Pictures and filming rides? Yes or no?

Should Disney ban photos/video taping on rides?

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Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Totally related to one of my earlier threads, which of course has taken on a life of its own, is the topic of filming or taking pictures on rides, especially the dark attractions.

The question is, should Disney stop allowing people to bring camera's, or video recorders into the dark rides?

Now, I understand some people my only have one chance to experience Disney World, and would like to keep a permanent momento of their vacation, but for the complete enjoyment of others in the park, I feel it should stop.


Nothing is more annoying than people taking flash picture on a dark ride, especially after your eyes have adjusted to the dark. This also goes for people video taping with a light source or with a backlighted monitor.

It totally ruins the experience.

People also taking pictures/video also tend to be all over the place in the ride vehicle as well, being mildly disruptive. I should not have to deal with that.

And some people try to sell ride films for profit, which I find deplorable.

Yes, you can have people not using flash or light sources, but now it seems they are few and far between, so I would personally prohibit all forms.

And when all is said and done, pictures and video just can't give you the true vision of the ride.

What do you think?

Jimmy Thick-Not fair, but neither is life...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Unfortunately, some photography (such as on SSE in your previous thread) is allowed, like it or not. But thanks for yet another troglodytic attempt at a thread.....

Jimmy Thick- Thicker than the BS he spreads.


Well-Known Member
All external lighting, flash or otherwise, should be banned from most rides.

Its enraging when you're trying to enjoy a dark ride and some moron is flashing away. Also, maybe its just me, but the problem seems to get worse as time goes on. What with more and more people having digital cameras and not having to worry about wasting film, also many of those people not bothering to learn how to use their camera correctly.

Even worse is when they keep doing it after a CM or spiel told them not to. To me that just says "sorry but MY vacation is more important than YOURS."

Also, I don't understand how people don't understand that the pictures will NOT turn out good - the scenes are designed to be viewed under the lighting already there, not all lit up. Plus you're moving, so it will be blurry and obscured.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Also, I don't understand how people don't understand that the pictures will NOT turn out good - the scenes are designed to be viewed under the lighting already there, not all lit up. Plus you're moving, so it will be blurry and obscured.

Pictures turn out poorly, as do videos.

The only video I ever saw that did the ride justice was a Disney produced video of the POTC ride. I believe is was a bonus on the first Pirates movie, and is amazing.

Most, if not all amateur films are garbage compared to that one.

Jimmy Thick-Can't save that with a 400 iso...


Well-Known Member
Totally related to one of my earlier threads, which of course has taken on a life of its own, is the topic of filming or taking pictures on rides, especially the dark attractions.

The question is, should Disney stop allowing people to bring camera's, or video recorders into the dark rides?

Now, I understand some people my only have one chance to experience Disney World, and would like to keep a permanent momento of their vacation, but for the complete enjoyment of others in the park, I feel it should stop.


Nothing is more annoying than people taking flash picture on a dark ride, especially after your eyes have adjusted to the dark. This also goes for people video taping with a light source or with a backlighted monitor.

It totally ruins the experience.

People also taking pictures/video also tend to be all over the place in the ride vehicle as well, being mildly disruptive. I should not have to deal with that.

And some people try to sell ride films for profit, which I find deplorable.

Yes, you can have people not using flash or light sources, but now it seems they are few and far between, so I would personally prohibit all forms.

And when all is said and done, pictures and video just can't give you the true vision of the ride.

What do you think?

Jimmy Thick-Not fair, but neither is life...

OK I will try to stay calm.
I am not using external video lighting with my camcorder and I am definitely not using flash fotography when taking pictures on dark rides. I hate those morons too. But modern camcorders and digicams are able to produce good, even perfect pictures with very few light and without flash light! We took dozens of good pictures in the HM, PotC etc. without any flash. The same e.g. for SSE.
And if I videotape the Haunted Mansion in my doom buggy the only other person with me is my GF and not "Jimmy Thick" so I really don't understand why it is his business what I do in the doom buggy as long as no one is disturbed. In PotC I sit at the outside and don't move because I don't want the movie appear to shaky. I really don't understand what kind of idiot could feel disturbed by that.
And I don't consider it his business either what quality my films or pictures done there have and if they "capture" the "true vision". IMHO they DO! And they are mine and only for me and they have to be satisfying to me and not any wanna-be film or foto-experts/critics.
Sorry to say that but your arrogance is much more annoying and "I should not have to deal with that."


