Pet peeves at WDW?


New Member
PEOPLE WHO PASS GAS IN LINE!! It happens at least twice a day while I'm there. My gosh, if the heat and B.O. doesn't give you a stroke this definitely will. It's always in a crowded line or waiting area where you really have no way of getting away from it. I'm definitlely bringing Febreeze on the next trip.

Oh, and I do agree about people not disciplining their children. However, I must admit BEFORE I had one of my own, I would watch people with boisterous children at times and think...."OH my .........if that was my kid I'd (insert your idea on controlling him/her here)". THEN I had one of my own and realized that it is about 10,000 times more difficult than it looks. You have to realize that with children you have to remind them constantly of things that they should or shouldn't do. You don't just tell them once and BOOM have that little problem solved forever. If that were the case I would have already had another one ( I only have one:animwink: ). If I warn him about something and he brazenly defies it in the same instance, I definitely handle that immediately. They do get excited at places like WDW and don't know how to handle it. Just as they are not sure how to handle a lot of emotions they have (that comes with age). I always discipline my son if he is being rude or disrespectful (kicking seats, talking loudly over show, etc., although, he rarely, if ever, does this anymore). But you CANNOT expect them to act like adults at all times. They are learning as they go just as you had to and we as parents are constantly reminding them of how to act in society. Come back in few years after (or if) you have children and let me know how EASY it is to just take care of any given situation. :animwink: Also, I talked to a mother of an autistic boy who was so very depressed about how people reacted to her son. You never know if the child has some sort of disability. So try to be a little more understanding and compassionate.
Also those strollers can be a booger to manuever through thick, shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. Especially if the people behind you are pushing. I am constantly watching the person's in front shins as I am walking (I've always been extremely considerate of others). If they stop abruptly at the same time the guy behind you is pushing, well. It hasn't happened but a couple of times but it has happened. I have always, immediately apoligized. Believe me, I can understand your annoyance. I've been there and continue to be there even with my own child. But remember molding a child into a respectful, contributing member of society is an ongoing daily ***DIFFICULT**** job.
My first pet peeve is the huge, annoying, pushing, screaming tour groups. They wouldn't be so bad if they didn't mow you down trying to get somewhere first or scream some weird cheering song in your ear.

And if I'm not being mowed down by tour groups, it's strollers.

If they stop abruptly at the same time the guy behind you is pushing, well. It hasn't happened but a couple of times but it has happened. I have always, immediately apoligized.

I can understand if it's an accident and the person apologizes. That doesn't bother me. But most of the time when I get hit, it's because the person with the stroller thinks they automatically have the right of way and can barrel through a crowd. And then when they hit me they tell me to watch where I'm going (Hmm..when I'm standing still :lookaroun ) or they give me such a horrible look, like I jumped out of nowhere just to shove them over...when I'M the one with the bleeding ankles... THAT annoys me.


New Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna
PEOPLE WHO PASS GAS IN LINE!! It happens at least twice a day while I'm there. My gosh, if the heat and B.O. doesn't give you a stroke this definitely will. It's always in a crowded line or waiting area where you really have no way of getting away from it. I'm definitlely bringing Febreeze on the next trip.

Oh, and I do agree about people not disciplining their children. However, I must admit BEFORE I had one of my own, I would watch people with boisterous children at times and think...."OH my .........if that was my kid I'd (insert your idea on controlling him/her here)". THEN I had one of my own and realized that it is about 10,000 times more difficult than it looks. You have to realize that with children you have to remind them constantly of things that they should or shouldn't do. You don't just tell them once and BOOM have that little problem solved forever. If that were the case I would have already had another one ( I only have one:animwink: ). If I warn him about something and he brazenly defies it in the same instance, I definitely handle that immediately. They do get excited at places like WDW and don't know how to handle it. Just as they are not sure how to handle a lot of emotions they have (that comes with age). I always discipline my son if he is being rude or disrespectful (kicking seats, talking loudly over show, etc., although, he rarely, if ever, does this anymore). But you CANNOT expect them to act like adults at all times. They are learning as they go just as you had to and we as parents are constantly reminding them of how to act in society. Come back in few years after (or if) you have children and let me know how EASY it is to just take care of any given situation. :animwink: Also, I talked to a mother of an autistic boy who was so very depressed about how people reacted to her son. You never know if the child has some sort of disability. So try to be a little more understanding and compassionate.
Also those strollers can be a booger to manuever through thick, shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. Especially if the people behind you are pushing. I am constantly watching the person's in front shins as I am walking (I've always been extremely considerate of others). If they stop abruptly at the same time the guy behind you is pushing, well. It hasn't happened but a couple of times but it has happened. I have always, immediately apoligized. Believe me, I can understand your annoyance. I've been there and continue to be there even with my own child. But remember molding a child into a respectful, contributing member of society is an ongoing daily ***DIFFICULT**** job.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: This was very well stated! For those of you who do not have children, I know that it is annoying to deal with their misbehavior. This use to bother me a lot before I had kids. Now that I have two, I mostly get aggravated if the parents are not paying attention to their kids and not at least trying to make them behave.

