People who comment on WDW - but don't have a clue!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm sure there's a thread out there on this topic but I just had to post it b/c I think it will make you chuckle... (and this was my husband's idea to post, not mine!)

My mother-in-law (God bless her heart) was asking me questions about Christmas (her favorite topic to complain about) and wanted to know what I had for my husband (her son) for Christmas. Now mind you, she's already asked that question more times than I can count. The reason she asks it over and over is b/c she doesn't like my answer. My reply, "Well, we don't have that much for each other this year b/c we're going to WDW and that's our Christmas present to each other." My mother-in-law is under the belief that there needs to be wrapped presents under the tree or "her son" is deprived! This particular time that the discussion came up she tried really hard to find a reason why we shouldn't go to WDW. "So, you really are going again are you?" she asks. "Won't Aidan (our 4 yr. old son) find it boring?" My response, "Huh... boring!?!" She continues "Well, he's already seen it all and won't he find it boring the second time around?"
Well, what do you say to that!?!:brick: There's not much to say to that! I wanted to be sarcastic and say that we'll bring some coloring books for him and maybe, just maybe he'll survive the Disney vacation. Poor child, his parents dragging him to WDW for the second time - what's the world coming to!?!:hammer:


New Member
I find it to be funny/ annoying when people question my need to go to WDW. There is a huge dichotomy on this subject. There are those individuals who understand and those who never will. I've given up trying to defend my obsession, because it is something that doesnt require defending. I happen to enjoy going to a place that truly makes me happy, a place where I can forget about normal everyday thrings and engulf myself in a world of makebelieve- even if just for a short while. So forget all those non believers of the magic because i know why I love WDW and i could care less if they dont.

Enough Said!



Well-Known Member
agreed, if I could I'd live in Orlando and head out to the park every week. I don't and I don't make it down nearly as often as I'd like but people still shake their heads when they hear my wife and I say we're headed back to Disney or Universal again.


New Member
Totally understand...both sets of parents ask us everytime we make a trip to the world why we always this year we took my husbands whole family to magic kingdom..then they realized.:D


New Member
I'm sure there's a thread out there on this topic but I just had to post it b/c I think it will make you chuckle... (and this was my husband's idea to post, not mine!)

My mother-in-law (God bless her heart) was asking me questions about Christmas (her favorite topic to complain about) and wanted to know what I had for my husband (her son) for Christmas. Now mind you, she's already asked that question more times than I can count. The reason she asks it over and over is b/c she doesn't like my answer. My reply, "Well, we don't have that much for each other this year b/c we're going to WDW and that's our Christmas present to each other." My mother-in-law is under the belief that there needs to be wrapped presents under the tree or "her son" is deprived! This particular time that the discussion came up she tried really hard to find a reason why we shouldn't go to WDW. "So, you really are going again are you?" she asks. "Won't Aidan (our 4 yr. old son) find it boring?" My response, "Huh... boring!?!" She continues "Well, he's already seen it all and won't he find it boring the second time around?"
Well, what do you say to that!?!:brick: There's not much to say to that! I wanted to be sarcastic and say that we'll bring some coloring books for him and maybe, just maybe he'll survive the Disney vacation. Poor child, his parents dragging him to WDW for the second time - what's the world coming to!?!:hammer:

The simple response:

'Its not possible to see it all.'

Its true, and there is no way for her to retort.


Just had to pick myself up off the floor after falling out of my chair.:eek: All I can say is WHAT????.Somebody call the men with the white coats and the she looney? Tell her about us, we go every weekend,and we are never b. ahem.. bor...cough..excuse me.....bor..I can't say it...not excited to go.We love Disney, and for those who don't, fine by us ,that just means you won't be taking up space in the lines!!!!!:D:D ME thinks mom-in-law should have her eggnog spiked, then taken to Disney and make her ride It's a Small World over and over again,and force her to eat turkey legs and Dole Whips???:lol::lol:


Active Member
I live about 3 1/2 hours away and go up to Orlando regularly for a quick weekend. Last friday my mother and drove up to do some Christmas shopping and see the decorations. People never understand my need to go up so often and tell me I'm nuts. I guess unless you have the Disney "bug", people just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
This has been said before but it pretty much sums it up (for anything that you or yours have fond feeling for, be it a place, a food, a memory or anything special to you): "If I've got to explain, you just wouldn't understand."


