Parking trams with new doors


Beta Return
I really hope they add the stripes to those doors. They look butt ugly.

Dont give me nightmares LOL. It looks like they have some kind of machinery on the hinges, but the door handles are freaking me out.

Agreed on adding striping. They need to at least look intentional.

I'm guessing that the large white housing at the bottom hinge location is hiding a big perfectly-tensioned spring or perhaps an air cylinder that gently closes the doors automatically. Much like almost any door in a commercial building that has a closer arm at the top.

That is exactly the type of behavior the doors are intended to prevent. Strollers are to be folded and placed in the middle of the row.

...or not permitted at all. :lookaroun

"NOTE THE LITTLE ARROWS TELLING YOU HOW TO USE THEM"!?!?!? That requires someone to have an IQ of at least .5. I see problems in WDW future, big problems with confused people waiting for the doors to open.:ROFLOL:

Be careful there kids that arrow may get stuck in your eye if you actually look at it.:)

No? nothing? yeah yeah, I have a weird sense of humor.

Agree 100%. If someone can't figure out how to open those doors, they deserve to walk.

This looks like a thrown together tram in someones garage. Yes, take into consideration it is 1958, but still... looks like if they hit a bump, grandma and them would get bounced into the roof of the back car.

Actually, much of Disneyland was literally thrown together in a "garage". Looks like another Arrow Dynamics (Arrow Development) project. A good read: Roller Coasters, Flumes and Flying Saucers.


Well-Known Member
That seems like a good enough reason to have them installed. Hopefully it'll do that much, and if it doesn't... :lookaroun


This is a better photoshop job than the Animal Kingdom Jungle Trek concept art.


Well-Known Member
AK is generally where a lot of stuff is tested out due to it having the smallest amount of people to test it out. This way not everyone is aware of testing phases and what is going on. Kind of like to keep things on the DL.


Beta Return
1 new from $270.91 7 used from $74.95
I'll wait for the paperback!

:lol: Seriously? This little book of mine is a collectible now?

I should just photocopy the thing and distribute full-length samples in exchange for involuntary donations :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
^ just getting ready to quote the same thing. The step is not a place for you to put your stroller.

I don't really see why this is getting so much discussion. How much longer is it really going to delay a tram. a minute at most..? Pull the door open and get in, nothing to it. come on people, it's a safety hazard. Disney is protecting themselves and their guests. You should be thanking them.

As you said "pull the door open and get in". In todays day and age that is asking a lot of people. Have you noticed that revolving doors are being removed from more and more buildings? Yep you guessed it, people can't figure out how they function. Sad times.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
:lol: Seriously? This little book of mine is a collectible now?

I should just photocopy the thing and distribute full-length samples in exchange for involuntary donations :lookaroun
Ill donate. :lookaroun As long as the pictures are in color. The rest can be photocopies. :lol:


Beta Return
As you said "pull the door open and get in". In todays day and age that is asking a lot of people. Have you noticed that revolving doors are being removed from more and more buildings? Yep you guessed it, people can't figure out how they function. Sad times.

They'll always find a way to prevent Natural Selection from working properly. Sigh.

Ill donate. :lookaroun As long as the pictures are in color. The rest can be photocopies. :lol:

I think it's all B/W


Beta Return
If you'd like to see a couple more pictures, here's the original source:

I still like the new parking trams' doors. They look nice to me.

Nice shots of the handles from the inside. At first glance I thought the handle configuration was ridiculous. From the outside it's backwards (the pivot is usually closest to the "latch" side of the door, and on the inside they make you LIFT the handle!

However, after thinking about it for a minute, it makes sense. The backwards direction of the handle on the outside will deter the people discussed above who try to hop on once it's moving. With the handle aimed the wrong way, it would be very difficult to run beside a moving tram, open the door, and get in.

Also, the handle on the inside probably moves upward so that nobody leans on the handle, allowing the door to open unintentionally.

It's an odd situation, but the arrows pretty much make it a no-brainer. And the only ones who should fail at operating them are those brains.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You're right, I didn't think about it. The handles on the inside have to be lifted, preventing the doors to open unintentionally....
Clever! :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You're right, I didn't think about it. The handles on the inside have to be lifted, preventing the doors to open unintentionally....
Clever! :)

Unless you dangle your arm over the side and hit the handle on the outside with a downward motion!

Cleaver ! :eek:


Active Member
It's only going to be a matter of time until some idiot decides to open the door while the tram is in motion and then the CM will have to stop the tram and make a spiel about remaining in the tram and not opening the door(s), etc., etc. How long will it take until someone gets his or her leg caught/hurt from a closing door? The doors also seem to cut down on the opening to board, which will be a hindrance to some handicapped and weight challenged (myself included) guests. They should have left well enough alone, but Disney is afraid of being sued nowadays.


Beta Return
It's only going to be a matter of time until some idiot decides to open the door while the tram is in motion and then the CM will have to stop the tram and make a spiel about remaining in the tram and not opening the door(s), etc., etc. How long will it take until someone gets his or her leg caught/hurt from a closing door? The doors also seem to cut down on the opening to board, which will be a hindrance to some handicapped and weight challenged (myself included) guests. They should have left well enough alone, but Disney is afraid of being sued nowadays.

In today's world, you have to assess all of the risks and decide which ones are greater, and address those.

While the doors will be a hindrance, from a liability standpoint Disney is much more vulnerable if someone were to fall out of a tram and get run over, than if their leg were to get bumped by the door or if they have trouble squeezing in.

Let the record show that I'm usually the last person to ever encourage knee-jerk reactions like this (i.e. adding doors to trams to keep IQ-challenged guests from falling out), but I honestly can't fathom that in all these years someone hasn't fallen out of a tram and been hurt. I'm sure it's happened, but I've never seen any news or documentation about it. Especially when an exhausted mom and dad are trying to wrangle a herd of children back to the car after 14 hours in the MK...there's bound to be a child or two rolling out the end as the tram makes a turn.

But I agree with most of the comments on here. They're ugly as sin, extremely bulky, have awkward handles, and will only reduce efficiency. But, efficiency is last after Safety, Courtesy and Show.

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