Pleasure Island Clubs To Close?


Well-Known Member
So just FYI, I went to PI last night for my Birthday. My friend and I went to Mannequins, and there weren't more then 10 people in there. Same for Motion. It was really sad. No one was dancing at Motion, and at Mannequins you had the one woman who was off in her own world dancing on the floor by herself.

A majority of the guests were at Adventurer's Club. We also went to 8-Trax and there were some people dancing. That was pretty funny, watching the drunk people try to dance to "Funkytown". But, there weren't more than 50 people in the club. It was very sad. My Birthday last year wasn't busy either, but it was worse this year.

I would hate to see Pleasure Island close, but after last night, I could see why the clubs would close. The bartenders just stood around and were so bored. The alcohol is watered down, and the drinks are so-so (Except for the Kungaloosh!). I would love to see a bowling alley go into PI. I also remember when I was a kid and I loved going Rollerblading, and I wished that they would put a roller rink on property as well. I know, it sounds sorta lame, but I was young, and that's what appealed to me at the time. The last time I went bowling, it was up on 192. I had the best time drinking, bowling and listening to music. Plus, the crowd was pretty good.

Who knows what'll happen.

Ah, I saw you last night at the Hoopla:wave: Happy Birthday!

I assume low crowds are the reason the Maid Singalong was cancelled yet again:( That's my favorite show in the library.


New Member
I also remember when I was a kid and I loved going Rollerblading, and I wished that they would put a roller rink on property as well. I know, it sounds sorta lame, but I was young, and that's what appealed to me at the time.

If my memory is correct, the Beach Club was originally a roller rink. Seems like they realized how dangerous drunks on skates might be and changed the concept.


Well-Known Member
If my memory is correct, the Beach Club was originally a roller rink. Seems like they realized how dangerous drunks on skates might be and changed the concept.

Yes I remember that RollerRink....
A matter of fact when I first got out of the Air Force I went to PI. I remember talking to a guy that worked there. He said his parents owned a roller rink somehwere in central or north Fla and thats why he got the job working there.


So just FYI, I went to PI last night for my Birthday. My friend and I went to Mannequins, and there weren't more then 10 people in there. Same for Motion. It was really sad. No one was dancing at Motion, and at Mannequins you had the one woman who was off in her own world dancing on the floor by herself.

I was at Mannequins last Thursday and it was jam-packed. The dance floor was wall-to-wall (or would have been, if the dance floor had walls). I met up with a couple of people while I was there, then lost them in the crowd, and when I finally spotted them an hour or two later, I couldn't get to where they were because there were too many people in the way.

Thursday nights at Mannequins are still awesome. :sohappy:

-p.b. :cool:


Well-Known Member
They used to have clubs/bars at many of the resorts. They were all pulled out when Pleasure Island opened

....general theory at the time was move the drunks away from the resort room areas

I'd rather move the drunks of WDW property altogether. I guess ultimately, it doesn't matter to me all that much, since I've only been to DTD once, and, although I do want to go on my next trip and future trips just for shopping, I don't plan to ever make it one of the central points of my trip. In other words, I don't plan on spending enough time there to really be personally affected by the clubs at DTD.

However, if they put it up for a vote, I would vote to get rid of all the clubs. Because I would rather see WDW as a family friendly place for good, clean fun, as opposed to providing a venue for drunkards.

Sure, adults need time away from the kids, but why do we get this idea that the only fun us adults can have is to go out and get drunk? :confused::shrug: Play mini-golf. See a movie. Go out to eat. There are a host of things for adults to do on a night out without getting drunk. Is alcohol really that important?


Well-Known Member
Guess, Kelly may have known something after all eh?

In 2005 there was no such spiel given to P.I. Management. How do I know? I WAS at P.I. And nothing was EVER mentioned about AC and CC being the last remaining clubs. That tells me that whoever told you this knows nothing about P.I., as Comedy Warehouse is the least profitable club at P.I. Anyone who has ever managed any of the clubs full well knows this.

As far as P.I. managers being informed again of this in 2007? Really? Tell me who was informed. Kelly certainly knows nothing of dance clubs going away, and he should know a thing or two...

I am in no way trying to discredit yourself, but who in the world is your source?!? I can certainly accept that changes are still coming to P.I., however, to say 1.) that it is no longer profitable is rediculous! 8-trax is a HUGE money maker. 2.) that Comedy Warehouse is sticking around past any other club is twice as rediculous. That club makes crap! and 3.) saying that opening during the day didn't bring aditional revenue to P.I. is not working is just not right as well. Laughers/Jungle Juice make great money during the early afternoon, certainly MORE than enough to justify having one or the other open as early in the afternoon as possible.


Active Member
Are some of you Amish turned Disney freaks?

You act as if Pleasure Island is some land of filth, filled with prostitution and drunkards lining the streets. You'll be lucky to leave with your wallet! DONT VISIT PLEASURE ISLAND!


Well-Known Member
Are some of you Amish turned Disney freaks?

You act as if Pleasure Island is some land of filth, filled with prostitution and drunkards lining the streets. You'll be lucky to leave with your wallet! DONT VISIT PLEASURE ISLAND!