One of my pet peeves is when you're walking along and people just stop in front of you in the middle of the walkway to look at their guidemaps or get something out of a bag they're carrying.
It would be better if they would get off to the side out of traffic.

I also agree with the one about taking kids on rides that may scare them. My younger son is big for his age. At age 3 he was tall enough to ride ToT. However, I would not let him. Eventhough he was physically big enough, I felt that emotionally he was still 3. I told him he had to wait until he was 4. Well, last summer he rode it 3 times and he loves it. Now he has his eyes set on RnRc. He is 5 now and I think he'll be tall enough to ride it this August during our trip. :D


Active Member
ok...Here we go :hammer:

People at the water parks who wear speedos 2 sized too small and their a$$ is hanging out!

women who wear string bikinis/thongs to the water parks and then hang out in the kiddie areas. HELLO???? this is a FAMILY park and no one wants to see your flabby a$$!!!

People who abuse the wheelchairs. Just because you weigh 400 lbs does not give you the right to claim you are handicapped! On the other side of this issue, keep your mouth shut when it comes to other people's business. Like someone made reference to not knowing if a child may have autism, my child has Down Syndrome and we used a guest assistance pass to allow us to keep her in her stroller in theaters and lines. This is for her safety, and our sanity since she has no concept of fear, rules, social behavior. It really pi$$es me off when people feel the need to comment LOUDLY " I didnt know you could bring strollers in here" "why did WE have to leave OUR stroller outside??" Have some retraint!! My God, take a LOOK..she has a visible disability :brick: AARGGHH!:lookaroun

I must also comment on all the criticism about CHILDREN and their behavior..Do you forget they are CHILDREN and not little adults?? This is DISNEY WORLD and children do love it as much or more than you do! Sometimes they cannot stay calm, they are excited and do misbehave! I do discipline my children and try my best to keep them quiet during rides and shows but sometimes it is not possible. My kids are usually compaining because the teenagers are being loud and obnoxious!

Guess thats it for now!! LOL!


Well-Known Member
I agree about families who send one person to stand in line then push their way through to join him.
And rope-jumpine (its a rope, not a ride)

I think my biggest pet peeve is pregnant woman who refuse to follow warnings. They come up and ask if they should ride, and when I say we can't stop them but highly discourage it, they say "oh well...I'm only like SEVEN months pregnant, I'll take a chance". I can't believe some women are willing to risk their child's life just for a two minute ride. They have no respect for their own bodies or the lives of their unborn children.

All other pet peeves have been mentioned...pretty much boils down to people having no respect for other people or things.


Active Member
I guess my pet peeves are:

1. Parents who continually drive their kids strollers up the back of your heels.
2. Parents who think they can put their stroller on the tram fully assembled and make everyone else wait until they have been told 3 times to fold it up before boarding.
3. Speaking of boarding the tram, how about the people who still try to board the tram after the CM has called for no further boarding several times.
4. Having a group of teenagers behind you in line who have to continually yell louder than the next while having a conversation.
5. Younger people who don't give up their seats for the older folks who really should be sitting and not having to stand on the Monorail.
6. I secondl the motion on the Brazillian or whatever the nationallity of the person who just doesn't get the idea of deodorant. Just because they don't stink first thing in the morning doesn't mean that they won't once the temps get to 90 by noon.
7. People who think that since they spent their money to attend the park, they have the right to inconvience anyone else anywhere they want, how they want.
8. Parents who let their young kids continuallly hit the back of you while standing in line. Once again, personal space is the key here.
9. People who won't clean up after themselves at self serve restaraunts.


