is important to you, not to mention the nestalga factor.

Our last trip we stayed at the AKL and ended up changing to the Poly in the middle of it. We just couldn't take the long bus rides and the small size of the room. I'm not going to knock the AKL. It has a lot going for it and I can see why people love staying there. Its just not for us.

The Poly is my favoriate and my top two reasons are: Location and Room Size. I love that we can spread out in the room. I love that you can see the MK from your window. I love taking the Monorail to Epcot and the boat to the MK. I also really like all the resturants there.
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We stayed there for marathon weekend this past January and unfortunatley didn't get to get to use the pools or hang much at the beach or enjoy the grounds as it was 30 degrees give or take...(life-guards were still out at the pools, although all decked out in NorthFace gear - made for some fun photos), so a little surreal in the tropical environment freezing...best things are you can monorail to MK or just walk to TT to monorail over to EPCOT, we always rent a car (for $100 it's worth it to not deal with buses after events or magic express) and parking is close (unlike GF)so can't speak to buses. Also, the beach is prime viewing for MK fireworks as they pump the audio into the grounds. Lack of hot-tubs does need to be rectified. Would stay again - in warmer weather.
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New Member
I think what resort you pick is very personal. We went a couple of years ago and we loved it. We are so excited to be going back in 5 weeks. My husband loved it and also our son. The beach was nice and you could watch the fireworks from the beach, great location, great restraunts, felt like we went to hawii. But that was our thougts and it was good for our family. The GF was very pretty but to stuffy for a disneyworld vacation but that was just us not a bad hotel we just liked staying at the poly better.
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Active Member
Like others have posted here. Love the restaurants and the size of the rooms, but now I've found my favorite place to stay on property...Shades of Green. Same size rooms as Poly, including the bathrooms, but at 1/3 the cost. We would walk over to the Poly to catch the monrail, a whopping 10 min walk. Love the look and feel of the Poly, just don't like the price anymore.
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Mouse Man

New Member
The Poly is just one of though classic resorts that I just happen to love every time I walk in. Colorful, friendly very pleasent smeel love the Monorail. Ohanna's is great for breakfast and dinner and love sitting on the Beach at night watching the firework from MK. Also love watching the Light pagent as well. The Poly is very nice and the DWF & I do to plan to stay there in 2011.
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We weren't very impressed with it either. I think mostly because of the building being that dark brown color - we lived in an apartment that looked and was painted almost exactly the same so it was like being at home but with palm trees.

Everything else about the resort I loved - but I was just underwhelmed. However now that they have Dole Whips there it has moved up in respectability. ;) And I do love the smell.

Everyone has their "home" resort - perhaps the Poly isn't yours. Our home is the Boardwalk - we LOVE it there and think nothing bad about it. But it took us awhile to find our "home" we've stayed all over property it seems - but now we only stay there.

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