You touch on all sorts of stuff that when you think about it, are challenging to fathom.
First, there are lots of times when bringing up an old thread makes sense. I disagree we need to go all totalitarian on how we react to the occasional, and I mean very occasional, old thread popup. I find almost all thread necromancy at worst funny, at best informative. I never find it annoying, at least not at the volume we experience here.
Second, attacks by users on other users asking a question for the umpteenth time. So what? Why do folks care how many times a question is asked? Many of those questions are by noobs who are helping keep this place vibrant and alive? All questions are an opportunity to help somebody out, why weasel out of it by chastising them? Super easy solution here,,, answer the question, don't answer the question, or if you want to be a little cheeky (but not a jerk), answer the question and then also post some links to the question previously answered. Chastising somebody is just being a dolt due to the simplicity of just ignoring the question or just, you know, answering the question.
Third, this whole place is voluntary. Being here is voluntary. Every thread somebody opens, they do so voluntarily. Taking times to bluster and fuss about a thread is voluntary. I don't see why we need to burden the mods, or even ourselves, just because some folks cannot control themselves enough to stay out of threads they don't like.
Seriously, why do people click on threads and then complain? It is like slapping yourself in the face and blaming somebody else. <---the solver of all problems right there. EasyPeasy.
HA! Which I just did myself. I am a bit of a hypocrite I guess