New Member
I agree with all of the above pet peeves, but my #1 biggest are those folks who book a trip to WDW and

1) choose to travel at THE most crowded time
2) book a package without investigating their options (discounts)
3) never make a priority seating
4) don't look at a map/guidebook/planning material, etc.
5) get to the parks at 10:30
6) don't investigate or use FastPass

and then come home and tell everyone that it is terrible and a moneypit and will never have anything good to say about the greatest resort on earth :brick:


Everytime I go to Disney, I always tell myself the first night that I'm there "Don't complain, you're in Disney!"....That lasts about 5 minutes....Anyway, here are some of mine:

1. People who don't move all the way down the aisle even though there is a CM constantly repeating please move all the way down the row (mentioned before)
2. People who randomly stop in the middle of the walkway like there's no one behind them.
3. CURSING at Disney! I can't tell you how many times I'm sitting there enjoying the magical atmosphere and I hear "F-ing this" and "F-ing that". It's just so disgraceful...
4. When it's raining, you're keeping nice and dry in the shops and hoards of people come in with their wet ponchos, soaking you as they brush up against you while walking by

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets annoyed at Disney :)


New Member
Originally posted by rcc
I agree with all of the above pet peeves, but my #1 biggest are those folks who book a trip to WDW and

1) choose to travel at THE most crowded time
2) book a package without investigating their options (discounts)
3) never make a priority seating
4) don't look at a map/guidebook/planning material, etc.
5) get to the parks at 10:30
6) don't investigate or use FastPass

and then come home and tell everyone that it is terrible and a moneypit and will never have anything good to say about the greatest resort on earth :brick:

Yeah, I agree w/that 100%. With ALL the resources availiable online and in books I don't feel bad for these types of people.

I work at AAA and people come in the day before they leave to go to WDW to ask about what kind of tickets they should get. Certain tickets we sell are special order and take a week to get in, a person will come in the day before they leave and get mad at ME because the ticket won't be here in time.

Why can't some people do any kind of research about a trip they are spending a lot of $$ on? -Stephanie


New Member


Beta Return
Originally posted by rcc
I agree with all of the above pet peeves, but my #1 biggest are those folks who book a trip to WDW and

1) choose to travel at THE most crowded time
2) book a package without investigating their options (discounts)
3) never make a priority seating
4) don't look at a map/guidebook/planning material, etc.
5) get to the parks at 10:30
6) don't investigate or use FastPass

and then come home and tell everyone that it is terrible and a moneypit and will never have anything good to say about the greatest resort on earth :brick:

WOW - SO TRUE!!! I have friends, coworkers and even relatives who are like this! NO PLANNING and then blame WDW for their awful vacation.

To hit on the children pet peeve again:

What I said was my pet peeve was when people ABUSED privileges (strollers, wheelchairs) and when people were NOT thinking about how their actions or their childrens' actions could affect others.

If a child has a life-altering illness/disease/disorder like lupus, down syndrome, MD, autism, diabetes, etc, etc - SURE, they may take advantage of wheelchairs or strollers as required, and thus, ARE NOT abusing the privilege.

Now, however, if your child tends to stand up, run around, scream and yell, or talk loudly in a theater or attraction - I would still be annoyed that a parent would bring them to a place where everyone else ALSO paid BIG $$$ to enjoy their vacation and are having it disrupted by children (and even teens) who are causing a scene, or are otherwise disrupting a show or ride....even if they do have a handicap. I may not be PC here, but if I pay $50 a day to enjoy the rides and attractions, I find it HIGHLY rude when someone else decides to ruin it - excuse or no excuse.

And if you weigh 400 pounds (glandular disorder or not), don't think that it gives you the RIGHT to get a motorized cart or wheelchair, mow down all of us, and cut to the front of line - just because you eat too many Big Macs - that goes for WalMart too :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Trishnh

I must also comment on all the criticism about CHILDREN and their behavior..Do you forget they are CHILDREN and not little adults?? This is DISNEY WORLD and children do love it as much or more than you do! Sometimes they cannot stay calm, they are excited and do misbehave! I do discipline my children and try my best to keep them quiet during rides and shows but sometimes it is not possible. My kids are usually compaining because the teenagers are being loud and obnoxious!

IMO, Unless there are medical or phychological problems, there are no reasons kids should misbehave in parks if they are properly brought up.

Here's what I did when I took my young children ages 5, 7, and 10 to WDW.

