People who comment on WDW - but don't have a clue!


Active Member
What about the people who go to Vegas or the beach every year? There's nothing wrong with that if that's where they want to go to relax. So why is it so strange for us to go to Disney more than once?


New Member
I have a brother in law who I love dearly, but in planning our future family trip he does not understand the need to go more than 4 days. His reasoning is that it's a theme park and there can't possibly be enough in each park for a whole day. He is comparing WDW to our local theme park, if that is what you can call it. The rest of us just smile politely and let him figure out for his own what WDW is truly like.


Well-Known Member
Moved here 30 years ago because of Disney; worked there for 5 years; now an annual passholder with a 25-minute drive to get there. LOVE IT!!!


Well-Known Member
I often hear "Aren't you a little old for Disney?".

I guess some people just don't understand that, whilst it is a child friendly place, it has been made for EVERYONE to enjoy (except perhaps the OP's Mother-in-law). Some people will always see it as nothing more than a playground with a big castle in it (often found next to a large golf-ball, a big tree and that big hat). For me it is a way to forget about all the hassles of being an adult and to just get immersed in an experiance that makes the real world depressingly dull.


Active Member
I often hear "Aren't you a little old for Disney?".

I guess some people just don't understand that, whilst it is a child friendly place, it has been made for EVERYONE to enjoy (except perhaps the OP's Mother-in-law). Some people will always see it as nothing more than a playground with a big castle in it (often found next to a large golf-ball, a big tree and that big hat). For me it is a way to forget about all the hassles of being an adult and to just get immersed in an experiance that makes the real world depressingly dull.
Couldnt have said it better........:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everybody for all your comments. I know I can come here for support and a good laugh!:lol:

If only you knew my mother-in-law... don't worry I won't talk about it here, I'll start therapy in a couple of years!:ROFLOL:
I've had a lot of criticism from my extended family about WDW (and how much it costs, in particular.) These people are loaded, believe me, but it irks them that my family would rather spend money on a WDW vacation than a SUV.

They also hate Epcot (e.g. it's boring, not enough thrill rides.) I told them that if they want roller coasters, check out Universal. I always try to explain that WDW is a place that almost anyone could find something to do. Thrill rides exclude a lot of people (little ones, the elderly, etc.) They don't understand the concept of a theme park not consisting of mostly thrill rides.

A lot of people just don't like Disney. I had a very conservative catholic friend in high school, whose parents forbade her and her siblings from having anything to do with Disney because of WDW Gay Days. To that, I said "you have to be joking with me." She said to be that "Disney is evil. They condone homosexuality...and the Bible says...blah blah blah." You can imagine that it was hard to take her seriously after that. And she had never been to WDW.

I former co-worker of mine was convinced that WDW was a kid's place. She of course had never gone to WDW, but had about a million criticisms.

Skipper Dan

Active Member
I find it to be funny/ annoying when people question my need to go to WDW. There is a huge dichotomy on this subject. There are those individuals who understand and those who never will. I've given up trying to defend my obsession, because it is something that doesnt require defending. I happen to enjoy going to a place that truly makes me happy, a place where I can forget about normal everyday thrings and engulf myself in a world of makebelieve- even if just for a short while. So forget all those non believers of the magic because i know why I love WDW and i could care less if they dont.

Enough Said!


I will 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th that!!!! In every word!!!! :sohappy:

Skipper Dan

Active Member
PS When I’m faced with a “hater,” I always say, “Hey, at least I’m not spending my money on the ‘happy weed’ to escape reality, which costs just as much!” :lol:


New Member
Coming from the uk theres DIsney fans are a little harder to find and my dad and stepmother dont get it mainly stepmother she doesnt see the point of travelling that far her holidays are portugal lying in the sun for 14 days straight:eek: no thats boring if your not walking around the parks for at least 8 hours a day it just isnt a holiday!! my dad would like to go for the rides universal included but he is a bag fella who probably wouldnt fit in the seats!(sorry dadx) but my MIL gets it in fact she has no choice we drag her along weve just booked for sept and were staying on disney property for the first time and she asked the other day "were not doing long days are we?" Noooo mother "we can go back for a nap"sure mother:animwink::animwink:


New Member
My family and my in-laws don't quite get the "Disney all the time thing" either. Every year for the 3 years stationed at home we bought APs. We bought DVC. We went every 3 weekends. Even if it meant we left Tampa at 2PM and came home at 9PM. Just had to take in just a bit of Disney for the day. We have stayed on property so many times we have lost count. And we lived an hour away! Now we live far away and MISS it like crazy. Seriously, having withdrawl symptoms. Mostly, the family couldn't get over the "expense" of WDW. I figure I'd rather spend my $$ at WDW where I have fun rather than on Bingo 3 days per week, but that's what they want to do. I don't give them a hard time.