Well-Known Member
For some reason, some people don't like seeing other people enoying things that they themselves wouldn't enjoy.


MY DH, DD, DS and myself are going for Christmas as our present to ourselves. My father in law made the comment to a friend of ours that we ruined his Christmas. (I guess because we weren't at home with him which consists of 2 hours top and a small gift a few days before Christmas. Not even Christmas Day) Sorry but I do not feel guilty. I'm going to WDW on Saturday to spend Christmas with my family and boy are we going to have fun.!!!!!!!!


a 4 year old child bored going to WDW a 2nd time... Is she crazy? What 4 year old can't do something again & again & again & again? How many times have all you parents out there had to watch the same video over & over again because it's the kid's favorite? Me thinks going to WDW over & over again would be alot more enjoyable for the entire family...except maybe a certain mother-in-law who would never admit to enjoying something her daughter-in-law planned


New Member
i was very lucky as a kid as although we lived a modest lifestyle my dad always saved up and took us to disney every year for about 8 years. I was a very happy little boy because i got to see mickey all the time and was never, ever bored...ok maybe during the UOE's pre show, but other than that...never.

all i can say is that I wish i was going to disney for christmas :D


The more I think about it all of us who will be coming to Disney or live here should go to Disney together for Christmas.That way we can all take a picture together to show those who question why we go, and say who needs you,when we have our other big family to go and have fun with.:D


Active Member
buy all there next years christmas presents in disney and wrap it up for them in disney paper and write there card in disney font, everything in disney really rub it in there face :drevil:


Active Member
Disney is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Then a twice-in-a-lifetime, then a thrice, and so on. It's a good kind of addiction. :D


New Member
It is true that people who do not love WDW just do not understand why us Disney fanatics need to go every year or multiple times each year. I'm a nurse and every vacation I take from work we go to WDW, averaging atleast twice a year and every time people at work always question my decision to return to WDW. Questions like "Are you really going back to disney again?", "Don't you want to go somewhere different for vacation?", "Don't you get bored doing the same old thing at disney?". These questions always coming from people who have never been to WDW and as always I get annoyed with the same old questions but never do I ever get bored with the happiest place on earth. Sorry to hear that your mother-in-law does not understand the wonder of WDW, but just realize that you are not alone, there are a lot of Disney haters out there!:goodnevil


Well-Known Member
My parents don't understand why we go every year. Mind you, THEY'VE NEVER BEEN THERE. Nor will they ever go. And Epcot, I get "I've been to the World's Fair, that's all that is". They have no clue. Shame for them. You either get it or you don't. We get it. Nobody likes it, too bad.


New Member
Hidden meanings

I think she's just trying to tell you that she'll miss you and maybe she wishes she was going too.

Disney obsession, such as the condition I have, and kindred spirits on this site have, is a emotional connection. It's the most amazing thing. Fantasy, dreams, optimism, future, fun...and more. It's an uplifting shot in the arm. It's predictable and uncertain at the same time. It lures you in, hugs you tight, and says, "All your dreams can come true." The pixie dust stays on your shoulder as you leave. Maybe some time you can take her with you and she'll see it from the eyes of your 4 year old. The magic comes alive must faster in children. And, she can babysit when you and your husband need some alone time. :) It could become her favorite Christmas place too.

I live in Washington state. My husband and me, our daughter and son in law are going down there in 2 days to spend 12 days. We are so excited. We went down there in May of this year too. Our son is a cast member and, lets just say, he's very good friends with Aladdin, Tigger and Tweedle De/Dum. Our daughter also worked as a cast member at the Animal Kingdom on the Safari ride. My love for Disney started when I was young (at Disneyland) and now, at 46 years old, I don't get enough of it. I try to go to a park at least once a year. So, have fun! I might even pass by you at a park and not even know it!
I just hope SSE is still open for me to preview.:veryconfu

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