I would give a better reply to this, but I don't have time. I have to go feed and water the horses, then hitch them up to the buggy so I can run down to the general store. Then I have to go out back and chop some firewood for tonight, because my daughter has a feller come over for courting, then I have to help the Mrs with the wash, so our good Sunday clothes can be ready to wear to preachin' Sunday...assumming I don't get excommunicated and shunned for being on the computer. :p


Not to get too off-topic, but I did want to respond to this line:

...if they put it up for a vote, I would vote to get rid of all the clubs. Because I would rather see WDW as a family friendly place for good, clean fun, as opposed to providing a venue for drunkards. Sure, adults need time away from the kids, but why do we get this idea that the only fun us adults can have is to go out and get drunk?

You know, everyone's idea of fun is different, but there are plenty of adults who enjoy having a drink in the evening as a way to unwind and relax, and who aren't "getting drunk." As others have already pointed out, PI doesn't seem to cater to those who are looking to get drunk, but rather to those who would like to enjoy a drink with their entertainment.

I've sensed from past posts that you may be from a conservative religious background. I am too; I grew up Southern Baptist and never saw any use of alcohol as acceptable. To me, any drinking at all was essentially equivalent to "being drunk." (This in spite of Scriptural examples of moderate, responsible alcohol usage even by Jesus, but that's getting wayyy off topic here.) I've since modified my view. :)

For the record, I don't drink. There are lots of things to do at PI besides drink. I go to the clubs (Mannequins in particular) because I like to dance. I enjoy the lights, the music, the fog, the rotating dance floor, and the company. That's fun to me. It's not all about the alcohol, though (like World Showcase and many other places throughout WDW) they certainly make money off of the alcohol that some adults, mostly responsible, choose to purchase.

-p.b. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Not to get too off-topic, but I did want to respond to this line:

You know, everyone's idea of fun is different, but there are plenty of adults who enjoy having a drink in the evening as a way to unwind and relax, and who aren't "getting drunk." As others have already pointed out, PI doesn't seem to cater to those who are looking to get drunk, but rather to those who would like to enjoy a drink with their entertainment.

I've sensed from past posts that you may be from a conservative religious background. I am too; I grew up Southern Baptist and never saw any use of alcohol as acceptable. To me, any drinking at all was essentially equivalent to "being drunk." (This in spite of Scriptural examples of moderate, responsible alcohol usage even by Jesus, but that's getting wayyy off topic here.) I've since modified my view. :)

For the record, I don't drink. There are lots of things to do at PI besides drink. I go to the clubs (Mannequins in particular) because I like to dance. I enjoy the lights, the music, the fog, the rotating dance floor, and the company. That's fun to me. It's not all about the alcohol, though (like World Showcase and many other places throughout WDW) they certainly make money off of the alcohol that some adults, mostly responsible, choose to purchase.

-p.b. :cool:

Again, not to get too off topic, but like you, I see nothing in the scriptures to forbid the consumption of alcohol per se (unlike many fundamentalist types who see any consumption at all as evil). But I do see plenty to condemn drunkenness.

As for the rest of your post, I've never been there and you have. So I don't suppose I'm in a position to dispute anything else you have said. Rightly or wrongly, in my mind, I just associate "clubbing" with "let's go get wasted". Perhaps because I live in a college community and I have worked for 10 years at Walmart, and have seen college kids come and go for the past 10 years of working there, and that's pretty much what most of them are about. When you spend years listening to people at work talking about getting trashed on Friday night, you tend to view that as the thing to do when you go out clubbing.


Ah. Thanks for the explanation. And in fairness to you, sbkline, I should say that I'm quite certain you wouldn't enjoy Mannequins like I do, though not because of the alcohol.

But me, I'm a 30-year-old single professional who spends most of his time sitting at a computer. I have an isolating, high-stress job so I relish opportunities to get out and be sociable and active.

I don't do the club scene in my local area because the clubs here tend to be smoky and have other issues I don't care for, but when I go to WDW, I never miss a chance to go to my favorite club because it's friendlier, cleaner, and more fun. I always feel safe there and I always have a good time. So it's not for everyone, but I would be sad to see it go, because I don't know any other place that I would enjoy dancing nearly as much.

-p.b. :cool:


Well-Known Member
So just FYI, I went to PI last night for my Birthday. My friend and I went to Mannequins, and there weren't more then 10 people in there. Same for Motion. It was really sad. No one was dancing at Motion, and at Mannequins you had the one woman who was off in her own world dancing on the floor by herself.

The alcohol is watered down, and the drinks are so-so (Except for the Kungaloosh!).

What do you go to Mannequins at 10pm? And you must be going to the wrong bartender because my drinks are practically pure vodka with a splash of mixer.


Well-Known Member
Are some of you Amish turned Disney freaks?

You act as if Pleasure Island is some land of filth, filled with prostitution and drunkards lining the streets. You'll be lucky to leave with your wallet! DONT VISIT PLEASURE ISLAND!

A little hard but I still had to laugh!


New Member
I would give a better reply to this, but I don't have time. I have to go feed and water the horses, then hitch them up to the buggy so I can run down to the general store. Then I have to go out back and chop some firewood for tonight, because my daughter has a feller come over for courting, then I have to help the Mrs with the wash, so our good Sunday clothes can be ready to wear to preachin' Sunday...assumming I don't get excommunicated and shunned for being on the computer. :p

Don't forget the barn raising tomorrow, brother Cornelius will be powerful upset if you miss another barn raising! Don't forget his display of righteous indignation last Sunday when you ran over that ipod in the road and broke one of his wagon wheels! I still have no idea who's ipod that was, honest I don't!:lookaroun Please don't tell on me.

By the way...are you Amish...or southern?:animwink:

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