Before we went to any parks, I layed down a few simple rules.
then I told them if they broke the rules 3 times, we were immediately all going back to the resort for the rest of the day...and no swimming.

I was tested once...and I followed up on my promise and took them all back to the resort where they stayed in the room for the rest of the evening.

After that first time, if one broke a rule I said "OK..that's ONE!"

I never had to go to Number 2 :lol:

I made 3 simple rules that all children should be able to follow...

1)'re not being carried or pushed...if you're too tired to walk, apparently you need to go back to the resort and rest.
(on most days I took them back anyway for a mid day nap or swim)

2) No whining or begging for food, candy or soda. (I had water and juice with me with and they knew that. I would ask and when everyone was hungry we would eat.)

3) No touching other people or things in gift shops w/o an adults permission.

I also packed games they could play while waiting in lines or for parades. Kids have short attention spans and need to be kept busy or they will get themselves into trouble.

We also took a "day off" in the middle of the week to let the kids just swim and rest from all the walking.

The main thing is this: If you tell them you are going to punish them for bad behavior, make sure to follow up on it. There's no need to threaten them physically, by simply threatening to take away a privilege, they learn fast that bad behavior just takes away from their own fun and it's their own fault if it happens.
This helps to squeltch the "I HATE YOU DADDY!!!" syndrome as well.:lol:

I certainly don't claim to be an expert on child behavior, just dropping a couple of suggestions that worked for myself and my children.

ALSO: I agree about the Teenagers...we got stuck once in a Preshow and I wanted to hear the song "True Colors" but the teenagers were so loud and obnoxious I couldn't hear anything. There were several adults supervising them but they chose to do nothing.


Beta Return
Scooter.....You NAILED it!

I was brought up just like your kids are being brought up. NO means NO - and by God, I didn't forget after the first time, HAHA!

Parents are all wusses anymore. Child Abuse has made them all afraid. Also, if your kid is misbehaved, thank God for the psychiatrists who can just coin them as ADHD or ADD or Hyperactive, or some other fictitious disorder. God forbid their misbehavior come from a LACK of discipline and spineless parents who let their children walk all over them and people around them.

Whew - done. Scooter, thank you for being a good parent. I'd MUCH rather stand in line next to your kids than any that I have had to stand next to before! And here I am, as a 23-yr old myself, havging just recently been a kid myself, HAHA!


New Member
i'm glad other people get upset like me

I truly think those that "NEED" the motorized carts should get the chance to use them. However, last August we had been waiting 45 mintues after MK closed to get a bus back to All-Star Sports. Up drives a 24-krispy creme guy on a motorized cart. Then the bus arrives (it was one of those wheelchair accessible buses that have very few seats). Naturally they put him and his paryt of 6 on the bus. It takes 10 minutes for the guy to back his cart onto the bus. The driver locks in the cart for safety. Then the topper. the guy gets off the cart and walks bak to the back of the bus and takes up 2 seats.

Also, the people that think none of the rules of decency (waiting their turn in line) apply to them. If I have one more non-English speaking park-goer try to push past my family to see a parade or fireworks show because they didn't want to take the time to get there early - I'll go crazy:hammer:

The people that throw the McDonalds fries to the birds at MK - those birds come swooping in from everywhere. Wish the birds would ________ on the people throwing the fries.:brick:

This won't be popular - but FASTPASS. We were WDW guests before and after FASTPASS and the lines all seemed to move better for EVERYONE before FASTPASS.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
My WDW pet peeves include tourists not referring to attractions by their proper name or abbreivations (Fast Track.....can't anyone read the map? It's TEST Track! And about just the TTA? And the one I hate most: "let's go on the ball ride"), all those stroller moms and dads (I don't know how many times I've been rammed), when parents can't control their kids (take this for family was in line for Storybook Land Canal Boats at Disneyland in March. This little girl behind us just kept kicking my mom in the leg for some unkown reason. My mom turns around and tells her to stop, and she still continued to do it!), people who cut in line, and teenagers (and some young adults who act like they are still one) who ruin a ride experience by standing up or making loud noises. :rolleyes:

But the biggest WDW pet peeve of them all is when parents can't read signs saying an attraction takes place in the dark and may frighten young children. They take them in anyways, and a geat attraction is closed. :fork: :cry:

Actually, I'm guilty of one of those. I call the TTA the peoplemover. And sometimes i do say the big ball, but I onyl do that when mocking the other people by saying "Whoa! It's a giant ball!" or something. I remember someone on Shrek 4-D kept yelling and screaming. She'd yell "I'm gettign sprayed" and stuff. I wanted to turn around and say "We all are you #$%&!"

