News Paradise Pier Becoming Pixar Pier


Well-Known Member
Are they going recreate Chinatown? Not even close. It’s even worse if they add a Mulan attraction like you suggested.
I’m glad you think it’s weak because that’s the logic I applied about adding Chinatown to DCA. But adding Pixar makes more sense than Chinatown due to Pixar originated in California whereas Chinatown is all about China.

The fact that makes more sense is debatable. Chinatown if constructed as Chinatown LA would be more in line with DCAs theme/ thesis than Pixar because the studios are located in Emeryville. The whole point of DCA on opening day was to experience all the different parts of California. I think maybe .00001 of the population care about visiting Pixar studios. DCA was about visiting landmarks of the state.
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Well-Known Member
Are they going recreate Chinatown? Not even close. It’s even worse if they add a Mulan attraction like you suggested.
You have a problem with this I'm guessing?


Well-Known Member
The fact that makes more sense is debatable. Chinatown if constructed as Chinatown LA would be more in line with DCAs theme/ thesis than Pixar because the studios are located in Emeryville. The whole point of DCA on opening day was to experience all the parts of California. I think maybe .00001 of the population care about visiting Pixar studios. DCA was about visiting landmarks on the state.
Chinatown is made for the Chinese just like any other ethnic enclave. If you think it’s for tourists who would like to visit it, I would wonder who would make an attempt to visit Chinatown as opposed to China as in the Epcot pavilion. There’s a difference in the approach, but not much in the final result. You might as well call it the China section.


Well-Known Member
I thought you were being strict. Turns out it was Pixar animosity.
Theme is about feeling and less about logic. It's why Mary Poppins can appear on Main Street USA, Toy Story characters can put on boardwalk games, or Pirates of the Caribbean can be in New Orleans Square. None of those make complete sense logically (although there is something tying them together in each case, just usually it's a somewhat loose thread), but they all feel right. Problems with Pixar being a studio in California or Marvel being a studio in California (it's not btw) so their attractions fit does not feel right nor is it logical. However, Mulan being in Pacific Wharf is no more illogical than The Little Mermaid in Paradise Pier but they both feel just fine, at least in my opinion. Of course it is all subjective, feelings and all, but there is an objective truth about California having a rich history with Chinese culture just as it does with Mexican culture. I'd not complain if Coco was added into DCA as long as it was done as part of Pacific Wharf or even Paradise Pier.


Well-Known Member
Chinatown is made for the Chinese just like any other ethnic enclave. If you think it’s for tourists who would like to visit it, I would wonder who would make an attempt to visit Chinatown as opposed to China as in the Epcot pavilion. There’s a difference in the approach, but not much in the final result. You might as well call it the China section.

I don’t think a Mulan ride or Pixar studios really make whole lot of sense when considering what DCA 1.0 was about. I just think there is an argument that Pixar studios makes less sense than Chinatown.
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Well-Known Member
I don’t think a Mulan ride or Pixar studios really make whole lot of sense when considering what DCA 1.0 was about. I just think there is an argument that Pixar studios makes less sense than Chinatown.
Like Thor said, it’s about feelings and not logic, which throws out all the rules so it’s best to say everything goes. I agree Pixar is not well adapted as a theme, but individual films like Cars are done quite well. I will say Mulan or Coco makes little sense as a California attraction except to hit California demographics. It’s not the same thing, but exceptions can be allowed.

DCA 1.0 was about original cheap attractions where Disney IP was sidelined. So we are cherry picking the argument by suggesting it is cheap. Otherwise, how could Pixar not fit. This is where I say Pixar’s applications of Incredibles is not cheap. As we go down the list, Toy Story as represented by Toy Story Mania is not cheap (no changes either). Inside Out is a flat ride. Pixar Pier looks exactly as how a seaside pier should be post DCA 1.0 that offer Pixar characters.


