Pirates updates!


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
So was their original version originally - until Paul Pressler got involved (another story) - an it looks like it may be returning to its rightful home too. Don`t forget that Alien Encounter was originally designed for Disneyland; it was used a quick fix to get rid of WDWs far too dated Mission to Mars.

There Buzz was custom built - WDWs poor original is still using a 1972 ride system.

Now, about Pirates...

Ah, you're right. I still prefer the way ours looks, but I see your point. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
I pulled them off.
Mickey wasn't happy about those.....:lookaroun :lol:


That's funny... "I'm sorry, sir, but you cannot display pictures of stone walls on the web."

Now if you'd posted pics of the new skeleton/Davy Jones area, I'd understand the concern.


Well-Known Member
tirian said:
BTW, Matt, not Al Lutz, is to be credited for DL's turnaround; and Matt came from WDW.

Matt came from Disney Cruise Line. He has never worked at Walt Disney World.

His assignment with Disneyland that began in October, 2003 was the first time he had ever worked for a theme park/resort location.


Well-Known Member
TP2000 said:
Matt came from Disney Cruise Line. He has never worked at Walt Disney World.

His assignment with Disneyland that began in October, 2003 was the first time he had ever worked for a theme park/resort location.

We're both correct. He was trained at WDW for the Cruise Line, which was initially only in Florida. The majority of Matt's ideas about Disney quality and show come from WDW standards. Pulling execs from both the Cruise line and WDW is becoming quite common, as the new Photopass service is headed by the same man who launched a similar concept on the Cruises. :wave:


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
Must have been the Pepsi can :hammer:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Coke must have threatened to pull out of Club Cool.

"If that Pepsi can isn't off Disney property in ten minutes, no more Beverly!"


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
Pics of the unload area have been posted elsewhere here - do a search :wave:

No Liz Swan. Davy Jones mist projection though (same as DLC)

yensid - apparently so. And a very good one (or three) too.

thanks for answering about liz swann!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry for the late pics, I had some camera issues and work hours have been crazy. Here they are. Don't forget to click for a larger version ...

First, the new attraction map lists Pirates as a diseased attraction (just threw this in there cause I remembered it)

The front archway with the sign removed. Since this photo was taken, the cover was taken off and painted to match the rest of the wall.

This is one of two movie posters on the main wall to the left of the entrance.

This is the treasure map that resembles the ride itself made from canvan and mounted on the wall.

Pic of the whole wall from one side.

This is the other side. Notice the other PotC sign is gone and yes, it also has been painted over.

This is a close-up pic of the detain they put into the antiquing (sp?) of the entire queue and plaza. They did a stellar job!

Finally, the clock tower. The clock has been cleaned and the entire tower repainted. It is very vivid and this pic does not do it justice.

I did have pics of the other walls in the main plaza area, but they came out too dark. I will try again, but they're nothing special.


New Member
Sorry if it was posted and I just missed it, but will there be a certain time the ride will open during July 7th or will it be open that day when the part opens? I hope that question makes sense!

That is the day we are leaving and I want to experience the new ride really bad!!


Thank you so much for the pictures, disneydata!

The whole area looks great, I'm glad to see that they're doing such good work with it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
DisneyGal126 said:
Sorry if it was posted and I just missed it, but will there be a certain time the ride will open during July 7th or will it be open that day when the part opens? I hope that question makes sense!

That is the day we are leaving and I want to experience the new ride really bad!!
The ride should (if all goes well) open with park opening on the 7th. Previews have not been announced yet, but there is still lots to do.


Well-Known Member
Over at www.tellnotales.com , 4 new pieces of concept art for the Pirates enhancements have been posted on their message boards at http://p104.ezboard.com/ftellnotalesfrm10.showMessage?topicID=87.topic .

Since they are property of Disney to begin with, I believe it is ok to post the images here as well. Of interest to the WDW version are the following:

DAVY JONES appearing on the waterfall/mist screen in the caves

JACK SPARROW overlooking the mayor dunking scene

JACK SPARROW at the end of the ride after finding the treasure


All images: All Rights Reserved ©2006 Disney Enterprises

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