Pet peeves at WDW?


New Member
- People who smoke wherever they feel the urge to, rather than using the designated areas (*coughmydadcough*)

- Crazy stroller moms... I have to agree on that one. I have nothing against moms, kids, or strollers, but it seems like as the day wears on, some of them just stop watching where they're going and then proceed to blame their bumping into you on you

- People with bad personal hygeine

- The flock of birds hovering around and swooping down for food outside Pecos Bill's

- People who insist on feeding that flock of birds that are already swooping down for your food outside Pecos Bill's (I will never sit at an outside table again there)

- Referring to MK as Disney World (you'd think that, by actually being there, they'd realize that it's only one out of many places in WDW)

- Arguing, miserable family members

I love Disney World! :brick:

Really :lol:


New Member
When your waiting in line and the people way up there arent paying attention or are looking around at theming and stuff and dont move when the line moves


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Original Poster
How about the family who puts one person in line and the rest go for a "snack" and then get POed when the CM says no food and then hold up the loading of the ride while they push their way to front to "find" dad?


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Just thought of another one. How about the rope jumpers? I get a big kick when they trip and fall. Serves them right.

Yet another. How about the kids and some adults who sit on the rails and scoot along depositing who knows what on them?

One more. How about the cheapos who think the "burger works bar" is their personal "salad bar"?

They just keep on coming. How about those people who think the walkways are their personal photo studios? How many pics of Aunt Millie or Fujisan do you really need?

How about the stroller people who don't understand you must "fold" your stroller "before" you get on the tram?

What part of: "children in the middle of the row" on the tram don't they understand?

What part of: "Please hold onto the handrail" on the monrail as their lard a** comes flying toward your face?

What part of: "Please have your ticket ready?

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
My WDW pet peeve: people who sit in the center of a row when they are asked to move all the way down. They refuse to move and everyone else must crawl over them to find a seat.

Yes, that is my number one also. Mainly because I let others go in front of me so they move to the end and I get the middle. When they stop in the center it messes up my plan! :lookaroun


Beta Return
You know what? I read my Pet Peeves, then I read all of the others posted....

90% of them are people-based (kids, parents, foreigners, etc). And ALL of those 90% result from the downfall of today's society. These people are all ignorant or self-centered or both.

They have NO respect for other people, and NEVER think about how their actions affect other people, and that is the WORST trait of today's society.

Cutting in line, sure, it appears harmless, but what gives someone the right to get on the ride before all the people who waited patiently? NOTHING. Line-cutters, cheaters, etc are all self-centered scum - period.

Parents who let their kids kick other people, scream and tell, stand up in theaters, or even run into other people with strollers - SAME THING! They are either ignorant and have no idea to control their kids (which a little beating will fix :lol: ) or just have no respect for how their kids affect other people.

Sorry again for the soapbox, but I just thought it was amazing how all of these Pet Peeves stem from the same reasons - people that have no need being out in public. It's a shame that people can do things that seem OK to them, but can really affect others so negatively.


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Originally posted by TimeTrip
Here's a pet peeve of mine. People who say "could care less" when they really mean "couldn't care less". ;)

EDIT: The above was supposed to be funny.. not a harsh critique of the above post.

How about people who think they are funny and try to show how smart they are by correcting people's grammar, yet pick their nose and eat it at the Publix? Funny isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Wow, people get annoyed easily around here :rolleyes: No offense to anyone, but when I'm at Disney, I try not to let things like "Calling MK DisneyWorld or Test Track Fast Track" bother me. Sometimes it comes from my mom who speaks confuses things but I correct her and let out a chuckle but i don't go "AHHHH STOP CALLING IT DISNEYWORLD IT'S MAGIC KINGDOM AHHH"...ok sorry guys :lol:. Oh yeah the leash thing, my mom used those on me. In retrospect it's pretty embarassing but oh well :lol:. Anyway, the only real things that bother me because it's just outright rude and happens to me are the line cutters and the pushers (i.e. Haunted Mansion...never fails that people push in that little narrow line right before we board the doom buggies). There's also the people that cut into your personal space when waiting for something like a parade and gradually move you 10 feet from your original spot. That is annoying but I let it go pretty fast. I try not to let it get to me while I'm at my favorite place in the world.

Edited to add: as far as the people who sit in the middle of the row instead of moving down thing, the thing that annoys me is that yes they don't follow directions. But when they're stubborn and don't get up it's hard to get over their legs. "Oops sorry didn't mean to step on your foot" :rolleyes:

Wow more things annoy me than I thought. But these are pretty legit ones that we can all agree on. :)


Well-Known Member
I have many pet peeves at the World, but in a place like Disney that's crawling with kids of all ages, my pet peeve is usually the parenting skills of some parents.