Well-Known Member
Like Thor said, it’s about feelings and not logic, which throws out all the rules so it’s best to say everything goes. I agree Pixar is not well adapted as a theme, but individual films like Cars are done quite well. I will say Mulan or Coco makes little sense as a California attraction except to hit California demographics. It’s not the same thing, but exceptions can be allowed.

DCA 1.0 was about original cheap attractions where Disney IP was sidelined. So we are cherry picking the argument by suggesting it is cheap. Otherwise, how could Pixar not fit. This is where I say Pixar’s applications of Incredibles is not cheap. As we go down the list, Toy Story as represented by Toy Story Mania is not cheap (no changes either). Inside Out is a flat ride. Pixar Pier looks exactly as how a seaside pier should be post DCA 1.0 that offer Pixar characters.

Im ok with Pixar Pier. The reason I am not crazy about has nothing to do with fact that it doesn’t fit the California theme because thats not the theme of the park anymore. I only bring up DCA 1.0 because arguments are being made as to what or what do not fit based off what DCA 1.0 was and not what the park is now. If Mermaids, Monsters, aliens and bugs work so do Pixar characters.

My issue with Pixar Pier is not because it doesn’t fit the (old) DCA theme, it’s that it’s a land based off a studio and not themed to a time and place. It’s (and I coined this term ;) ) an “acquisition” land. With that said, I’ve said many times this is more or less a lateral move for me with possible aesthetic upgrades. This won’t affect my experience at the park at all. Just not a fan of the current direction of the park between GOTG and now Pixar Pier. I would have preferred the stronger ties to the CA theme but my issues with GOTG and Pixar Pier have more to do with thematic downgrading of the lands and attractions in and of themselves and not really in comparison to the rest of the park or what the theme of the park was previously.
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Well-Known Member
Im ok with Pixar Pier. The reason I am not crazy about has nothing to do with fact that it doesn’t fit the California theme because thats not the theme of the park anymore. I only bring up DCA 1.0 because arguments are being made as to what or what do not fit based off what DCA 1.0 was and not what the park is now. If Mermaids, Monsters, aliens and bugs work so do Pixar characters.

My issue with Pixar Pier is not because it doesn’t fit the (old) DCA theme, it’s that it’s a land based off a studio and not themed to a time and place. It’s (and I coined this term ;) ) an “acquisition” land. With that said, I’ve said many times this is more or less a lateral move for me with possible aesthetic upgrades. This won’t affect my experience at the park at all. Just not a fan of the current direction of the park between GOTG and now Pixar Pier. I would have preferred the stronger ties to the CA theme but my issues with GOTG and Pixar Pier have more to do with thematic downgrading of the lands and attractions in and of themselves and not really in comparison to the rest of the park or what the theme of the park was previously.

Indubitably. Your astute observation echoes a splendiferous witticism by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, "change alone is perpetual, eternal, immortal."

My dear fellow, I do declare I like the cut of your jib.

Shigg. W. McGee

Well-Known Member
What if we just had an actual California themed park? Bring back Tower of Terror, add the Great Movie Ride, bring back Country Bear Jamboree to Grizzly Peak, Mystic Manor type ride in Paradise (not Pixar) Pier, finish Paradise Pier's Victorian aesthetics, AA's added to GRR, add Mulan dark ride to Pacific Wharf, strip Cars Land of the Cars theme and just make it 1950's/60's Route 66 small town, more trees throughout the park, a new Soarin' show (either bring back California or make one for America) and fix Hollywood Land's facades. Lots more than could be done but I see this all as the bare minimum for fixing the park.
You should hit up @RandySavage to see if you could get this map made.

PB Watermelon

Well-Known Member
You can be blasé about some things, Kira, but not about Pixar Pier!
Exactly. They didn’t expand on this very much other than the fact the dinosaurs evolved into the smartest beings on earth and “humans” only envolved into wolves or dogs. It was odd that they set the story up this way, only to have Arlo’s family be farmers in a world where they seem to be the only civilized dinosaurs. Just all over the place. Perhaps, they wanted to go in a different direction that would have been too similar to Zootopia?

