No I was not saying that all of them are from middle east I sent a post that said that but it did not send it for some reason and yes they were makeing TERROR it was a evil act of terror if he had got in and shot some one it would have nat news and less people would go to WDW park makeing TERROR at the markets sending stocks down and huge problems for all the orlando parks.
If it makes you feel better, you're obviously not the only person who doesn't know what an act of terrorism is. In fact, *I* feel better that you're not currently in any position of authority anywhere, so your...shall we say,
naivete dooesn't help shape public perception or world events.
I'll try to break it down in a way that makes sense. These dopes did not have any sort of agenda in WDW to do anything but be dopes. Period. They thought being drunk and obnoxious in public was funny, as drunk obnoxious people tend to believe. They're not terrorists, period. The British have a good word for their behavior: "hooliganism." Basically, it means "to be a drunken ______ in public, causing problems and making mischief to amuse yourself and your friends." It is NOT an act of terrorism. Their initial plan was not to kill anyone, cause extensive physical damage, make people panic in the streets, to the point where they're all just running away in blind terror (hence, terrorISM). Juuuuuust drunken jackasses. Probably so drunk and so jackass-ish, that when confronted by an actual county deputy, they probably thought he was nothing more than a glorified mall cop. After all, what would REAL police be doing in WDW? I'm sure the stun gun was an efficient wakeup call that they were being charged with a serious crime, but that doesn't make them terorists. And when you call them terrorists, it almost minimizes the impact of real terrorists. To think about what happened on 9/11 or at the WTC in 93 or OKC, or Columbine or the USS Cole or the Munich Olympics, etc. etc., where there was death & guns or explosions and so much physical damage...and for you to eb so naive as to imply that 5 drunken dilholes in WDW spitting & cursing & rushing one guy is just as bad is not only insulting to people who survived acts of terror (or didn't survive), it's insulting to actual terroristsm who think that killing innocent people is a dandy way to promote their cause. These cretins had no cause. They were a-holes.
What you're doing is like going up to a really good circus clown - one who trained in the art of physical comedy for years to be really goood at his craft, who writes and produces elaborate routines involving music and props and split-second timing and true showmanship - and saying he's not a good clown because he didn't make you a poodle out of balloons.
You're more than welcome to your opinion, so believe me, I'm saying this as a cyber-friend...your opinion makes you look & sound foolish. You'd be wise to rethink it.
Oh, and by the way, to go out of your way to tell us that not all terrorists come from the Middle East is like telling us not all great basketball players are black. It's so obvious, that it's insulting to everyone else that you thought it
wasn't obvious and needed to be told. But on the plus side, at least you don't think the opposite, that all Middle Easterners are terrorists. Nowadays, sadly, that is something.