Pandas at WDW?

Kingdom WDW

New Member
Original Poster
Ok, I heard this a lonnnnggg time ago on some podcast and this guy was interviewing the infamous Jim Hill. I wasn't really paying attention, but I caught the words "maybe bring some Pandas to Disney World".

Could it happen??!!?!!? :shrug: :shrug:

It would be great for Asia or for a Beastly Kingdome expansion... :zipit: :zipit:

Let's hope!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see some Pandas there. But I'm sure there's a bunch of political hoops to jump through in order to do so, and that's probably what the holdup is...assumming that the rumors are even true that Disney is trying to do this.

As far as Beastly Kingdom goes, I would prefer to have Australia as a new land, since it is a realy place with real animals. But I would rather have Beastly Kingdom than nothing at all. Hopefully, they'll do one of those two someday.


Well-Known Member
Disney knows how to play political games

Apparently China wants Disney to open another park in China, I would not be surprised if Disney made a deal that included Pandas for AK in echange.


Well-Known Member
Apparently China wants Disney to open another park in China, I would not be surprised if Disney made a deal that included Pandas for AK in echange.

Hypothetically speaking, would Disney be able to acquire pandas from zoos in the United States (assumming that there ARE Pandas in any of our zoos)? Or would the pandas still belong to China and merely be "on loan" to the zoo, meaning that Disney would still have to get China's permission to get the pandas?

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Well, if they do get the pandas they wouldn't have a problem with feeding them. They mainly eat bamboo, and Disney has it growing all over the place, I'm just wondering if it's the right kind.

Kingdom WDW

New Member
Original Poster
Until now, I'm just watching the PandaCam at the Atlanta, San Diego, and National Zoos.


Disney HAS to get them.

But then again, who would win?

Mickey Mouse vs. Pandas

As said by someone else on another forum, CLASH OF THE PROFITIABLE ICONS!!!


Premium Member
Here's a blurb where the National Zoo just got their new cub's stay extended

[quote\We are very happy to announce that Tai Shan will remain at the Zoo for two years past his second birthday, which is July 9. John Berry, director of the National Zoo, reached an agreement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association to extend Tai's stay during his recent visit to China. Under the current loan agreement the Zoo has with China, any giant panda cub born at the Zoo belongs to China and would be sent to a reserve there sometime after the cub's second birthday. We are delighted that we can continue watching him grow and develop, and are glad that many more people will have the chance to visit him here and keep watching him on our cams.[/quote]


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically speaking, would Disney be able to acquire pandas from zoos in the United States (assumming that there ARE Pandas in any of our zoos)? Or would the pandas still belong to China and merely be "on loan" to the zoo, meaning that Disney would still have to get China's permission to get the pandas?

As someone else has stated all the Pandas in the US are on loan from China. Zoo Atlanta pays nearly 3 million a year in "loan" payments to China for their 2 pandas on a 10 year loan and with the new panda cub born last year the payment may have gone up. I found this article at national geographic online that explains what a zoo must do in order for China to loan them a panda. Not only do they make loan payments but according to this article the zoos must also contribute to nature preserves in China that are saving the pandas and helping them to mate and grow the population. I think pandas would make a great addition to the Asia section of AK but it seems like a pretty expensive endeavor.


Well-Known Member
China loaned out Pandas to American Zoos to aid in breeding. They have now been able to find successful ways to breed Pandas, to the point where the Chinese government is somewhat reluctant to send more pandas to American Zoos. I think the best time for Disney to have acquired Panda was at the beginning of Animal Kingdom's existence, but my understanding was that at that time, they were too worried about the potential bad press they would receive in the event that they had a Panda illness or death.

At this point, I would love to see a second Asia walk through that include Pandas and Orangutans as the centerpiece animals and perhaps Red Pandas and Snow Leopards as complimentary animals. That would put Disney on par with any zoo in the world in terms of noteworthy species, and if you add in the presentation of these animals you'd have to consider it one of the best zoos in the world.

Some things that I've heard, first off - any Panda that's in this country is on loan from China, as of right now there is no chance of acquiring a Panda without working with the Chinese government. The Chinese government has been incredibly strict and specific with what they want for enclosure specifications for Pandas. Given the high benchmark for enclosures that Disney has already established I can only assume that there is some other setback preventing the acquisition of Pandas, it might be that Disney hasn't expressed interest, it might be that China is looking for another park and that Pandas to the Animal Kingdom are part of that agreement, or it might be that the Chinese government is flat out not releasing any more Pandas into American zoos because they seemed to have established successful Panda nurseries in China.

As for the Panda diet. Disney does have quite a bit of Bamboo on property, but they wouldn't be able to be self sustaining in feeding Pandas. Pandas it a wide variety of Bamboo, and that's all they eat. I'm fairly certain that all domestic zoos get shipments of Bamboo for their Pandas, they don't grow it on sight.


Well-Known Member
Slightly off topic. It has always bugged me how China 'controls' all of the Giant Pandas around the world. I understand that they are indiginous to China, but really... by having them around the world in appropriate settings (ie: Bronx Zoo and Wildlife) it increases interest and knowledge about them. Especially cubs that are born in the U.S. through the U.S.'s hard work to breed Giant Pandas successfully. Why should they own those, too? And why should the zoos have to pay even higher 'loan fees' for the cubs born here at their expense? All that ON TOP of contributing to conservation efforts in China?

Slightly more on topic. I think that if Disney was willing to comply with their Giant Panda rules, it would be an amazing addition to Asia. Most zoo and wildlife conservations have Giant Pandas, and AK is considered a zoo and conservation, right? I also would LOOOOOOVE to see Red Pandas at AK. Red Pandas are one of my *favorite* wild animals to see. And we all know Disney would be perfect for replicating original habitats.


New Member
when i was at the world in december i asked a cast member working near the tigers this very question(yes i know never ask a cast member) and he said basically even with all the pull Disney has China will not loan them any pandas.Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents!:wave:

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