The same people were also on Jaws when we went on. While she was screaming her head off, their child kept crying and wanting to get off, but they didn't care.

So, to my pet peeves:

People that brign their kids on things they don't want to go on. That's why they made child swap. It also has to be smokers. I hate it when you're walkign through the park, where you're NTO alloweed to smoke I think, and people are puffign away. I remember one guy was swinging his arms with a ciggarette in it and he hit my hand and burned it. He just said sorry and walked away. Another of my pet peeves is the school groups. They run around screamign and cutting in line. I've gotten bumped into countless times by some little 5th years that don't deserve to be there because they're not disciplined.


Well-Known Member
Ahh here is a WDW peeve. Well, it actually goes for most any theme park, and it seems to be the opposite of what someone else posted as a peeve.

It ticks me off when you're waiting in line not near the end, and people constantly step and shove on top of you to move forward. Especially if there is a gap in the line, and they feel the need to press forward for you. When you're that far away from the end, it doesn't really make the line go any faster. "Where's the fire?" People are just too impatient. On the other hand, if its near the end of the line, well then it flips around :).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
Scooter.....You NAILED it!

I was brought up just like your kids are being brought up. NO means NO - and by God, I didn't forget after the first time, HAHA!

Parents are all wusses anymore. Child Abuse has made them all afraid. Also, if your kid is misbehaved, thank God for the psychiatrists who can just coin them as ADHD or ADD or Hyperactive, or some other fictitious disorder. God forbid their misbehavior come from a LACK of discipline and spineless parents who let their children walk all over them and people around them.

Whew - done. Scooter, thank you for being a good parent. I'd MUCH rather stand in line next to your kids than any that I have had to stand next to before! And here I am, as a 23-yr old myself, havging just recently been a kid myself, HAHA!
Hi, Tom! :wave: Let's see, you're 23 years old. Married? Have any children yet? You've got some basic parenting concepts down and it looks like you'll do your best at being a good dad. Let's take a peek at a few things you said.

1. Parents are all wusses anymore. I take offense at that (not big offense, I know you are generalizing). Ask my kids if I'm a wuss with them and I know what answer you will get. Don't lump all of us in that category.

2. Child abuse has made them all afraid. Wrong again. I do not abuse my children (I didn't say you accused me of doing that either), but rather I discipline them as I see needed and in the privacy of my home or where I am staying. Have I used corporal punishment? You bet! But it's not an end-all to every parenting/child issue.

4. ADHD and ADD are legitimate issues. I have friends with children like this and they are medically treated for this. I hope you never walk down the road of an ADD child. I'll bet you'll print a retraction. :)

Scooter does have some good concepts down, but the key to why he is successful is that he carries through with his plan, unlike so many other parents. Kids are very smart and they learn and know when a parent is serious. All it takes is one time for you NOT to follow through on a parenting "threat" and they will take you to the cleaners.

You'll learn when you have your own that a lot of parenting is flying by the seat of your pants and you'll learn to make adjustments on the go. Do your best, enjoy your kids, and realize that not all kids--or parents are perfect.

P.S. I guarantee you that you can stand by me in line any day too! :king:


New Member
Originally posted by stich rocks
heres another one... ppl who say disneyworld is JUST LIKE disneyland!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as that goes IMHO disneyland has SOME rides that are done MUCH better , but WDW is a better in total
for example any failing in the fla POTC is MORE than made up for by the sheer enormity and overload of the total WDW package ....and you CANT see downtown orlando from the top of tall atractions!
they are definitly not "just like" by any stretch of the imagination

more on topic
one thing for me is people who stop in the middle of a row and sit when the instructions are more than clear to GO TO THE END OF THE ROW!!

more peeves coming soon Im sure I can think of a "few"

stitch rocks

New Member
Originally posted by DiPSU224

4. When it's raining, you're keeping nice and dry in the shops and hoards of people come in with their wet ponchos, soaking you as they brush up against you while walking by

yes... definatly... i mean not even that ppl who have umbrellas and use them in line are crazy because they seem to place them just right so when the rain hit the umbrella it goes right down ur shirt... i know it's not their fault but... i like dry clothes

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