Resident Curmudgeon
Agreed it can be more, but they've got to get their 4 gates in order FIRST, in a big way, before even thinking about a 5th gate.
Here's the problem with that line of thought, We have the woefully overcrowded MK, The beautiful but underappreciated AK and the trainwrecks known respectively as DHS and EPCOT. But they need all the parks open because of the sheer number of visitors.
Had Disney gone all out on a Star Wars 5'th gate with 20 or so attractions with 5-6 being 'people eater' E-tickets and built it QUICKLY and i'm talking EPCOT timeframe here. It would have been a unprecedented success which would appeal to kids from 8 to 80.
It would have been a literal license to print money, Especially if it had been based in Space and Tatooine and maybe a touch of Coruscant, Bespin or even Yavin (would not need to do anything for landscaping just the Florida swamp would be sufficient) . Four/Five lands that you could have taken a hyperspace transport to from say Mos Eisley (beat the Hogwarts Express at its own game)
With a SW Gate like this to absorb crowds They could have taken their time re-imagining DHS and shut it down for a year or so so it could open fresh and new, Same for EPCOT
All, AK needs is to get RoL WORKING as planned because when it works it's beautiful according to those who have seen it, And revamp Kali River so it lives up to it's potential, Perhaps add going over a waterfall for the necessary 'soak' experience.
The problem is Iger has neglected the parks for so long, they need 'swing space' so the necessary work can be done to erase the maintenance debt that's built up over the years.
And if Star Wars Land had been built in the east, Disney could have built MARVEL Land out in Anaheim with a similar level of investment which would draw additional visitors AND give people an incentive to visit BOTH WDW and DL.