Pleasure Island Clubs To Close?

PI is too expensive. Even when I was a CM and went with friends I'd never buy drinks. They don't even give you free coke! Why go to PI (at least as a college student) when you can have fun (read: get wasted) for 5-10$ tops.

I hear ya. But when I was on the college program the only days we would drink "at" PI was on Mondays and Thursdays when they had $2 beers. But if we wanted to have a few drinks on other nights we went to Planet Hollywood where we got a nice discount on drinks 7 nights a week after 10:00.

On the CP we had a saying, "Don't go to PI to get drunk, Get drunk to go to PI." Of course, we had 2 rules. 1- Get to and from the clubs safely. We had buses that picked us up at the apartments and took us to PI and back. And 2- Have a good time but don't cause a scene. There are people there paying big money to have a fun time and as cast members, even off the clock, we had to respect that.

PI wasn't built to "get wasted", if you want to "get wasted"...please go somewhere else!

I'm sorry but building a nightclub complex and not expecting people to "get wasted" is naive. Why do you think there are bartenders everywhere, tons of security every night (and i'm not talking Disney Security, Orange County Sheriffs were normally walking the streets) and enough cabs at the end of the night to get everyone home?

And take this into consideration, you make minimum wage. You can barely afford to live but you wanna have a good time 1 or 2 nights a week. Are you going to go pay a cover charge elsewhere or go someplace where you can get in for free? Some cast members, especially the CPs, can't afford to go anywhere else so they go to PI. And most of them are far better behaved than most of the locals because they know if they get caught acting up they might as well not show up for work the next day because Disney will already have someone working their shift. I was always the one that got a good buzz and stayed at the Adventurers Club all night laughing, singing and having a good time :D


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I hear ya. But when I was on the college program the only days we would drink "at" PI was on Mondays and Thursdays when they had $2 beers. But if we wanted to have a few drinks on other nights we went to Planet Hollywood where we got a nice discount on drinks 7 nights a week after 10:00.

On the CP we had a saying, "Don't go to PI to get drunk, Get drunk to go to PI." Of course, we had 2 rules. 1- Get to and from the clubs safely. We had buses that picked us up at the apartments and took us to PI and back. And 2- Have a good time but don't cause a scene. There are people there paying big money to have a fun time and as cast members, even off the clock, we had to respect that.

I'm sorry but building a nightclub complex and not expecting people to "get wasted" is naive. Why do you think there are bartenders everywhere, tons of security every night (and i'm not talking Disney Security, Orange County Sheriffs were normally walking the streets) and enough cabs at the end of the night to get everyone home?

And take this into consideration, you make minimum wage. You can barely afford to live but you wanna have a good time 1 or 2 nights a week. Are you going to go pay a cover charge elsewhere or go someplace where you can get in for free? Some cast members, especially the CPs, can't afford to go anywhere else so they go to PI. And most of them are far better behaved than most of the locals because they know if they get caught acting up they might as well not show up for work the next day because Disney will already have someone working their shift. I was always the one that got a good buzz and stayed at the Adventurers Club all night laughing, singing and having a good time :D

Perhaps your idea of wasted is different than mine. PI is for adults to have to good time.

Nothing wrong with a buzz...

Getting wasted is certainly NOT fun, neither then nor the next day


New Member
Eh, i've gotten pretty drunk at PI a few times, but i've never done anything stupid.

I've seen people there get tanked and do some REALLY stupid things and get kicked out.


Active Member
Raglan Road?

After all of this, we have decided not go to PI. We have reservations at RR though and I was wondering if we could still eat there without paying the entry fee for PI.


Well-Known Member
No, but I definitely heard about it though.

I swear, i thought the cast was just going to loose it.

I'm just truly amazed at what people find acceptable to bring into a nightclub. Infants, puppies, newborns, kids with emotional and special needs in a room full of bachlorette parties, drunken businessmen and tourists looking for adult comedy, i truly wonder why parents think this is a good idea. I just don't get it.


New Member
Wait a minute. I just read this and HAD to come back... Real Estate at Walt Disney World is valuable. Are we talking about the same 47 square mile complex that has yet to come close to having developed more than 1/5th of it's land holdings? Just curious...

Uh ... YES this piece of real estate is valuable you dope! How many areas can you guarantee a flow of people walking by your business with their wallets out ready to spend their vacation dollars? Also .. much of the remaining Disney land is either un-developable because of land-iuse restrictions, or would require big build-out costs to get the place built.

Disney does not need a place for a bunch of drunken, rowdy teenagers/young 20s to be ... cant tell you how many times my wife and I went to DD and couldnt wait to leave because of this .. of I would bet most of these people arent even vacationing there .. they are locals who have no where else to go.

DD would be even more crowded if some other entertainment/dining/shopping option were at DD for the later night (when parks are closing down) .. the rowdy crowd undoubtedly keeps some people away from the place - JIMO


Active Member
Wow. Name calling. What an adult thing to do. And if you couldn't wait to leave multiple times, why did you go in the first place? You think you'd have learned... guess not.
Uh ... YES this piece of real estate is valuable you dope! How many areas can you guarantee a flow of people walking by your business with their wallets out ready to spend their vacation dollars? Also .. much of the remaining Disney land is either un-developable because of land-iuse restrictions, or would require big build-out costs to get the place built.

Disney does not need a place for a bunch of drunken, rowdy teenagers/young 20s to be ... cant tell you how many times my wife and I went to DD and couldnt wait to leave because of this .. of I would bet most of these people arent even vacationing there .. they are locals who have no where else to go.

