PHOTOS - New interactive Haunted Mansion queue opens for guest previews today


Active Member
Aside from that - the queue just looks cramped, overfilled, and random. The busts looks cheap and as if they were just plopped down. The tombstones are at waist height and leave no room for an actual body to be buried. The tombs are over designed and everything just looks like a cramped yard sale.

Maybe in the future we will be so pressed for space they will have to bury us vertically :lol::lookaroun

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
also every thing looks too new, all the brass on the busts need to be aged

The famous Haunted Mansion plaques at the entrance were golden and shiny and new when the Mansion first opened. They only look the way they do now from actual aging. Just give it time. :)

This was awhile back in the thread, but somebody else asked what musical instruments had to do with the Mansion. I have to seriously question whether this person has actually ever ridden the ride.

All in all, the addition is amazing and looks fantastic. There's awesome little Imagineering tributes hidden EVERYWHERE...

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Two options for WDI, each with two results.


a) I love this, it's exactly the same as it always was.
b) This is stale, they really should do something.


a) I love this, it's cool and new
b) This sucks, it should have stayed as it was.

And so we see that there is no way for them to win this weird four-cornered game.

It is obvious that those involved with this enhancement have a deep appreciation for HM details.

So, they chose number two, DO SOMETHING.

I guess some here and in other places would have either done nothing, or done something different. Until any of us actually work there, we're just going to have to "put up with" decisions made by people who are not us, who apparently care a lot about the attraction, just in a different way than some people expect them to.

Honestly, how do you win in a situation like this?

Well, I'm calling it a win. Them that's complaining, I think they're in the solid minority on this one. Go ahead and walk on by while we all enjoy the little details, the old tombstones back, and more cool stuff at the HM.

We'll know who the downers are, the ones with their fingers in their ears so they can't hear the instruments, facing away from the new queue, pretending it's not there, and being all gloomy-like because that's 'how we're supposed to feel' while lining up for an attraction they've been on four hundred times before and still ride in spite of the abomination just outside their viewing range.

In the meantime, I'll be playing the Ravenscroft organ loudly and enjoying this very cool queue.


Simply put - thank you.


The famous Haunted Mansion plaques at the entrance were golden and shiny and new when the Mansion first opened. They only look the way they do now from actual aging. Just give it time. :)

This was awhile back in the thread, but somebody else asked what musical instruments had to do with the Mansion. I have to seriously question whether this person has actually ever ridden the ride.

All in all, the addition is amazing and looks fantastic. There's awesome little Imagineering tributes hidden EVERYWHERE...

yah i guess thats right LOL( i just think since everything is aged now that the brass should match everything else) but your right disney takes care of the outside while the ghosts take care of the inside

yah the instruments are EVERYWHERE in the ride(leota, ball room, grave yard( the new queue is probably trying to explain how the instruments get into the grave yard)

the overall mood of the queue matches the overall mood of the end of the ride, it foreshadows the wackiness of the ride. it is also reassuring to little kids that it is not as scary as they might think(like someone said above)

also imagineers did a grate job of making people want to stand in line!!!!!! lol
it would be great if they did something like this to most rides

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
And speaking of the books, from looking at things I'm thinking that there's more of a puzzle to it than just random books sliding in and out. Though I'm thinking someone might figure it out before I can get there myself. ;)

I was thinking the same thing. Some of those books have odd symbols on them. There is something more there.


I was thinking the same thing. Some of those books have odd symbols on them. There is something more there.

there is def a puzzle that you are supposed to solve( shown in test queue) the queue is supposed to resemble a mystery game(like clue). it is probably that all the signs fore the queue are not put up (being that it is not "open")


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I don't like the new queue one bit.

The interactive stuff looks fun and is really creative and clever but I'm never going to touch those things, I've seen how many dudes don't wash their hands when coming out of the washroom - and YES it's your boyfriend and husband.

Aside from that - the queue just looks cramped, overfilled, and random. The busts looks cheap and as if they were just plopped down. The tombstones are at waist height and leave no room for an actual body to be buried. The tombs are over designed and everything just looks like a cramped yard sale.

My main gripe is that the queue does not add to the story of the HM, what it does instead is pull things from inside the ride and place them outside. I wish they would have themed the queue to a garden or a cemetery shed or something else. Sure, a few tombs make sense in theory, as does an expanded cemetery but the way they did this actually ruins the entire exterior story of the mansion. I thought the canopy was bad enough in the first place, now this. Oy.

A poster earlier said it right, it does not prepare you for the experience inside the mansion. I agree. The queue should be somber and eerily quiet. It was perfect before (if they got rid of the canopy). This just comes off as "well the guests hate waiting in line so let's give 'em some games cuz games are cool". What a waste of money here. If there is the option to skip this part of the queue then I'll be happy. I'm usually not a hater but this is just bad... I had high hopes.

I regret to say this reflects my opinion as well. The amazing part of the Mansion is how it transitions from the dark, menacing portion of the exterior all the way to the attic to the lighthearted joy of the graveyard. Someone pointed out that the previous queue had the tombstones with lighthearted epitaphs, and this new queue only continues that theme. The difference is massive - the epitaphs were subtle and a foreshadowing of the fun times to come. This is a big pie to the face that's saying "hey, this ride is going to be humorous, let's just get past all that scary stuff first."

Portions of it I like. The organ is very cool, love the Raven and air effects. Surprisingly, I enjoy the bookshelf as well. It's a bit amusing, it's interactive, but at the same time creepy (what's moving the books?). The new Imagineer tombstones are long overdue, very happy to see them.