The story underwent a massive overhaul late in the production process. "What if the asteroid missed?" was a fun story hook, but apparently the original director didn't find a good answer to that question, so all that work was scrapped, and in its place was your typical "kid separated from mom and dad and is trying to get home" storyline.

PB Watermelon

Well-Known Member
Just saw it for the first time and have to agree with everything here Except it being in line with Home on the Range as I haven’t seen it yet.

My wife gave Home on the Range a shot...she loves the soundtrack by Menken, but she hadn't seen the movie. She turned it off ten minutes in, visibly annoyed.

(referring to her udders)
Yes, they're real. Stop staring.



Well-Known Member
Very weak excuse to insert yet another IP-based attraction.

Should San Francisco be an option, why not simply reference it WITHOUT a movie tie-in?
Exactly what do you want to accomplish with a California theme park? You say it’s an excuse. Does this even matter? Customers want to see Disney IP in Disney theme parks. That’s the minimum requirement. The Mermaid ride has the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts entrance and there absolutely no excuse exists for using it.

Another thing is San Francisco is featured in Inside Out and Big Hero 6 so why not use the California locations that’s inherent in the movies? This is completely natural as opposed to shoehorning unrelated IP like The Little Mermaid.
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PB Watermelon

Well-Known Member
I think the overhaul to California Adventure was welcome and fixed a lot of problems. The concept itself was underwhelming (come to California and visit California Adventure, located in Anaheim, California, where you visit things based on things in California). The overhaul course-corrected to the concept of *Disney in California*, and the thing suddenly clicked, along with major additions and refurbishments and one very spectacular light-and-sound show. I have no problem whatsoever with IP branding and new attractions based on existing content (as long as they get the history right...a swing ride called "Silly Symphony Swings" based on a cartoon that wasn't a Silly Symphony brings a smile and a smirk).


Well-Known Member
Chinatown is made for the Chinese just like any other ethnic enclave. If you think it’s for tourists who would like to visit it, I would wonder who would make an attempt to visit Chinatown as opposed to China as in the Epcot pavilion. There’s a difference in the approach, but not much in the final result. You might as well call it the China section.
To me, there's a huge difference between an area themed to China and an area themed to a Chinese enclave. Some of the most evocative lands are set during periods of transition (Main Street as electricity and modern convenience comes to a small-town, Adventureland as explorers roam jungles, Frontierland as pioneers settle the wilderness, Discoveryland as Victorian-era people dream of the future, etc.), so I think there's a lot of potential for a compelling area related to a group of immigrants adjusting to their new surroundings.

That said, DCA really blew their shot at this concept when they made the Paradise Garden food court into their "immigrant" area. Of all of California's interesting ethnic groups that have contributed to its unique melting pot, they chose...generic buildings filled with Italian and Greek food complemented with Irish and Klezmer Rock music? What?! That sounds like any number of East Coast or Midwestern cities, and absolutely nothing like California. Considering all the wonderful influences they could have pulled from that would have really given the park a lot of depth and variety, this area has always felt like a huge misstep to me, and one that was driven purely by bad creative decisions, not due to budget or scope for the area
My wife gave Home on the Range a shot...she loves the soundtrack by Menken, but she hadn't seen the movie. She turned it off ten minutes in, visibly annoyed.
I've often said that HOTR has amazingly good songs for such a terrible movie; I'd honestly probably rank the soundtrack in my top 10-15 Disney movies. Even the annoying yodel song isn't half bad. The visual style is also well done, and in the right circumstances I think the characters could have made for an entertaining afternoon TV series. But as a feature film, it's just obnoxious, trite, and generally awful. It's a shame that the film is so bad (and it really, truly is awful), since it has a lot of genuinely great elements.


Well-Known Member
There used to be a lot of Italian and Greek areas in California before it was overwhelmed and taken over by the new immigrants. Time and place right? They were a bigger deal 60 years ago. Look at all the famous Italian restaurants that closed down. I went to a Chinese restaurant that still used the checkered red and white table cloths of the closed Italian restaurant. Funny.

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