PHOTOS - New interactive Haunted Mansion queue opens for guest previews today


Well-Known Member

This is absolutely the worst thing that has ever happened to any of the Mansions since the first one opened in 1969. Bar none.

This is a crime.

Eric Jacobson, Eric Goodman, and Pete Carsillo have destroyed something that was very special. They should be ashamed.

So how do you really feel?:hammer:


Interactive Que

I have a question? Won't this delay or slow the Que line? I thought that fast pass was the answer to the long lines, and delays in getting into the rides, and now with the interactive elements, won't more people be "playing" with the stuff instead of moving along?


Well-Known Member
I have a question? Won't this delay or slow the Que line? I thought that fast pass was the answer to the long lines, and delays in getting into the rides, and now with the interactive elements, won't more people be "playing" with the stuff instead of moving along?

I have been through all three of the interactive que's at MK the only line where I have seen people stop and play is Space Mountain. If people happen to be playing too long they generally realize it and move on. If they dont move, go around them, it's their fault for forgetting why they are in line. Also, there are no games in the switchbacks at the loading areas so the wait time does not get extended by people playing games for a few extra seconds, you are still going to catch up to the point where the games end and then all you get to do is wait.

The Pooh line is designed for only the kids to play, there are even signs that point the kids to the interactive area and the adults to the line to wait. The kids do play but mom and dad also remember why they are in line and fetch the kids when the line moves ahead.

Haunted mansion already has a pretty fast moving line to begin with. From my observation, the line through the interactive part moved fairly well. The instruments were played as people walked by and kept moving. Yes there will be a few people that stop for too long, but I am willing to bet that the majority of guests are going to remember that they are in line to experience the ride and will want to get there as fast as possible.


Well-Known Member
You can demonstrate pretty conclusively that what you see in the HM is supposed to be understood as a one-time, unique event, not something that happens nightly (or whatever). The Caretaker's look of astonishment pretty well settles it: he's never seen anything like this before.

Or the Caretaker is Luigi. Even after dealing with spooks, often the silly kind, both are still easily terrified but keep going on with their job.

Disney Rocks

Active Member
While the new queue is nice and it makes waiting in line more interesting, I see how it detracts from the overall experience.

The backstory of the mansion is this old abandoned house that no one has dared to enter in years. One can assume that people started to call it the Haunted Mansion because it was so mysterious. Well, we, as guests, are entering the mansion not knowing if it was haunted or just a scary story. In the original queue, the tombstones created an eerie beginning to our tour without immediatlely giving away that the mansion was haunted. The new queue makes it obvious that the mansion is haunted before you even go inside.

Now, as much as I appreciate the efforts put into the queue, it has detracted a bit from the experience. If it was more of an extension of the old queue with a few subtle elements, this queue would be perfect. While I do think some posters are being over-critical over the new queue, I see the flaws in this queue.


Or the Caretaker is Luigi. Even after dealing with spooks, often the silly kind, both are still easily terrified but keep going on with their job.
Doesn't hold water. The Caretaker is not simply terrified, he's astonished. Everything about him shouts this at you: Holding up the lantern (a gesture that says, "I need to get a better look at this"), the movement of his head slowly in different directions (he's looking around), and his facial expression itself (yes, this is subjective, but honestly, can you deny that he looks not merely frightened but dumbstruck?).

If this sort of thing happened frequently, and it scares him so much, then what the heck is he doing coming out here at night to work? (yes, he came out here to do some task: he's got his shovel with him).

If these ghostly jamborees happen frequently, then this whole character makes zero sense.


Well-Known Member
Bravery and fearlessness overlap, but they aren't quite the same thing.
Cowardly as he is, our silent guardian and watchful protector can take it.

The Caretaker is the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one that should be discussed right now, because this thread's just going to turn into the same "One-time vs Average Day" argument the Micechat thread derailed into.


Bravery and fearlessness overlap, but they aren't quite the same thing.
Cowardly as he is, our silent guardian and watchful protector can take it.

The Caretaker is the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one that should be discussed right now, because this thread's just going to turn into the same "One-time vs Average Day" argument the Micechat thread derailed into.
No one there thought that that very substantive and interesting discussion was "derailment." My take on the Caretaker stands. I cite evidence that is actually there to support it. I haven't seen a shred of evidence cited in support of other views.


Well-Known Member
No one there thought that that very substantive and interesting discussion was "derailment." My take on the Caretaker stands. I cite evidence that is actually there to support it. I haven't seen a shred of evidence cited in support of other views.

Yeah, derail wasn't the best choice of words to speak of an intense Mansion debate in a Haunted Mansion general thread.

Also I think the meta side of the Mansion that's still around in the Disneyland queue is a small contributing factor to the "business as usual" interpretation's following.


Well-Known Member
Dont know if anyone saw this or not, but it seems that the crypt with the "Whac-A-Mole" style books popping in and out actually has a cryptogram message on it. There are random symbols on each side of the crypt and each one pertains to a specific letter of the alphabet. The "insidethemagic" website has figured it out and posted the answer if anyone wants spoilers. Thought it was an interesting touch and would keep ya thinking while in line. I know my fiance loves stuff like that, so she may refuse to ride until she cracks the code. I can hear it now....