I absolutely despise the rhyming muse. The setup looks great - but the cheery voice and the childishness of the rhymes kill it. They should've made it silent, with the book writing creepy, foreboding statements to warn passerby of the things to come. Also dislike the musical instrument tomb - just too joke-y for pre-Graveyard mansion. The "decomposing" instruments look like something out of the Nightmare Before Christmas (which isn't bad, just ill-fitted for the Mansion). I like the Sea Captain tomb other than the fact his "corpse" is just sitting there... what happened to not seeing the spirits before the Ballroom? Just strikes me as garish I guess. The busts are just too cartoony for my taste.

Overall, there were some winners here and the intent was good... but the thing's just too cluttered and off-beat with the previously established foreboding mood of the Mansion exterior.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
yah i guess thats right LOL( i just think since everything is aged now that the brass should match everything else) but your right disney takes care of the outside while the ghosts take care of the inside

A lot of people don't realize just how NEW the plaque looked at opening.

Here's Disneyland's in 1969:

Bear in mind that everything was made in duplicate for the opening of our Mansion two years later.


Well-Known Member
What's the story on how the new queue will be set up and when it will be used? Will it be an optional route? Or will the line always go through here when it is complete and fully operational?


Well-Known Member
Lord, the negative Nancys here never cease to amaze me.

"Oh, TDO, do stuff. You suck for not doing stuff."

TDO Does something cool. "Oh, thats not what I wanted. Booo! you suck for doing stuff"


Active Member
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I don't like the new queue one bit.

The interactive stuff looks fun and is really creative and clever but I'm never going to touch those things, I've seen how many dudes don't wash their hands when coming out of the washroom - and YES it's your boyfriend and husband.

Aside from that - the queue just looks cramped, overfilled, and random. The busts looks cheap and as if they were just plopped down. The tombstones are at waist height and leave no room for an actual body to be buried. The tombs are over designed and everything just looks like a cramped yard sale.

My main gripe is that the queue does not add to the story of the HM, what it does instead is pull things from inside the ride and place them outside. I wish they would have themed the queue to a garden or a cemetery shed or something else. Sure, a few tombs make sense in theory, as does an expanded cemetery but the way they did this actually ruins the entire exterior story of the mansion. I thought the canopy was bad enough in the first place, now this. Oy.

A poster earlier said it right, it does not prepare you for the experience inside the mansion. I agree. The queue should be somber and eerily quiet. It was perfect before (if they got rid of the canopy). This just comes off as "well the guests hate waiting in line so let's give 'em some games cuz games are cool". What a waste of money here. If there is the option to skip this part of the queue then I'll be happy. I'm usually not a hater but this is just bad... I had high hopes.

Complete agreement.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I don't like the new queue one bit.

The interactive stuff looks fun and is really creative and clever but I'm never going to touch those things, I've seen how many dudes don't wash their hands when coming out of the washroom - and YES it's your boyfriend and husband.

Aside from that - the queue just looks cramped, overfilled, and random. The busts looks cheap and as if they were just plopped down. The tombstones are at waist height and leave no room for an actual body to be buried. The tombs are over designed and everything just looks like a cramped yard sale.

My main gripe is that the queue does not add to the story of the HM, what it does instead is pull things from inside the ride and place them outside. I wish they would have themed the queue to a garden or a cemetery shed or something else. Sure, a few tombs make sense in theory, as does an expanded cemetery but the way they did this actually ruins the entire exterior story of the mansion. I thought the canopy was bad enough in the first place, now this. Oy.

A poster earlier said it right, it does not prepare you for the experience inside the mansion. I agree. The queue should be somber and eerily quiet. It was perfect before (if they got rid of the canopy). This just comes off as "well the guests hate waiting in line so let's give 'em some games cuz games are cool". What a waste of money here. If there is the option to skip this part of the queue then I'll be happy. I'm usually not a hater but this is just bad... I had high hopes.

I agree 100%.

In the meantime, I'll be playing the Ravenscroft organ loudly and enjoying this very cool queue.


Until it breaks and TDO refuses to fix it. :lol:

the overall mood of the queue matches the overall mood of the end of the ride, it foreshadows the wackiness of the ride. it is also reassuring to little kids that it is not as scary as they might think(like someone said above)

Wackiness? I most certainly describe the ride as wacky. Darkly humerous would be more proper, and I think the new queue clashes with that feeling.


A lot of people don't realize just how NEW the plaque looked at opening.

Here's Disneyland's in 1969:

Bear in mind that everything was made in duplicate for the opening of our Mansion two years later.

wow shiny!
yah HM was the first simultaneously built attraction, one could say
HM was the first building to be built in MK because of this!!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Lord, the negative Nancys here never cease to amaze me.

"Oh, TDO, do stuff. You suck for not doing stuff."

TDO Does something cool. "Oh, thats not what I wanted. Booo! you suck for doing stuff"

You will find that pretty much all of us on here liked the Pooh queue. So that statement doesn't hold much weight...


Wackiness? I most certainly describe the ride as wacky. Darkly humerous would be more proper, and I think the new queue clashes with that feeling.

that does not make sense if you too describe the ride as wacky( by wacky i mean graveyard in the ride, and the generally humorous antidotes of the ghost, i guess i should have said dark humor,) why do you say the queue clashes with the ride. almost all aspects come directly from the ride or Marc davis concept art. also i think walt originally ment the HM to be a combination of humor and a light hearted scary aspect, which the queue has(humor is the books with the ghost writing the riddles, but the light hearted scariness is the captain drowning, organ, family mystery/busts, and it is in the middle of a graveyard!!!!)

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