DD would be even more crowded if some other entertainment/dining/shopping option were at DD for the later night (when parks are closing down) .. the rowdy crowd undoubtedly keeps some people away from the place - JIMO


Well-Known Member
This entire thread makes me so sad. When I go to WDW, I always look at PI and say "Someday, Someday". I always wanted to go to The Adventurer's Club and The Comedy Warehouse, because I knew that that would be my reward when I grew up. Without those clubs, I wouldn't have anything to look forward too. The entire party atmosphere just made me want to be there. I just hope they keep CW and AC, they seem to be the only "not-that-adult-oriented" clubs at PI that I would like to go to.


Well-Known Member
Disney does not need a place for a bunch of drunken, rowdy teenagers/young 20s to be ... cant tell you how many times my wife and I went to DD and couldnt wait to leave because of this .. of I would bet most of these people arent even vacationing there .. they are locals who have no where else to go.

When i lived in Orlando, i drank at PI because its safe. I feel safe there and i wouldn't/didn't feel safe downtown.

And trust me the locals felt the same way about you, sir.


Well-Known Member
When i lived in Orlando, i drank at PI because its safe. I feel safe there and i wouldn't/didn't feel safe downtown.

And trust me the locals felt the same way about you, sir.

How about we just get rid of the lot of folks who hang out at PI!

Replace em all with money spending tourists!!!

No more stiken fools who hang out in the clubs, don't buy any drinks cause they are only on drugs.
It would make most of the CM's day so much nicer!


New Member
When i lived in Orlando, i drank at PI because its safe. I feel safe there and i wouldn't/didn't feel safe downtown.

And trust me the locals felt the same way about you, sir.

I'm trying to understand that mentality but I just don't get it. yeah, you folks may have found a nice "safe" place to drink and party but as a result you are creating an environment where those of us who don't drink and party feel very unsafe ourselves. I know one of your responses may be "well don't go to PI" but the reality is that it affects all of Westside and, to a certain extent, Marketplace. These folks get liquored up and then take their less than savory behaviour outside of PI.

Ahhh, there's nothing like spending a long day in the parks, TRYING to spend a nice, quiet, RELAXING evening at DD and THEN piling into a bus full of loud obnoxious drunks for a twenty minute ride. Now THAT'S what I call a vacation! :rolleyes:


New Member
I'm trying to understand that mentality but I just don't get it. yeah, you folks may have found a nice "safe" place to drink and party but as a result you are creating an environment where those of us who don't drink and party feel very unsafe ourselves. I know one of your responses may be "well don't go to PI" but the reality is that it affects all of Westside and, to a certain extent, Marketplace. These folks get liquored up and then take their less than savory behaviour outside of PI.

Ahhh, there's nothing like spending a long day in the parks, TRYING to spend a nice, quiet, RELAXING evening at DD and THEN piling into a bus full of loud obnoxious drunks for a twenty minute ride. Now THAT'S what I call a vacation! :rolleyes:

I understand what you mean, I don't drink a lot, and I know what it's like to want to have a nice night out. However, you are going to an Island with CLUBS. With the amount of alocohol offered there, obviously people are going to drink. PI is considered a place for adults to unwind. However if you want a QUIET and Relaxing night out, go to a nice restaurant, because chances are no matter what you will run into people drinking at PI. Or, spend your evening at the Marketplace or West Side. Everyone is not going to change their ways for one person, so you might have to give in and change your regimen. Especially if you don't like Disney Transportation with people who have been drinking. Rental Car, anyone?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
North Carolina isn't THAT far away that you couldn't drive your own car, if your anti-drinking convictions are THAT strong!


Well-Known Member
OK, I cant remember the source or sources due to the fact that I go to nearly hundreds of Disney sites a week but I heard that PI was getting totally rethemed to a more family friendly area with more places to eat and shop and less of the night clubs.

Again I dont remember when or where I saw this-but I know I did somewhere.


New Member
North Carolina isn't THAT far away that you couldn't drive your own car, if your anti-drinking convictions are THAT strong!

I guess I was being a bit harsh with that last statement, it's rarely been an issue and it's only been on nights when we were coming back from DD.

And for the record, I suffer from several sleep disorders that keep me from driving and my wife hates driving so driving just isn't an option for us.

And yes I DO have very strong convictions concerning alcohol consumption but that has nothing to do with my feelings towards PI. I'm not foolish enough to think I can change someone's opinion regarding drinking so I'm not bashing with the intent of trying to "convert" someone to my way of thinking or to try to make myself look "holier than thou". Yes, my convictions about drinking are based on my faith but I actually can't show you scripture that says you shouldn't drink. I don't drink because I have seen alcohol destroy the lives of loved ones and make people do and say things they deeply regretted, not because the scriptures say I can't. I don't have a problem with people drinking, I have a problem with people getting drunk and being inconsiderate of others.

People tend to fall into two camps in regards to they way they view folks who are innebriated...they are either amused by them and find them a hoot to watch or they are uncomfortable being around them, I tend to fall into the latter category.

Once again I apologize if I came off a bit harsh, I just feel that there are alot of folks like myself that don't equate a Disney vacation with going clubbing and getting drunk and as a result I feel that the real estate currently occupied by PI could be much better utilized as a more family friendly area.

I say, once the Western property expansion is finished move PI over there and make it an area that is strictly dedicated to more "adult" entertainment (and no, I don't mean turning Ariel and Jasmine into pole dancers)and market it as such, then retheme and market DD as strictly an entertainment and shopping area. And please, please, PLEASE make Downtown Disney SMOKE FREE!

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