"Everybody just BE QUIET! IM THINKING!" :brick:



Well-Known Member
I understand that with the new walk way that will soon be built an adjustment had to be made to move the line closer to the attraction, but could they have shoved any more crap into that space? Maybe crap is a harsh word, but in my opinion it is just too much, it feels like im being force fed theming with a shovel! I really appreciate what they were trying to do, but in my opinion a bit less would have been a lot more with this. I love that they are trying to add interactivity to the experience of waiting, but it feels like everyone wanted their idea included and we ended up with a prop buffet at the front door. If it was spread out a bit more maybe it would be a bit more pleasing to me, just my thoughts...:king:


Well-Known Member
Not sure how liked the IDW Mansion comics are among fans, but their reason for the Caretaker being there is rather nice, and I think it's the best reason I've heard. He works day in and day out at the mansion, despite being terrified by ghosts, because his former wife is a ghost who lives in the mansion, and he can have a picnic lunch with her every day." Rather sweet and a bit funny at the same time. Very Marc Davis.

Regardless of that interpretation, I am in the camp that says he's been dealing with it for a while. It's no secret that the ghosts make the mansion and it's grounds their home, the Ghost Host frequently tells us how popular it is, and how many ghosts live there. Madam Leota isn't bringing the ghosts into view for the first time, she's doing it like she always has for the master's guests. As for the Caretaker and why he puts up with it, who really knows, besides the Imagineers who started it. Maybe Gracey pays well.


Well-Known Member
Another thing that's occurred to me tonight is that a lot of the Ghost Host's spiel can be seen as a sales pitch, which does lend itself to the "business as usual" thing.


Not sure how liked the IDW Mansion comics are among fans, but their reason for the Caretaker being there is rather nice, and I think it's the best reason I've heard. He works day in and day out at the mansion, despite being terrified by ghosts, because his former wife is a ghost who lives in the mansion, and he can have a picnic lunch with her every day." Rather sweet and a bit funny at the same time. Very Marc Davis.

Regardless of that interpretation, I am in the camp that says he's been dealing with it for a while. It's no secret that the ghosts make the mansion and it's grounds their home, the Ghost Host frequently tells us how popular it is, and how many ghosts live there. Madam Leota isn't bringing the ghosts into view for the first time, she's doing it like she always has for the master's guests. As for the Caretaker and why he puts up with it, who really knows, besides the Imagineers who started it. Maybe Gracey pays well.

You haven't explained the Caretaker's look of utter astonishment, not just fear. You haven't explained why he would go out there at night to do some task if this happens all the time and it frightens him so much his knees knock. You haven't explained why he's looking all around, lantern aloft, instead of getting the hell out of there. All of this makes sense if this has never happened before; none of it makes sense if it has.

Nothing the Ghost Host says in his spiel implies in any way that the ghosts inside the building have materialized before. Can you point to something?

Are you saying that when the ghosts go back behind the doors every day and start banging on them and yowling desperately, it's all play-acting on their part? And when the Ghost Host notes that they're having trouble getting through (in the original spiel), that's an act too, since they all know they'll be sprung in a few minutes, like they are every night? Alternate view: it's exactly what it looks like, and he's telling you the truth. Which view is more credible?

Here's two scenarios:

Number 1: "This is your lucky day. You have arrived at just the moment when the spell has finally been broken and the spooks can finally materialize for a big party. Your sympathetic vibrations did the trick!"

Number 2: "Here the ghosts are, coming out for a party, like they do all the time."

Which is more typical of classic Disney showmanship? (Hint: you round the corner just as the rhino traps the safari, you escape from the burning town just as it's about to collapse and explode).


Well-Known Member
If the Mansion is a Ghost retirement home/boarding house, I think "being literally stuck inside the doors and walls for all time until a random explorer waltzes in through the door." would not be the most enticing thing to see on a brochure. It might bring in your common Poltergeist, but I don't know about other types of ghosts.


Well-Known Member
I respect your thoughts, HGB2, but man, that is not what the Haunted Mansion is to me.

To me, it's a house thats always been full of ghosts, and while it takes a bit of coaxing on Madam Leota's part to get them to come through, they do, and you are invited to the party!

But like Pirates, there isn't much story that's written in stone, so you the guests can write whatever you like into it. Thats what's great about the classic Disney dark rides that weren't based on films. The story is what the guest makes of it.

You are free to see the intricate "this is the first time this has worked" story, and I am free to see the "Oh man, we are having this great party, come on in" story, and the best part of it is, both of us are enjoying it. Its the perfect story for each of us.

I'll be sure to tell the Caretaker that you think he's such a novice next time I swing by to say hi to the ol' family. ;)


On a related note anyword on whats up with the Hitchhiking Ghosts? I have heard two rumors one being the infrared is for a on ride photo and one relating to the interactive elements that may be incoperated. So could it be one or the other or both? I want to know what is to come for our Haunted Mansion.

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