1. "Tommy. Knock it off. Don't make me tell you again." This is usually repeated at least ten times while Tommy gets on my nerves jumping on the railing, hitting his sister, jumping on railing, picking his nose, jumping on railing, screaming some nonsensical song, jumping on railing...."

2. "Little Jimmy wants a bottle hon. Can you get some soda to put in his bottle." Yes, I actually saw parents pour the contents of Sprite into a bottle and then handed it to their todler. Americans are overweight?? Nooooooo.

3. The moronic know-it-all teens who feel it is their Constitutionally given right to comment on everything during a ride. And comments are generally vulgar and winds up becoming a contest of who can be the bigger smarta$$. Their behavior only inspires me to call home and apologize to parents just in case I were ever that obnoxious when I was a teen.

4. "Tommy, keep an eye on your little sister." Then the parent becomes engrossed over finding the cutest T-shirt in the rack. Nevermind that Tommy is five and sister is two and that they're about two minutes away from landing on the 6:00 o'clock news for a missing child report. "I just looked away for a second!! A second!!"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
How about people who think they are funny and try to show how smart they are by correcting people's grammar, yet pick their nose and eat it at the Publix? Funny isn't it?

uhhh.. what? In case you missed it, a ;) is usally indicative of sarcasm. Don't make it personal :(

stitch rocks

New Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra

3. The moronic know-it-all teens who feel it is their Constitutionally given right to comment on everything during a ride. And comments are generally vulgar and winds up becoming a contest of who can be the bigger smarta$$. Their behavior only inspires me to call home and apologize to parents just in case I were ever that obnoxious when I was a teen.

thats my world everyday


Well-Known Member
heres my two cents

People that have to worry about what other people or doing or saying when they are not bothering you at all.
Have fun at the parks and dont let the tourist get to you.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
My WDW pet peeves include tourists not referring to attractions by their proper name or abbreivations (Fast Track.....can't anyone read the map? It's TEST Track!

OMG - I thought it was just me!! I heard 5 - 6 diff groups use this.... is up with the term Fast Track? Yes its fast and is on a track. But can they not read the big sign outfront, that is on banners, the building and a huge sign outfront that reads TEST Track!?!? AHHHH
My Pet Peeves-
Groups who follow their leader holding up a flag!! If you see them heading for a ride ,walk a bit faster to get in before them as they make the queue a whole lot longer!!
Guests who sit in the middle of a row instead of moving all the way down.
Loud Brits, I try to pretend I`m not British!!


Well-Known Member
My Pet peeves include:

People who save before Illuminations or parades.
If I gotta should too!

6,7,8,9, 10 Year old Kids in Strollers..geeze people. Don't give into your kids whining, you're only spoiling them...make them's GOOD for them.

Parents hitting their children in public...I see that waaaaaaay too often at WDW.

People on Cell phones walking around... Please people, I don't mind the cell phones, just walk over to a quiet area off the main trail. I don't wan to hear your conversation or try to dodge you because you're not paying attention to where you're going.

No flash means exactly what it says.

Go all the way to the end of the row....I wanna slap those sit-down-in-the-middle-of-the-isle-people. Grrrrrrrr

and last but not least....

...the people who are too lazy to put their cups/popsicle sticks/wrappers/napkins/whatever in the trash and instead just leave in on a ledge. Put it in the trash can please!!! Is that asking too much?


New Member
Originally posted by patricia27
My Pet Peeves-
Groups who follow their leader holding up a flag!! If you see them heading for a ride ,walk a bit faster to get in before them as they make the queue a whole lot longer!!
Guests who sit in the middle of a row instead of moving all the way down.
Loud Brits, I try to pretend I`m not British!!
They are excatly the same as mine, but i aint sure about the British thing!!:animwink: :king:
My number one annoyance is to do with Disney transport, but could apply to buses anywhere really!!

It's 10pm. You've just left EPCOT, and are totally on high after witnessing the wonder that is Illuminations. It's time to get the bus back to (insert hotel name here).

I can't speak for other resorts, but after a night-time attraction, the buses going to back to the Al Star resorts are usually jam-packed.

And my annoyance? Parents with ickle kids who are perfectly happy to let people stand, rather than sitting their lightweight child on their knee, and, therefore freeing a seat for somebody.

That really cheeses me off.


Well-Known Member
No flash means exactly what it says.

I hate this also. I am a photographer and I still would not do this just to get a good picture. It ruins the rides for people....

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