We just had friends come to visit. Friend's new wife had never been to WDW. We showed them the Vacation Planning DVD that we watch like crazy. Before it started, Friend's DW thought she'd never want to go. "Epcot has the countries but it's nothjing like really traveling to the real country, crowds are unreal, I'd sit there and notice how I am being pulled along by cables and pulleys, there's no imagination involved, it's all planned forced fun,etc..." She watched part of the video and said, "Now I know I will never go. This video makes me want to go even less. You are brainwashed into liking mediocrity." We are hoping she either changes her mind on a forced trip to WDW or he finds a new DW. :lookaroun


My moms side of the family and my mom do not get my love for disney. I told my mom i was going again next week and she just askes me is i am board of it yet lol. Now my dads side of the family loves it. I always go with my uncle's. One of my uncles ownes his own bussness and frequently has to make trips to the orlando area. So for a could of years now the hole family has had AP's. We still always find something new and cool to see while there. I think the hole disney experince depends on who you are with. If you are with fun people it will be really fun.


I'm a single mom and saved up and took my DS to Disney for the first time
3 1/2 years ago. Since then we have gone 4 times and purchased AP's even though we live 10 hrs away. My older sister made the comment that my DS was a little immature and should have grown out of Disney by now( he just turned 13 in Nov.):eek: What do you say? I just smiled and said that he wasn't immature it was actually me he just puts up with me. DS son and I decided to take her and another sister with us for a quick trip without their kids are husbands to try to get them to see the light so to speak. They had fun but their opinions didn't change. So now whenever they comment I just smile and nod and keep moving. I know that they will never get it so why argue.:animwink:


Active Member
I live about 3 1/2 hours away and go up to Orlando regularly for a quick weekend. Last friday my mother and drove up to do some Christmas shopping and see the decorations. People never understand my need to go up so often and tell me I'm nuts. I guess unless you have the Disney "bug", people just don't get it.

I lost count of how many times I have been to WDW especially when its a 3 1/2 drive from Sunrise, FL. Are you a Plantation HS Alum by chance? :wave:


New Member
That Circus over there

We moved to Altamonte Springs (just north of Orlando) when I was 6 back int 1970. A year later, WDW opened and I have gone several times a year every year. Except the last two, cause I have been in school in Texas--serious withdrawals right now.

When I was about 10 a neighbor was explaining to me when he found out I loved Disney, that his wife had tried to get him to go but he didn't want to go that "circus over there". Finally, for a Mother's Day, he agreed to accompany here to the Magic Kingdom and have a nice brunch at the Crystal Palace. He has been there over and over ever since then.

Though there are many who "don't get it" it's always nice to meet a "convert" who found out it wasn't just a "circus"


New Member
I convinced my gf to go in sept '06.
She found it odd that I really really wanted to go to Disney as she thought it was a kid's place...she was right.

When we got there we both felt like we were 7 again and had the best time. That was the best trip we've ever taken and we've been to a lot of places. To show how converted she is last week she brought up the idea about getting married there :)

Would love to run around the parks wearing those silly ears!


Well-Known Member
I have a mother in law like that too. I just let her say what she has to say and just ignore it. She tells me "I never had the urge to see Disney World (meaning the Magic Kingdom of course), I only like Epcot" and she doesn't understand why I like going back.

As hard as it is, just try to ignore it. Some people will never be happy with the decisions you make. Disney World is a WONDERFUL Christmas gift!

You could wrap up your suitcases and toiletries and put them under the tree for your husband! Then at least he is opening something lol.


Well-Known Member
I've had a lot of criticism from my extended family about WDW (and how much it costs, in particular.)

They also hate Epcot (e.g. it's boring, not enough thrill rides.) I always try to explain that WDW is a place that almost anyone could find something to do. Thrill rides exclude a lot of people (little ones, the elderly, etc.) They don't understand the concept of a theme park not consisting of mostly thrill rides.

I former co-worker of mine was convinced that WDW was a kid's place. She of course had never gone to WDW, but had about a million criticisms.

I catch flak from sister who can't believe I keep going back. Her quote: "Don't you get tired of the same old thing?" I then point out to her, that she keeps going back to the beach. I respond: "Don't YOU get tired of the same old thing?"

My sister-in-law took her family to WDW several years ago. They hated EPCOT as well. Her quote: "It's just a bunch of old buildings. There's nothing there to ride." I then asked if she had gone into any of those buildings, because that's where the ride are located. She was dumbfounded. They never picked up a map nor did she do any sort of research.

I have many friends who also think that it's only a kids place. It unfortunate for them. They just don't know what they are missing. They will never experience the wonder and magic of it all.


Active Member
I know what you mean my best friend and I are Disney nuts and go there every year for my b-day! Well this year my family from Texas happend to be down while we were planning our dinning and our days,etc. and said to me Christa you know your going to be 21, right? I said umm yes why do you ask my cousin responds because DisneyLAND is a kiddy vacation, I said we're going to Disney WORLD my cousin goes o its the same place! I go no, no it's not the world is in Orlando the land is in Cailfornia. He was like well your wasting your money, I said well its my money to waste....:ROFLOL:

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