Well I'm going to be Jimmy's first fan.

I don't get all the Jimmy hate, at least regarding the start of the poll. It's a perfectly legitimate question. He brings no specifics from the other thread, just refers to it as prompting his curiosity for this one. The people busting chops are actually doing more to spread the idiocy of that thread into this one and a few others with the obvious references.

If what people think of cameras, strollers, tourist groups and the like is considered trolling, there's alot more of that here than you'd like to think. Maybe Disney isn't just concerned about the "experience" for the rides it's not allowed on (although I'm sure that's a factor), but maybe flashes/light expose some "disney magic" that wasn't intended to be seen.

So if you like cameras on rides, vote/comment. If you don't, vote/comment. But piling on Jimmy for starting a Disney discussion on a Disney discussion board is pretty weak.

Jimmy Thick- Harmless


Active Member
I can understand if some idiot has his light glaring at you in the eye, but for the most part, the flash doesnt bother me, on the contrary, it sometimes helps to be able to see things I normally wouldnt be able to see, more of the inner workings of the attraction.

Lets be real, if your on these boards, and your reading this thread, more than likely you have been to disney more than once so you already know what the ride is like. Some first timer with a camera shouldnt be so bothersome to you.
I've been to disney more times than I can count and I cant even recall a time where someone with a camera diminished the quality of my experience on the attraction.

The only time someone with a camera bothers me, is when they're taking pictures of things in the queue and not keeping up with the pace of the line!


God bless the "Ignore" button.
If we ban EVERYONE from recording their trips, then we'd have to band MARTIN from recording his trips, and then where would we be?!?
Obviously the flash thing needs to be taken care of, though.
Flash photography has to be one of the greatest abuses by a guest riding an attraction. However, whether this upsets you or not the process of enforcing zero flash photography would be near impossible. What options are there?
-ENforcement by example - remove the guest from property for ruining the magic?
-Enforcement by checking all cameras at the entrance to an attraction (like a stroller)?
- Disallowing all video/photography equipment from the parks?
- Having a checkpoint at the entrances to WDW property which seizes the cameras upon entry?

There is no realistic way to enforce the flash photography rule, the only thing that can be done is to place reminders and to educate people YOU know so that they can help spread the wisdom of preserving the "Disney Magic".

I know their is a group of people who are into taking pictures in all circumstances regardless of any purpose, teenagers being one of them. I went on a trip with my cousin and she had to take a picture of every single thing we passed.

Overall, when I'm riding pirates and there is someone in the boat in front of me snapping pics and flashing away, first my blood pressure increases, second i have a sudden urge to yell at them for being absolutely ignorant to the experience of others, finally, my family has to talk me down after we get off the ride from going and trying to explain to them why they are awful horrible people who should learn to read warnings and notices on the way into attractions.
Anyway in my experience at the parks, all of my pictures come up better without a flash than with in any circumstance, but thats because I don't like looking washed out.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I hate to admit it, but I once took a picture on Pirates. Yes, the other poster is right, it does NOT turn out at all. But then I put the camera down and didn't do it afterwards. You don't want to ruin other people's vacations, and you don't want to be snapping every two seconds either because you'll ruin YOUR trip to by not being able to enjoy it.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
People taking photo's using flash is annoying and disrupts a dark adjusted eye.

People using a video camera with a light source on it, or it the video camera has a little back lit monitor is annoying.

My feeling is, you cannot allow one set of people to use cameras and other to not. Disney lets people use them now, I would prefer they did not, if only for my personal enjoyment.

Jimmy Thick-Its like smoking...


Well-Known Member
Its a shame the world doesn't revolve around your every want isn't it.

Thanks for the idea... I think I may have take double the # of pics on all dark rides next time down and just hope you are on the ride.

And Jimmy... how did you voted for option #3 twice?


Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about it. Not gona lie, I've attempted some pics. I even filmed attractions like PotC and ToT. But to keep my camera from spoiling other guests' experiences I always sat in the back and covered the screen with a napkin so the light didn't show.

Jimmy Thick - Nothing better to do...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
This thread poses a perfectly fine question. :shrug:

As for me, I'm fine with whatever you do, as long as you don't interfere with my enjoyment of the ride.

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